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This article analyzes households’ choice on tea varieties in Vietnam by using a multinomial logit model. The modeling takes into account the issue of unobserved individual heterogeneity and the endogeneity of some explanatory variables (use of chemical and organic fertilizers). The results show that important factors influencing the decision to adopt one type of tea varieties include income, age, household size, farming contract, and use of organic fertilizers, but also membership of professional associations such as the Tea Association and the Farmers Union.  相似文献   
针对当前地质资料法律关系中各利益主体的价值冲突,提出地质资料法律保护中立法目的上存在对地质资料智力属性、市场元素和促进制度的法律设计方面的不足,在此基础上,提出了通过法律来调整地质资料各利益主体的法律关系、加强对地质资料的管理,确认地质资料的价值并全面保护地质资料,促进地质资料的可持续生产和高效利用的建议,为我国地质资料法律保护制度的完善提供有益探索。  相似文献   
Numerous studies have identified constructs such as commitment and brand familiarity as moderators of negativity effects. However, boundary conditions for this moderation have yet to be identified within a retailing context. This study tries to rectify this gap in the literature. This study finds that three factors (commitment, consumer–company identification, and consumer sensitivity to corporate social performance) moderate attitude change toward a retailer following exposure to moderately negative (vs. positive) publicity. However, given extremely negative information, the buffering effects of the moderating factors disappear, and attitude changes are significant for all consumers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This article aims to build on previous research analyzing the effects of perceived justice on customers' satisfaction with service recovery and the attitudinal consequences of the recovery strategies firms adopt after service failures occur. The results obtained from a conceptual model developed for the mobile‐phone sector support the idea that justice perceptions positively influence satisfaction with service recovery. Other findings are that satisfaction with service recovery positively affects trust and commitment, and that these two variables, in turn, positively affect overall customer satisfaction. Finally, the results also suggest that positive past experiences mitigate the effects of inadequate service recovery strategies on the quality of the relationship with the customers. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper approaches the much‐debated issue of corporate citizenship (CC). Many models depict the development process of CC, and yet attempts to find one extensive definition remain in progress. We argue that more than one type of citizenship may be needed to fully describe the concept. So far, social factors have dominated the definitions of CC, but citizenship functions can also be found in other areas. In fact, for maximum benefit, the type of citizenship should be tied to the sector and business field of the corporation in question. Using data drawn from three internationally operating corporations headquartered in Finland, we introduce three different types of CC that are in line with their core business ideas: cultural citizenship, environmental citizenship and technological citizenship. These new types of citizenships can help in grasping the complexity of business responsibility and ethics, and offer tools for gaining competitive advantage by differentiation.  相似文献   
在当今"眼球经济"时代,相对于互联网的海量信息,消费者的注意力是相当有限的。企业吸引被信息湮没的潜在消费者的注意力已成为其竞争力的重要来源,搜索引擎营销也随之体现出巨大的商业价值。同时,互联网用户对搜索引擎的依赖程度不断加深,使得搜索引擎营销越来越受到企业的重视,也使得旅游业对互联网的依存度逐渐提高。  相似文献   
供应链视角下“农家乐”服务品质提升探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国"农家乐"发展存在的诸多局限性与没有完全摆脱"大而全"、追求"纵向一体化"的经营模式有一定关系,通过"横向一体化"构建产品供应链成为突破"农家乐"发展瓶颈的明智选择。以"农家乐"产品特征为基础,构建"农家乐"产品的供应链,分析其基本特征,从优化资源配置、实现专业分工等提高"农家乐"供应链运作效益角度,提出"农家乐"服务品质提升的途径以及相关的保障机制。  相似文献   
为什么中国会出现"低就业的增长"?许多学者对此从不同角度提出了解释。我们认为,导致此现象的原因是我国的地方政府竞争。在地方政府竞争下,为追求GDP的快速增长,各地方政府会选择和扶持具有更强GDP增长效应的资本密集型产业,而忽视劳动密集型产业,从而导致资本挤出劳动,使我国出现"低就业的增长"。  相似文献   
通过运用文献计量软件CiteSpace,以中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)和Web of Science数据库中的绿色食品文献为研究对象,通过对研究机构、关键词共现和关键词突现的分析,总结1990—2020年国内外绿色食品研究的总体特征.结果表明:① ...  相似文献   
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