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原始服饰艺术是原始人类在那个懵懂的时代朴素的智慧结晶,当代服饰艺术设计在寻求新的突破的同时,也需要回眸那种早已消逝的自然和恬淡,也许我们来提取和重温的时候更能体味元素里的伟大,也更能感受到原始艺术思维的清新和无法逾越的自然高度。本文将从原始服饰艺术的各种代表思维表现中挖掘原始元素,通过对比和传承关系来说明和剖析其对当代的影响及其对现代服装设计的借鉴意义。 相似文献
本论文通过对日中标准化体制中工作管理体制和制定标准的组织形式的对比研究,分析中国标准化管理体制存在的问题及日本标准化管理体制对我国的启示,为我国标准的制定提供理论依据。 相似文献
继万松、银泰、“小姑娘”杜益敏之后,一宗涉及多个集资人的房产商吸纳存款事件再度崩盘,这次的“主角”是兴化市金港房地产开发有限公司(以下简称金港房产)。 相似文献
本文首先用一种新的解析几何方法在易货经济 (即两种商品的纯交换经济 )条件下的一般均衡框架下揭示了价格与消费者的马歇尔需求之间的函数关系。在此基础上 ,由个人承担的交易成本被直接置入。然后 ,本文证明 :如果交易成本的固定项不为零 ,供、求函数将不连续 ;如果同时有非无穷小比例的人口进行同步化决策 ,那么瓦尔拉斯均衡将会被破坏 相似文献
高职服装专业英语课程的设置,应当以"就业为导向",根据企业对掌握服装英语人才的实际能力需求,进一步明确其在服装专业课程中的定位和设计思路,并以项目为载体对课程内容进行重组,通过多种方式创新教学模式,达到该课程的改革目的和教育教学目标。 相似文献
The interaction between asymmetrically informed traders has been mostly investigated in theoretical frameworks. Not only there are relatively few empirical studies but, if any, the mostly focus on cross-sectional analysis and use very short samples. In this study, we blend theoretic with empirical, and propose a new signalling system of turning points in the economy to examine the extent of volatility of these markets relative to their tranquil periods. The signalling system proposed here is based on the Markov-switching model. Differing from the existing literatures, the study employs three phases and time-varying transition probability, and captures the states of volatility. After examining the causality between high volatility and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) by using moving average and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, the portfolio's profitability of FPI and individual investors in different periods are compared. Finally, the investigation of FPI's leading effect is studied. 相似文献
中国省级区域国际旅游竞争力决定因素分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于理论分析提出了影响我国省级区域旅游目的地国际旅游竞争力的8个决定因素,即旅游资源、旅游资本、旅游业劳动力、政府作用、企业能力、旅游产业结构、基础设施和区位条件。以我国31个省(区)为样本,利用基于面板数据的多元线性回归分析方法,从实证角度定量研究了上述8个决定因素对省级区域国际旅游竞争力影响的显著性及其相对重要性。回归结果显示:我国各省(区)国际旅游竞争力来源的98.5%能够由8个决定因素解释;除旅游产业结构外,其他决定因素对各省级区域国际旅游竞争力的影响均在0.01的水平上显著。 相似文献
Improving Estimates of Inequality and Poverty from Urban China's Household Income and Expenditure Survey 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In urban China the Household Income and Expenditure Survey requires respondents to keep a daily expenditure diary for a full 12-month period. This onerous reporting task makes it difficult to recruit respondents, compromising the sample. This article uses monthly expenditure data from two urban areas of China to see if data collection short-cuts, such as extrapolating to annual totals from expenditure reports in only some months of the year, would harm the accuracy of annual expenditure, inequality and poverty estimates. Replacing 12-month diaries with simple extrapolations from either one, two, four or six months would cause a sharp increase in estimates of annual inequality and poverty. This undermines international comparisons of inequality statistics because no country other than China uses such comprehensive 12-month expenditure records. But a corrected form of extrapolation, based on correlations between the same household's expenditures in different months of the year, gives much smaller errors in estimates of inequality and poverty. 相似文献
商业银行弱经济周期性分析及启示——以美国富国银行为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
商业银行经营往往具有较强的亲经济周期性,这不仅增大了银行股东的风险,也不利于塑造稳健经营的社会形象.本文选取美国富国银行为案例,通过主成分分析方法评估富国银行多年的经营表现情况,并结合美国经济波动情况,得出结论:富国银行经营具有稳定上升趋势,受到宏观经济的影响较小,具有弱经济周期性.本文最后结合富国银行的经营理念、风险控制、多元化渠道建设以及并购战略等因素,探讨富国银行弱经济周期性背后的原因及其对我周商业银行的启示. 相似文献
随着银行业务的不断发展和市场竞争的加剧,银行业风险呈现出复杂多变的特征,<新巴塞尔协议>的出台对银行风险管理提出了更高要求.由于中国大多数银行开展风险管理的时间不长,相关数据积累不足.因而选择合适的模型显得尤为重要.本文针对风险计量VaR模型的历史模拟法,运用回溯检验的原理,比较分析了混合历史模拟法与一般历史模拟法在小样本情形下的表现,得到了相对于一般历史模拟法而言,混合历史模拟法能更好地度量风险的结论. 相似文献