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Many regions have experienced long-run economic fluctuations generated by the life cycles of their dominant industrial clusters. During the downswings in the 1970s and 1980s, proactive structural policies were typically launched in German regions to combat job losses in their core clusters and to create new jobs in new industries. With respect to the German State of Bremen, this paper provides empirical evidence of: (1) a long-run regional downswing; (2) the potential job effects of proactive regional industrial policy programmes in terms of increasing regional employment, by safeguarding jobs in the regional core industries and creating new jobs in new growth industries; and (3) a time pattern in the job effects, which are related to the different generations of programmes.  相似文献   
沈阳城市旅游的SWOT分析及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈阳有丰富的城市旅游资源,但目前沈阳城市旅游优势与劣势并存,面临着重要机遇和严峻的挑战,搞好沈阳城市旅游开发建设将进一步促进沈阳经济的发展并加快城市建设的步伐。  相似文献   
设计了系统的基本思路,在Visual Studio 2008数据库的基础上,利用OpenGL对矿山巷道,硐室设计等进行三维可视化虚拟,并通过数学模型,对矿井设计进行分析与纠错处理,用C#实现系统的功能。  相似文献   
文章运用偏离—份额分析法,考察我国2001-2010年间各地区公共基础设施投资增长情况,分析发现我国公共基础设施投资增速普遍滞后于其他行业的平均增速,具有明显的时间和地域特征,呈现出先东后中西的发展特征,并且在各省份公共基础设施投资的增长中,结构偏离是决定投资水平的主要因素.  相似文献   
我国对外技术依存度的测算及浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设创新型国家成为国家的战略目标,而对外技术依存度的高低成为衡量创新型国家的一个重要指标。针对当前对外技术依存度算法的不足,提出一种全新的测算方法,从技术依存度的内涵出发系统地构造衡量指标和计量模型,运用因子分析方法对我国对外技术依存度进行了测算,并简析其原因。结果显示,中国的对外技术依存度在快速提高,并处于很高的水平,表明我国的技术对外依赖程度非常高,经济技术发展受制于人,我国亟需加强自主创新。  相似文献   
造假账、会计信息失真已成为当前一个热点问题,其危害性极大。,提高会计人员职业道德修养应从八个方面入手,多方共同努力,才能实现以法理财与以德理财相结合,保证会计工作的质量和社会经济的健康发展。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the factors determining foreign direct investment (FDI) location choices of Chinese multinational firms. We developed a conceptual framework that synthesizes traditional economic factors and institutional perspective. Then several hypotheses were developed in line with the framework and empirically tested using panel data of Chinese outward FDI to eight economies in East and Southeast Asia across a time period of thirteen years. Our findings suggest that institutional factors demonstrate a higher level of significance, complexity and diversity in determining FDI location choice in comparison with economic factors, while both types of factors influence the FDI location choice of Chinese multinational firms. We also found that the FDI location choices of Chinese firms have a dynamic nature, as statistical evidence indicates a heterogeneous response of Chinese FDI towards different economic groups and during different time periods.  相似文献   
人民币国际化决定因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币国际化收益公式是研究货币国际化理论的核心问题。一国货币到国际货币,铸币税收益与境外储备资产金融业收益远大于其所付出的相关成本。但是,货币国际化收益不是一国货币国际化的决定因素,其决定因素还在于该货币的市场选择与制度安排的结果,在于其内在的世界经济地位等因素。  相似文献   
因子分析法在县域经济发展水平评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
县域经济是国民经济的重要组成部分。为了全面、客观、系统、科学地评价和分析县域经济发展水平,一般要采用多指标综合评价法,这种传统方法具有主观随意性与工作复杂性的缺点。采用因子分析法对县域经济发展水平进行评价,可以有效地克服传统多指标综合评价方法中的不足与缺陷。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between free cash flows and escalation behavior in the long-term stock buying decisions for the firms listed in Taiwan. The main findings include: (1) Managers tend to exhibit the escalation behavior in the long-term equity investment. (2) There is a positive association between the level of free cash flows and the magnitude of managers’ behavioral escalation. (3) The corporate governance mechanisms play a contributory role in mitigating the escalation behavior. The evidence is robust across subsamples for electronic versus non-electronic industries, growth versus value firms, and loss versus gain firms.  相似文献   
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