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This paper focuses on a theoretical modelling of multilateral SME co-operation. A major part of the previous research has been done on dyadic or bilateral relationships between two partners in a vertical chain although new co-operative ventures increasingly involve multiple partners. The objectives of the paper are to accomplish a conceptualization of different types of multilateral co-operation between SMEs as a synthesis of longitudinal empirical observations and selected theoretical discussions of inter-firm co-operation, to bring out possible advantages and prerequisites of successful co-operation of these types, and to show how co-operation can develop from one basic model to another. The main point in the modelling of SME co-operation is that those who plan, promote or build up co-operative arrangements must know right from the beginning what kind of co-operative model a group of firms will strive for, because the prerequisites of successful co-operation are emphasized differently in different types of co-operation. The empirical examples also suggest that co-operation leads to co-operation, i.e. when a company once joins a net, it is more probable that the company gets access to other nets as well. The basic challenge thus is to get the small or medium-sized company to enter its first co-operative arrangement.  相似文献   
Data limitations frequently prevent using actual consumer behavior in determining natural resource values, so stated preference methods are used. Whether value estimates show sensitivity to the scope of resource valued is a key test for their validity, which several studies fail. Developing a correlated panel mixed logit model of households' water quality valuations in California, we show that false negatives in scope tests can result when individual preference variation and correlation are ignored and split‐sample comparisons are used. Monte Carlo simulations further demonstrate potentially prevalent false rejections of scope sensitivity even when within‐subject comparisons of willingness to pay portray strong scope sensitivity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on data from 248 asymmetric subcontractor–customer relationships in Finland, this study analyzes the direct impact of relationship structures, relational capital, and the subcontractor's relationship-specific investments on the improvement of operational relationship performance. In addition, the study investigates the moderating role of relational capital on the links between relationship structures, relationship-specific investments, and relationship performance improvement. We found that both relational capital and relationship-specific investments directly affect the relationship performance improvement, while relationship structures do not. However, relational capital positively moderates the link between relationship structures and relationship performance improvement by creating enabling structures. Thus, our findings contribute to the existing literature and discussion on enabling organizational and relationship structures by demonstrating how relational capital changes the role and impact of relationship structures.  相似文献   
The relationships of worker characteristics and productivity are examined using a matched worker-plant data set from Finnish manufacturing. The panel data are used for estimating productivity and wage profiles according to average age, seniority, and education. We measure productivity using the multilateral total factor productivity index. We find that the wage returns to plant-specific seniority exceed productivity returns when seniority is high. This result supports the hypothesis that human capital is not firm specific, and seniority related wages are used for incentive reasons, but may also be a symptom of sorting or insider influences on wage formation. Plant average age improves productivity more than it increases wage when average age is low, but for higher ages the productivity and wage returns to age are fairly similar. The returns to education in terms of wage and productivity are fairly close to each other for higher levels of education, but mid-level education is underpaid.  相似文献   
This essay addresses the implications of accounting and hybrids for the management of risk. We argue firstly and most generally for a definition of hybrids that extends beyond organisational forms. The existing literature, we suggest, has been too focused on organisational forms, and has largely neglected the hybrid practices, processes and expertises that make possible lateral information flows and coordination across the boundaries of organisations, firms, and groups of experts or professionals. Secondly, we argue that the management of organisations is rapidly being transformed into and formalised around the management of risk, while much of the management of uncertainty occurs through a variety of hybrids that reside beyond the formalised practices of risk management. Thirdly, we argue that accounting practices are central to these issues, in so far as accounting is constantly engaged in a dual hybridisation process, seeking to make visible and calculable the hybrids that it encounters, while at the same time hybridising itself through encounters with a range of other disciplines. We address these issues in three main stages. The first section considers the ‘discovery’ of hybrid organisational forms by researchers on management and organisations over the course of more than two decades. The second section examines the ways in which economists, lawyers and other social scientists have considered the issue of hybrids. Here, the preoccupation with hybrid organisational forms largely continues, with its attendant neglect of hybrid practices, processes and expertises. The third section considers the discovery of a wider range of hybrids by researchers in accounting, and examines two specific arenas in which the hybridising of accounting expertise has been central: the microprocessor industry, and the various encounters between medical and financial expertise in the context of the ‘New Public Management’ reforms. The essay concludes with a discussion of the implications of this broader definition of hybrids for accounting and the management of risk.  相似文献   
