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This paper summarizes Russia’s experience in the use of the cluster approach to solving modernization and innovative development problems in the country’s economy. Our main attention is focused on analyzing the formed approaches, programs, and regulatory legal acts adopted on clustering at the federal and regional levels. We have also analyzed the positive experience accumulated by individual constituents of the Russian Federation. The paper shows the key role of infrastructural systems of intellectual and financial capital in supporting a cluster’s innovative orientation. 相似文献
When houses are sold they come with a deed attached that spells out the legal guarantees on good title. Some deeds give clues about the characteristics of the seller or the house. Using a 37,043-observation house price hedonic with a Bayesian spatial error model, we find the type of deed attached to a housing sale can have a dramatic correlation with the sale price. Ten deed types command a discount, and one commands a premium relative to warranty deeds. Mortgage rates for sheriff's deeds and foreclosure deeds are lower than for warranty deeds, indicating more sophisticated buyers. 相似文献
This article represents an analysis of and comments on the results of a regular survey of Russian enterprises operating in the real sector, which was conducted by the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences. It represents opinions of enterprises, the modern macroeconomic problems of which they believe to be the most acute. This article considers the responses of enterprises regarding how their activities have been affected by the mutual sanctions between Russia and Western countries, as well as by Russia’s WTO accession. We have shown the opinions of enterprises on their interests in the ruble exchange rate. This ref lects the current situation with the workforce at enterprises and gives data on their participation in solving of housing problems faced by their employees. This article contains information on how enterprises rate today’s level of competition with foreign manufacturers on Russian markets. 相似文献
The findings of a regular survey of real sector enterprises, conducted by the Laboratory for the Analysis and Forecasting of Microeconomic Processes at the IEF, RAS, are analyzed and commented on. 相似文献
Nicholas M. Odhiambo 《Revue africaine de developpement》2009,21(3):541-557
Abstract: This paper examines the dynamic impact of interest rate reforms on economic growth in Zambia—using two models in a stepwise fashion. In the first model, the efficacy of interest rate liberalization is examined by regressing the interest rate on the level of financial deepening. In the second model, the causal relationship between financial depth and economic growth is examined by incorporating savings as an intermittent variable in the bivariate setting, thereby creating a simple trivariate model. Using the cointegration‐based error correction model, the study finds strong support for the positive impact of interest rate liberalization on financial deepening. In addition, the study finds that financial deepening, which results from interest rate liberalization, Granger causes economic growth. The results apply irrespective of whether the causality is estimated in the short run or in the long run. Other results show that: (1) lagged financial depth leads to further financial deepening; (2) savings and economic growth Granger cause each other; and (3) financial development Granger causes savings in the long run. 相似文献
The article compares the dynamics of the leading economic indicators characterizing the situation in Russian economy at the time of the 1998–1999 and 2008–2009 crises. On the basis of monthly and quarterly statistics over these periods, the authors, first, consider the possible application of qualitative and quantitative approaches to the analysis of the crisis phenomena and, second, make an attempt to identify the stages of the Russian economic crisis and assess the possible duration of the economic recession that started in the second half of 2008. 相似文献
Frank A. Haight 《Metrika》1959,2(1):186-197
Summary In this paper we consider a queue in which a person, having joined, may decide to leave and give up service if it appears
that the time consumed will exceed some maximum which he has available. Specifically, three problems are treated: a) How to
make a rational (sequential) decision while waiting in the queue, b) the probable effect of this decision, and c) the behavior
of a queue in which all persons are employing such a procedure.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Bericht behandelt eine “Schlange”, in der ein sich dieser “Schlange” angeschlossener Mensch entschlie?t, seinen Platz und die Bedienung aufzugeben wenn es ihm scheint, da? die notwendige Zeit ein ihm zur Verfügung stehendes Maximum überschreiten wird. Insbesondere werden drei Probleme diskutiert: a) Wie man eine rationale (sequentielle) Entscheidung trifft, w?hrend man in einer “Schlange” wartet, b) der wahrscheinliche Effekt einer solchen Entscheidung, c) das Benehmen einer “Schlange”, in dem alle Menschen ein solches Verfahren gebrauchen würden.相似文献
Boudewijn A. Driedonks Josette M.P. Gevers Arjan J. van Weele 《Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management》2010,16(2):109-117
To meet today’s high demands on the purchasing function, sourcing teams have become the standard in contemporary corporate purchasing organizations. Sourcing teams are often started with high expectations. However, after making a promising start many of these teams appear to be unable to operate effectively and to meet management expectations. This study shows that sourcing team effectiveness is particularly hindered by a lack of team perspective in many purchasing organizations. In this paper, the results of a large-scale, cross-sectional survey to address the success factors for sourcing teams are discussed. We aim to clarify the factors behind sourcing team performance, taking into account the specific task and organizational context. It is concluded that purchasing executives should shift their focus towards employee involvement and team processes, to enable teams to actually meet and even surpass the expectations placed on them. 相似文献
The potential of EDI is virtually unlimited, but the success of any EDI initiative hinges on its ability to directly support strategies that achieve your institution's business objectives. At its most fundamental level, EDI technology automates current business practices, speeding up the exchange of business information. This application of EDI most often is found in a hospital's material management department. But EDI integrated internally within a hospital and externally with suppliers and vendors has the potential to go beyond simple automation and to transform processes. This is where the full value of EDI can be realized. No matter which level of EDI participation hospital management decides is appropriate to fulfill its business objectives and strategies, EDI will affect the entire institution's exchange of information with its internal and external audiences. The question management must answer is: Will the hospital's EDI strategy be offensive and managed, or defensive and reactive? Today's environment leaves no room for a "no-strategy" EDI option. The options are either to proactively shape EDI, or reactively play catch-up. EDI can work for you. Adequately developing an EDI game plan in support of your business objectives and calling on your suppliers and other trading partners to work with you will ensure EDI is an asset to your facility. 相似文献