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This article focuses on the housing issues of rural migrants arising from urbanization, with particular reference to chengzhongcun, a topic with considerable impact on policymaking. An attempt is made to understand the underlying rationale of self‐help in housing and the important role of chengzhongcun in sheltering rural migrants in the context of China's rural‐urban dichotomy. As demonstrated in this study, chengzhongcun accommodate, with little in the way of government resources and assistance, millions of rural migrants because of their social accessibility and affordability. While not denying their social problems, we argue that chengzhongcun in fact act as an innovative and positive agent to promote urbanization in present day China by housing massive numbers of rural migrants and assimilating them into cities. Current government policies towards chengzhongcun have generated a wide range of interest conflicts and confrontations. The consequences of such conflicts show that the government policies were problematic and unworkable, as they violated basic market principles as well as citizen rights. Policy strategy towards the redevelopment of chengzhongcun must acknowledge their credibility in the Chinese road to urbanization and requires more thoughtful and prudent consideration of migrants' demands for affordable housing.  相似文献   
This paper investigates convergence patterns among China's provinces using GDP data for the period 1952–97. We analyze convergence behaviour on the basis of Markov chains proposed by Quah (1993 ) and the generalized entropy decomposition proposed by Shorrocks (1980, 1984 ). Both sets of results show similar evidence of convergence within the pre‐defined geo‐economic sub‐regions, but no evidence is found of convergence between the sub‐regions. This finding has important policy implications for regional economic development in China. JEL classification: C33, E20, O47.  相似文献   
区港合一与厦门港城经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区港合一指的是保税区、港口码头作业区实行一体化运作,在货物监管上采取一线放开、二线管住、区内宽松的自由贸易模式。按照构想,在厦门实行区、港合一,主要是充分利用象屿保税区坐落在东渡港区、区内无居民而便于实行隔离监管的优势,将象屿保税区与东渡港区进行组合,形成一体  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,广东省的山区人口增长速度虽然得到了控制,但与珠江三角洲相比还存在一定差距,地区之间发展也不平衡,生育水平仍不稳定,有效的人口控制机制尚末真正形成。因此,必须建立保障体系 和切合实际人口控制工作新机制,把人口控制工作寓于服务之中;加强计划生育队伍建设,提高队伍整体素质和工作效率。  相似文献   
近几年来,我国邮政储蓄业务迅速发展,已成为我国金融业中的一支不可忽视力量.邮政储蓄业务在高速发展的同时,也存在高息揽储、汇转储、公款私存、乱拉存款、乱设机构等违规行为,必须改革邮政储蓄机构管理体制、取消利率优惠政策、加强内部管理和强化金融监管,保证邮政储蓄机构健康发展,维护金融秩序稳定.  相似文献   
做好海的大文章,大力发展海洋经济,已成为天津新发展的重大战略.汉沽作为天津滨海新区和天津口岸的重要组成部分,经过深入调研,对建设海洋经济强区已初步形成思路.汉沽因海而成区,近年伴随着海洋产业和城市发展,具备了实现海洋经济快速发展的基础条件.  相似文献   
入世后,我国产业界将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战,相对WTO其它成员中的综合实力和竞争优势来说,我国农业将处于比较弱势地位,本文通过分析中国为加入WTO所签订的一系列与农业有关的条款,指出我国农业所面对的复杂形势,详细说明了能否趋利避害,关键在于怎样立足现实,走出一条既适合中国国情又符合WTO规则的发展之路,据此作者提出了多渠道避免农业弱势累积的方案。  相似文献   
Hardly, Jane and Al Rainnie 1996 Restructuring Krakow. Desperately seeking capitalism Butler, Tim and Michael Rustin 1996 Rising in the East: the regeneration of East London Harvie, Christopher 1994 The rise of regional Europe Jones, Barry and Michael Keating (eds.) 1995 The European Union and the regions Koopmans, Ruud 1995 Democracy from below: new social movements and the political system in West Germany Duyvendak, Jan Willem 1995 The power of politics: new social movements in France  相似文献   
This article explores the price of continuously sampled Asian options. For geometric Asian options, we present pricing formulas for both backward‐starting and forward‐starting cases. For arithmetic Asian options, we demonstrate that the governing partial differential equation (PDE) cannot be transformed into a heat equation with constant coefficients; therefore, these options do not have a closed‐form solution of the Black–Scholes type, that is, the solution is not given in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function. We then solve the PDE with a perturbation method and obtain an analytical solution in a series form. Numerical results show that as compared with Zhang's ( 2001 ) highly accurate numerical results, the series converges very quickly and gives a good approximate value that is more accurate than any other approximate method in the literature, at least for the options tested in this article. Graphical results determine that the solution converges globally very quickly especially near the origin, which is the area in which most of the traded Asian options fall. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:535–560, 2003  相似文献   
板峪口—上寨地区位于太行山中段阜平穹褶束与五台山—恒山花岗绿岩带汇合部位。该区发育两期韧性剪切带,第一期为拆离—滑脱型韧性剪切带;第二期为逆冲推覆型韧性剪切带。本文重点总结了韧性剪切带地质特征,并对其地质意义进行了讨论。认为原五台群为由一系列韧性剪切带分割的构造岩片叠置体。板峪口组和五台群金刚库组中的部分中深变质片麻岩为“外来岩片。”原五台山群与阜平群为由韧性剪切带接触。并总结了韧性剪切带对金矿的成矿、控矿规律。  相似文献   
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