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Film‐induced tourism has recently gained increased attention in academic research. Although previous literature has identified the existence of consumer–celebrity attachment, scant empirical studies have examined whether celebrity attachment influences behavioral intentions in a film tourism context. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between celebrity attachment and behavioral intentions as well as to clarify the role of place attachment. Survey data from 312 tourists in Taiwan indicate that celebrity attachment is positively related to behavioral intentions. Moreover, place attachment partially mediates the relationship between celebrity attachment and behavioral intentions. Implications of these findings for managing marketing strategies as well as future research directions are subsequently discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
风险投资是加速科技成果转化的催化剂,而科技成果转化也为风险投资的产生和发展提供了原动力。基于福建省科技风险企业和风险投资机构的问卷调查,实证分析了科技成果转化对风险投资发展的促进机制,研究结果表明参与科技成果转化,可以帮助风险投资机构积累管理经验、提高投资水平和风险管理的能力,但对风险投资机构拓展社会资源的作用较小。应加快发展科技中介机构、营造良好的从事技术创新活动的市场环境、引进和培养风险投资专业人才,以促进风险投资的发展。  相似文献   
The extent to which tourism destination marketing narratives with different themes influence readers by imaginatively ‘transporting’ them is quite varied. This study investigates the different degrees of influence such narratives have on destination image and the intention to visit, exploring how the intensity of readers' experiences of being transported by narratives with different themes can influence their intention to visit the places described. Our results reveal the extent to which different narrative themes affect destination image and significantly influence readers' intention to visit. The extent to which narratives with different themes make readers feel transported also has a significant moderating effect on their intention to visit. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
胡莹 《特区经济》2008,235(8):19-21
国际石油价格的高企给我国石油安全带来巨大影响,为了应对高油价的挑战,要充分发挥能源消费大国之间的对话和合作,谋求我国在国际石油定价的话语权;要建立资源节约型的经济结构,减少对石油资源的依赖;要加强自主运输能力,保障运输通道安全。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the issue of the low level of private investment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with special emphasis on the role of governance. Based on the existing published reports, we categorize what types of governance institutions are more detrimental to entrepreneurial investments. We then estimate a simultaneous model of private investment and governance quality where economic policies concurrently explain both variables. Our empirical results show that governance plays a significant role in private investment decisions. This result is particularly true in the case of “administrative quality” in the form of control of corruption, bureaucratic quality, investment‐friendly profile of administration, law and order, as well as for “political stability.” Evidence in favor of “public accountability” is also found. Our estimations also stress that structural reforms like financial development, trade openness, and human development affect private‐investment decisions directly, and/or through their positive effect on governance.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to segment the Far East Asia tourist market by using push attributes and to delineate related implications. Literature regarding these related studies and market segmentation processes was reviewed. This study utilized push attribute data collected from those people who would most likely travel to the Far East Asia in the early part of the twenty‐first century. A factor‐cluster approach was employed to find and explore the market characteristics. Seven factors and six clusters were extracted from the data analyses. Cluster scores were significantly different by destination, by country of origin, and by themselves. Clusters have unique characteristics in terms of push attributes. Thus, there is a need to cater each cluster by considering the market preferences separately. Further research is recommended to further the understanding of the Far East Asian tourist market.  相似文献   
Se presenta un análisis contextualizado de las resoluciones judiciales dictadas en Côte d'Ivoire entre 1971 y 2013 en el marco del código general del trabajo. La jurisprudencia y las entrevistas cualitativas con actores institucionales muestran que las prácticas innovadoras derivan de la aplicación del código por inspectores y jueces que equiparan el trabajo doméstico a cualquier otro, lo que impide abordar su especificidad. Tras reafirmar que la regulación del trabajo doméstico debe englobar su dualidad (trabajo como otro cualquiera, pero diferente de todos los demás), se aboga por la creación de una comunidad internacional de aprendizaje sobre trabajo decente para los trabajadores domésticos.  相似文献   
Organizations are becoming more and more aware of how important it is to strengthen the competences of their project managers. This fact acquires greater relevance in the development and international cooperation sector because of the need to have qualified professionals who can take up the challenges and address the specific demands of an ever more demanding and constantly evolving sector. This article provides the results of research that more than 100 experts in project management and administration participated in to detect which competences are the most relevant in this context.  相似文献   
穆颖 《价值工程》2015,(4):310-311
文章结合污水处理厂实际工程案例,对目前国内普遍采用的各种除臭技术进行比较,对生物过滤技术除臭的设计及运行效果进行详细论述。  相似文献   
中国宏观经济运行中产生了两个重要现象:工资增速远低于GDP增速和劳动收入在国民收入初次分配中的占比不断下降。究其原因在于:政府掌权了大多数资源和绝对的权力,导致分配偏向于政府和垄断企业;并且在以GDP为导向的地方政府竞争下,各地在产业选择时都偏向于发展资本密集型产业,从而提高了资本在国民收入分配中的谈判能力,导致企业的收入占比不断提高。  相似文献   
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