We use Google Search volume to track changes investors' positive and negative market attention. Our results support the hypothesis that this information reflects investors' optimistic and pessimistic anticipation and can be used to predict near-term future returns. We find that changes in negative search term volume of “market crash” and “bear market” and changes in positive search term volume “market rally” explain near-term stock returns. Changes in investors' attention are partly related to past stock market returns, implying that investors are prone to pay attention to possible price reversals. These measures of market attention are potential gauges of investor sentiment.  相似文献   
This paper presents two models in which the fluctuating value of loan collateral (real estate) generates the problem of moral hazard between a bank and a deposit insurance agent. The bank finances risky projects against collateral and relies on the rising collateral value. If the collateral value later appreciates, the bank enjoys handsome profits; otherwise, the bank fails. The findings are rather consistent with the characteristics of the topical subprime mortgage crisis.  相似文献   
Key personnel's long-term commitment to an organization will soon become a fiction unless companies really begin to pay attention to improving it. To a great extent the cause of this development is the increasing uncertainty in the permanence of one's job, which leads those interested in career advancement to unexpected career changes. This paper studies the retraining and mobility motivations of 726 key personnel in Finnish companies, by endeavouring to discover possible correlations, on one hand, with the key person's background and set of values and, on the other, with various company-related factors. Most of those with both retraining and mobility motivations turned out to be dynamic young people either at the early or mid-stages of their career, although mobility motivation at least appeared to last throughout. Strong career commitment was linked with mobility motivation, whereas a commitment to personal and professional development was linked with retraining motivation. Thus, objective career development is promoted primarily by mobility, and subjective career development by retraining. Both motivations were linked with the company's poorly implemented career management programme. Consequently, companies should look upon this as an important covert personnel risk and endeavour to turn this into a personnel development opportunity through internal mobility or training, in order not to lose its key personnel with highest competence and development potential.  相似文献   
Previous studies on ageing consumers have mainly focused on chronological age and generational values or studied ageing and consumption with cross‐sectional data. Few quantitative studies exist that examine the effect of age together with life course on consumption using longitudinal data. To bridge this gap, the article examines ageing and attitudes towards consumption in Finland, focusing particularly on late middle‐agers (46–60 year‐olds) in comparison with young adults (18–30 year‐olds) between 1999 and 2014. The article explores three consumption patterns based on attitudinal statements: ecological, economical and self‐indulgent consumption. Through analysis of a nationally representative survey study in Finland (N = 8,543), the article reveals that in all years under examination, late middle‐agers reported more ecological attitudes towards consumption than young adults. In 1999 and 2004, the attitudes of late middle‐agers appeared more economical, but age‐related differences in economical attitudes disappeared between 2009 and 2014. In each year, late middle‐agers reported less self‐indulgent attitudes than young adults, and these age‐related differences did not remarkably change between 1999 and 2014. The results indicate that in 1999 and 2004, ecological and economical attitudes towards consumption were best predicted by age at the year of the study. In later years, ecological attitudes were more closely determined by life course stage, that is household type and other socio‐demographic determinants. Regarding economical attitudes, generational or cohort effects were pronounced among late middle‐agers in 1999. In contrast, the significance of age remained throughout the years for self‐indulgent attitudes, indicating the absence of generational or cohort effects.  相似文献   
Even though consumers’ status signaling is a heavily researched topic, empirical contributions from two important research areas—the mundane food context and prosocial status signaling between male consumers—to signaling literature are still scarce. Thus, this study empirically investigates how a male signaling about his status through favoring organic foods is perceived and treated by other males in two different sociocultural settings (urban vs. rural). In an urban area—but not in a rural—the pro‐organic signaler was perceived as more respected, altruistic, and affluent than a male who did not signal about this (he also received statistically more money in a charity donation task). This may indicate that signaling about this tendency—because it can be viewed as use of one's own resources for the benefit of others—is not only a way to attain status, but can also make others behave more positively toward the signaler.  相似文献   
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