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The paper examines the problem of modeling of regional cellular communication markets. It analyzes the situation in several regions to reveal common patterns, because knowledge of the dynamics of more advanced regions can be used as the basis of forecasts for other regions. A model is proposed to refine forecasts if some special changes are detected in the regional market behavior. The notion of “allied” market is introduced and a forecast based on the “allied” regional market path is offered using Kurgan oblast as a case study.  相似文献   
This article discusses the reasons for Russia’s vulnerability to the factors of the economic crisis. We propose a conception based on A.A. Bogdanov’s general theory of crisis and I. Shumpeter’s economic cycles. The concept involves crisis management as an alternative to traditional anticrisis approaches and the basis of a strategy for recovering from a crisis and the long-term innovative development of the economy.  相似文献   
The development of measures and means to ensure the stable work of agricultural and processing enterprises is exemplified by the clusterization of the dairy branch of the agricultural sector in Perm krai. The potential solution to the stated problem comes to applying the basic principles of clusterization that encourage the stable work of agricultural businesses for controlling the activities of agricultural market entities.  相似文献   
Contrary to the widely held attitude towards the necessity of immediately raising the retirement age, this article demonstrates the absence of demographic conditions for changing the existing regulations in granting pension insurance. The demographic factors are recognized as the basic development conditions of the state pension system; however, they have a multichannel impact on it, which requires a holistic and qualified analysis of all the relevant parameters for the governmental regulation. The pension age is viewed from the perspective of achieving the objectives of pension reform and strategic benchmarks in the long-term development of the Russian Pension system.  相似文献   

Recent advances in automotive technology have made fully automated self-driving cars technologically feasible. Despite offering many benefits such as increased safety, improved fuel efficiency, and greater disability access, public support for self-driving cars remains low. While previous studies find that demographic factors such as age and sex influence self-driving car support, limited research has examined variables that are well known to predict public attitudes toward emerging technology. Using self-report data from a quota sample of American adults (N?=?1008), we find that age and sex are not significantly associated with support for self-driving car policies when controlling for these other variables. Instead, significant predictors of support included trust in automotive institutions and regulatory bodies, recognition of self-driving car benefits, positive affect toward self-driving cars, and a greater perception that human-driven cars are riskier than self-driving cars. Importantly, we also find that individualism is negatively associated with support. That is, people who value personal autonomy and limited government regulation may perceive policies encouraging self-driving car use as threatening to their worldviews. Altogether, our results suggest strategies for encouraging greater public support of self-driving vehicles while also forecasting potential barriers as this technology emerges as a fixture in transportation policy.  相似文献   
The paper presents the research results of an investigation into the state of scientific, technological, trade and economic interactions between Russia and Ukraine in terms of their potential, prospects, and problems impeding their cooperation. It is shown that there is a considerable scientific and technological potential both in Russia and Ukraine. Opportunities and conditions for the modernization of both countries’ economies are shown to depend on the coordinated use of their potentials.  相似文献   
根据科斯定理,市场可以在政府不干预的情况下以有效方式消除温室气体污染的外部性。碳交易成本的大小对碳排放交易机制能否起作用有重要影响。碳交易平台对交易成本中的交易费用有直接影响,对交易成本中的管理成本和机会成本有一定程度的影响,对交易成本中的监测、报告和核查成本基本没有影响。交易平台可以从结构性和市场性两方面影响交易成本。  相似文献   
The article continues researches started under the guidance and with active participation of E.Yu. Faerman, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), within the framework of the RAS Central Economics and Mathematics Institute Population, Incomes, and Consumption system, aimed at modeling and forecasting the population composition, incomes, and consumption using a number of methods (including the multilevel complex structuring of the population and its incomes and consumption, modeling and forecasting shadow employment and incomes, and so on) and a complex statistical database. Comparative analysis of the results of four variants of inertial forecasts of socioeconomic indicators of different levels (the population as a whole, its functional layers, and their social and socioeconomic constituent groups) has been performed, including official and unofficial incomes and shadow employment; scenarios of social policy have been studied, including the income policy, labor compensation problems, and the social transfer policy; and economic consequences of the income legalization scenario have been evaluated.  相似文献   
The concept and application of the rent-based method of valuation of natural resources in the system of national accounts are discussed. The untenability of direct transfer of the bookkeeping method, which for all intents and purposes underlies the formation of the SNA balance of nonfinancial assets, to the domain of macrostatistical measurements is demonstrated.  相似文献   
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