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This article examines the association between job security and intention to stay for those who are employed in Turkey. There is a high level of unemployment in the country and many workers there are concerned about their job security. Job security refers to the objective dimensions of continuous contract, working full-time hours and paid and unpaid overtime. Job security also refers to the subjective dimension of perceived job security. We surveyed 407 employees in banking and related sectors' call centres, five-star hotel front-line staff and airline cabin crews. Results show that objective dimensions of job security are not associated with intention to stay. However, perceived job security is significantly and positively associated with intention to stay. We recommend that human resource managers focus on the perceived job security aspect of employment to keep valuable employees with the company.  相似文献   
The first part of this published paper has provided a brief assessment of the demographic situation in the world and considers the problems of the health protection of elderly age groups and ensuring of their level of income and material well-being through the state pension system and their own work activities, as well as measures for protecting the interests of elderly people in the consumer sector. The shortcomings of the adopted strategy of action for the benefit of the older generation in the Russian Federation until 2025 have been discussed. The second part of this article will be be published in a forthcoming issue of this journal.  相似文献   
In this paper, we assess the determinants of secondary school outcomes in South Africa. We use Bayesian model averaging techniques to account for uncertainty in the set of underlying factors that are chosen among a very large pool of explanatory variables in order to identify the subset of explanatory variables most strongly associated with the dependent variable. Our analysis indicates that the socio‐economic background of pupils, demographic characteristics such as population groups (Black and White), as well as geographical locations account for a significant variation in pupils’ achievement levels. We also find that the most robust policy determinants of pupils’ test scores are the availability of a library at school, the use of IT in the classroom as well as school climate.  相似文献   
Some issues of Russian monetary policy are considered. The strenghts and weaknesses of the Russian monetary policy regime reviewed and alternative methods of macroeconomic regulation are presented.  相似文献   
This paper examines the technical and economic situation in the sphere of services, long-term and recent tendencies, and the proportion of development among services in connection with the income of the population. Factors of the inequality in the consumption of paid services and the results of cross-country comparisons, as well as reasons for the slow growth of this sector, are investigated  相似文献   
The paper describes a long-term two-scenario forecast of the economy of the Far East, compiled as a synthesis of scientific-technological and general economic approaches, using a modeling program complex. The paper presents the results of probabilistic systemic transformations in the region’s economic and social environment for as long as until 2050. The forecast was based on a scientific and technological foresight and evaluations of scenarios of the dynamics of general economic parameters.  相似文献   
The paper considers a potential improvement in the stability of the Russian government bond market by establishing a system of primary dealers. The existing world models of primary dealership are identified and their relations with national market peculiarities are determined based on the analysis of statistics and regulatory documents of 22 countries. The revealed regularities allow the authors to propose a private dealership model adapted to the specifics of the domestic economy.  相似文献   
Previous studies have found evidence that experiencing a traumatic event during childhood or adolescence can interfere with the acquisition of human capital. Drawing on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we estimate the effects of being the victim of forced intercourse on the mental health, academic performance, and educational attainment of young women paying careful attention to the role of unobservables at the individual, family, and community levels. Our results suggest that forced intercourse is strongly related to depression. Moreover, there is evidence that the psychological damage caused by forced intercourse leads to reduced academic performance and educational attainment.  相似文献   
New estimates of the gross domestic product of the Dutch Cape Colony (1652‐1795) suggest that the Cape was one of the most prosperous regions during the eighteenth century. This stands in sharp contrast to the perceived view that the Cape was an “economic and social backwater,” a slave economy with slow growth and little progress. Following a national accounts framework, we find that Cape settlers' per capita income is similar to the most prosperous countries of the time – Holland and England. We trace the roots of this result, showing that it is partly explained by a highly skewed population structure and very low dependency ratio of slavery, and attempt to link the eighteenth‐century Cape Colony experience to twentieth‐century South African income levels.  相似文献   
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