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Rede, uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van de dies natalis der Nederlandsche Economische Hoogeschool op 8 november 1960.  相似文献   
Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleraar aan de Vrije Universiteit op 10 november 1961.  相似文献   
Before the war the Institute of Praeventive Medicine issued an inquiry about the personal use of narcotics by physicians, part of it regarding the influence of the character. The scheme of Heymans and Wiersma being considered most apt to render characterising numbers, questions were included to diagnose whether "activity", "emotionality" and/or "secondary function" are present. Statistical analysis of the returns from 1593 physicians, shows that emotionality highly enlarges the use of narcotics (not only by the fact that it is combined with more disturbances in sleep). Activity showed no influence, whereas it is possible that secondary function stimulates the use in a small degree. The different types of character act by their different amount of these three qualities only.  相似文献   
The Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) and the large international accounting firms have all emphasized that accountants must be able to work with unstructured problems to be successful in today's business environment. Measures of this ability are essential if accounting educators are to assist students in improving their abilities to work with unstructured problems. However, there appears to be no measure that has been widely accepted as being the ‘best’ measure. This study considers whether two linguistic performance measures might be usable by accounting educators for this purpose. We use data obtained from a student assessment centre to consider two measures of linguistic performance, idea density and grammatical complexity. We incorporate five criteria in deciding whether these measures could be usable: (1) whether the measures are related to students' performance when solving unstructured problems; (2) whether the measures distinguish between the ability to work with unstructured compared to structured problems; (3) ease of obtaining necessary information from students; (4) ease of scoring, and (5) robustness of the findings after considering other variables that may have an effect. Our results indicate that subjects' linguistic performance as measured by idea density meets these five criteria. However, grammatical complexity is not related to performance for either type of problem. These results were found even after controlling for the effects of other variables such as grade point average (GPA), experience, and personality variables. Because the measures can be obtained from virtually any written work produced by students, the information to be scored is relatively easy to obtain. Scoring is also relatively straightforward.  相似文献   

Im Anschluss an die im Jahre 1916 erschienene Monographie von E. J. Gumbel: “Die Berechnung des Bevölkerungsstandes durch Interpolation” (Leipzig, Vogel) hat Verfasser dieser Zeilen den formalen Aufbau der für die Praxis einfachsten Interpolationsmethoden der mathematisch-statistischen Behandlung zugeführt; auf dieser Grundlage hat dann Gumbel die so erhaltenen verallgemeinerten Ansätze bereits auf praktische Fragen der Bevölkerungslehre angewendet. Im Folgenden sollen einige Resultate dieser Untersuchungen mitgeteilt werden, und zwar in Hinblick darauf, dass dieselben bei der Konstruktion von Volkssterbetafeln und bei der Ausarbeitung der Deckungssysteme in der Socialversicherung Verwendung finden können. Die für die Statistik und für die wirtschaftliche, Mathematik (z. B. Grundlegung der Zinsfunktionen). so wichtigen Mittelwertoperationen erscheinen erst durch die nähere methodische Bearbeitung in der für die zielbewusste Anwendung notwendigen Beleuchtung. Die mathematische Diskussion der Mittelwert-Interpolationen dünkt uns vom statistischen Gesichtspunkt als wesentlich, wenn auch der Verwaltungsstatistiker für primitivere Zwecke eine kürzere Behandlung der präcisen Auseinandersetzung bevorzugt. Dieser Standpunkt erweist sich als gerechtfertigt, sobald man — wie es z. B. in der Lebensversicherungstechnik der Fall ist — nicht nur Abschätzungen im Grossen vornimmt, sondern auf Grundlage des empirischen Materials feinere Berechnungen anstellt, deren numerisches Resultat von der Präcision der Ausgleichungsprocesse abhängt. Hauptziel der folgenden Betrachtung ist die genauere Festlegung der in der Verwaltungsstatistik üblichen rohen Interpolationsansätze, um auf diesem Wege solche Formeln zu gewinnen, die den Erfahrungen besser angepasst werden können und die es weiterhin ermöglichen, dass die Berechnung der auf den Interpolationsprocess beruhenden wichtigern Masszahlen (z. B. verlebte Zeit, Vermehrungsintensität, Fixirung partieller Bevölkerungsmassen, etc.) einer mathematjschen Kritik unterworfen werden können.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss how repetition of a single statement affects its perceived credibility. Using an experimental design, our results support previous psychological studies on the “truth-effect”, which have shown that repeated messages are considered more credible than non-repeated messages. In addition, our study sheds light on the unanswered question why the truth-effect vanishes or reverses if statements are repeated too often. Analysis strongly points to a parallel, indirect negative effect, caused by participants showing reactance as a consequence of repetition.  相似文献   
Using the theory of cognitive dissonance, this study investigates whether users of an online magazine prefer contents that agrees to their attitudes to political issues. In contrast to earlier studies, dissonance is defined issue-specifically rather than by party identification. Moreover, personal relevance is also included. In a two-step data collection, attitudes and relevance assessments were measured first. Participants were asked in a second session to look at an online magazine. Background software recorded the selection of and the time spent with specific contents as participants looked at the magazine. Results show that users spent more time with attitude-consistent information. This was, however, mostly due to persons who had rated issue relevance high. Users with low or moderate rating for issue relevance spent significantly less time with attitude-consistent content and significantly more time with attitude-inconsistent information, as compared with users with high relevance ratings. The influence of issue relevance is discussed as an explanation of contradictory results on cognitive dissonance and media use.  相似文献   
The importance of the internet has increased significantly in recent years. The easy access of this »new« medium sparked many hopes for a democratization of the public sphere and of public debate: Many authors argued that the internet will make actors and interpretations of topics visible to those parts of the broader public who are usually marginalized in »old« mass media. In an empirical analysis, we compared print media coverage and internet communication to assess these claims. For the case of human genome research — i.e. a bioscientific topic that reseived extensive media attention in Germany —, we analyzed which actors were given public standing and which frames came to the fore. In contrast to the claims mentioned above, our findings indicate that the debate in the internet does not differ to a significant extent from the offline debate in print media. We could not find a more egalitarian, democratic communication in the internet.  相似文献   
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