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This paper addresses a gap in traditional portfolio literature by providing techniques for identifying returns on non-traditional portfolios.Futures contracts require daily cash flows over the holding period; these cash flows determine the rate of return. The security deposit represents a tied investment since the funds are not available for other uses and do not earn a risk adjusted return. To initiate a short option or a short stock position also requires a cash outflow. The cash outflow or equity deposit effectively constitutes an investment since the trader postpones consumption in a risky medium that does not guarantee the return of the funds.By identifying the amount of the investment and rates of returns, it is possible to extend normative investment analysis to non-traditional portfolio holdings. This paper introduces four propositions to aid in this process.  相似文献   
本文给出了E-Bayes方法,以上海证券个股五粮液52个连续交易日的收盘价格为例,建立数学模型进行分析和预测,预测结果与市场实际值相当吻合。与灰色系统理论中的GM(1,1)预测模型相比,本文提出的方法预测的精度更高,计算量小。不仅适用于经济系统的分析与预测,也适用于其它系统的分析与预测。  相似文献   
本研究从中国证券市场机构投资者与上市公司盈余管理之间关系这一视角出发,来说明机构投资者在公司治理中的作用,通过对相关理论的归纳和分析,构建了研究假设,在此基础上,利用中国上市公司数据,设计实证模型,对研究假设进行了论证.研究发现了在中国证券市场当机构投资者持股比例高时抑制盈余管理,机构持股比例低时加剧盈余管理,即倒U型的关系。研究应用截面数据分析、面板数据分析、单变量分析等方法,从2005年和2007年的数据验证出倒U型的拐点在机构持股6%,说明机构持股6%以后,在公司治理中发挥了抑制操纵盈余的盈余管理的积极作用。利用2004~2007年的数据,进一步的研究发现,随着近年机构投资者的发展和国家的政策导向,机构投资者对盈余管理的抑制作用越来越强,在公司治理中越来越显示出重要的作用。  相似文献   
Aim: To assess the cost-effectiveness of nutrition education by dedicated dietitians (DD) for hyperphosphatemia management among hemodialysis patients.

Materials and methods: This was a trial-based economic evaluation in 12 Lebanese hospital-based units. In total, 545 prevalent patients were cluster randomized to DD, trained hospital dietitian (THD), and existing practice (EP) groups. During Phase I (6 months), DD (n?=?116) received intensive education by DD trained on renal nutrition, THD (n?=?299) received care from trained hospital dietitians, and EP (n?=?130) received usual care from untrained hospital dietitians. Patients were followed-up during Phase II (6 months).

Results: At baseline, EP had the lowest weekly hemodialysis time, and DD had the highest serum phosphorus and malnutrition-inflammation score. The additional costs of the intervention were low compared with the societal costs (DD: $76.7, $21,007.7; EP: $4.6, $18,675.4; THD: $17.4, $20,078.6, respectively). Between Phases I and II, DD showed the greatest decline in services use and societal costs (DD: –$2,364.0; EP: –$1,727.7; THD: –$1,105.7). At endline, DD experienced the highest decrease in adjusted serum phosphorus (DD: –0.32; EP: +0.16; THD: +0.04?mg/dL), no difference in quality-adjusted life-years (QALY), and the highest societal costs. DD had a cost-effectiveness ratio of $7,853.6 per 1?mg decrease in phosphorus, compared with EP; and was dominated by THD. Regarding QALY, DD was dominated by EP and THD. The results were sensitive to changes in key parameters.

Limitations: The analysis depended on numerous assumptions. Interpreting the results is limited by the significant baseline differences in key parameters, suggestive of higher baseline societal costs in DD.

Conclusions: DD yielded the greatest effectiveness and decrease in societal costs, but did not affect QALY. Regarding serum phosphorus, DD was likely to be cost-effective compared with EP, but had a low cost-effectiveness probability compared with THD. Regarding QALY, DD was not likely to be cost-effective. Assessing the long-term cost-effectiveness of DD, on similar groups, is recommended.  相似文献   
基于PSR模型的广东省城市土地集约利用空间差异分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱一中  曹裕 《经济地理》2011,31(8):1375-1380
将"压力—状态—响应"框架引入到城市土地集约利用评价指标体系中,采用主成分分析方法对评价指标进行赋权,对广东省21个地级市的城市土地集约利用水平进行了评价。结果表明,广东省城市土地利用集约度差异形成的主要影响因素是地理区位条件和经济发展水平,资源赋存状况也是重要的制约条件。城市土地集约利用是一个复杂的系统工程,不仅要注重提高土地利用的产出效益,还要重视系统压力状态的调节和系统反馈能力建设。研究也表明,PSR评价指标体系及主成分分析方法能较好地适应城市土地集约利用评价的需要。  相似文献   
多层次资本市场构想   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从世界上许多经济发展比较成功的国家的经验教训看,经济结构、产业结构的调整本质上是一个资本供给制度的改革和调整问题,也就是构建有利于资本向高效配置方向流动的市场平台,这一任务不能依赖间接融资体系,而只能依靠发达、完善的资本市场体系。因此,建立多层次的资本市场才能提高金融资源的利用效率。  相似文献   
贺小松 《经济问题》2012,(10):17-20,105
以新古典经济学为基础,波斯纳对法律制度进行了全面的经济分析。而伊斯特布鲁克和费希尔则是公司法经济分析的代表。其缔造的公司合同理论,贯彻了市场本位的价格理论,认为公司是合同的联结,法律制度无关紧要。新古典经济学及公司合同理论远离经济现实,受到新制度经济学及其他学派的挑战。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the role of central government in a Nash tax competition between two heterogenous regions, which differ in their endowments of two production factors. Regional governments use a source-based unit tax on mobile capital to finance their public service expenditures. The central government employs excise subsidies and lump-sum taxes to induce the two regions to efficient resource allocations. We answer to the question that whether the central government can induce an efficient equilibrium, and investigate the effects of endowments difference on the optimum subsidy rates. We find that there exists a unique tax rate under which the efficiency is achieved. We identify the set of endowment allocations for which the subsidy rate to one region is higher (or lower) than the subsidy rate to the rival. The large poor region receives a higher subsidy than the small rich region, but the subsidy to the small poor region may be higher or lower than that to the large rich region. [H2]  相似文献   
The proper amount, the suitable structure and the tentative sources of urban infrastructure investment are the main focuses of urban policy makers. Firstly the amount of urban infrastructure investment is combinatory forecasted based on historical statistic databases of China. Then the interrelationship of urban infrastructure investment with GNP and the whole society investment in fixed assets are analyzed to work out quantitative coherent relationship. Finally the paper analyses the present and the future development trends of investment structure and capital resource respectively.  相似文献   
黑龙江省西部沙地生态经济系统能值分析--以泰来县为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用能值分析方法对泰来生态经济系统中能量、资源流动及系统的状况进行了系统的分析,对基于能值分析的可持续发展指数的研究表明该县开发程度低,经济发展落后,并从能值分析角度提出保护本地可更新资源、提高能值反馈率、提高科技含量等相关对策,为泰来制定可持续发展战略提供了基础数据与科学依据。  相似文献   
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