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Durand et al. (2006a ) argue that the Australian market is both internationally integrated and domestically segmented. They find that the US‐based three‐factor model captures returns of the largest stocks in Australia (evidence of international integration), but that it is unable to account for the returns of the smallest stocks (evidence of domestic segmentation). This study resolves the puzzle left by Durand et al. (2006a) . Incorporating a liquidity factor provides the missing link in their analysis: it results in a model that permits both the international integration of the largest stocks and the model can account for the returns of the smallest stocks. Our analysis highlights the important role of liquidity in Australian asset pricing.  相似文献   
We prove that, in a heterogeneous economy with scale-invariant utilities, the yield of a long term bond is determined by the agent with maximal expected marginal utility. We also prove that the same result holds for the long term forward rates. Furthermore, we apply Cramér’s large deviations theorem to calculate the yield of a long term European call option. It turns out that there is a threshold risk aversion such that the option yield is independent of the risk aversion when the latter is above the threshold. Surprisingly, the long term option yield is always greater than or equal to the corresponding equity return. That is, in the long run, it is more profitable to buy a long maturity call option on equity than the equity itself.   相似文献   
站在时间的维度上,我们可以更加清楚地了解一般商品价格理论和金融资产价格理论的区别和内在联系。一般商品的价格理论是构建在个体和厂商之上的一般均衡分析,从时间的维度看,它是一种面向历史的分析范式。金融资产的定价则是建立在无套利均衡思想上的资本化定价,从时间的维度看,它是一种面向未来的分析范式。  相似文献   
投资者在投资决策时通常对企业财务状况进行比较,所以,为争取投资者的有限资金,上市公司会采取措施取得或保持相对业绩优势,而进行盈余管理就是措施之一.假定证券市场指数的变化反应了上市公司平均盈利水平的变化,那么,单个上市公司为保持相对业绩优势就会随市场指数的上涨而进行增加利润的盈余管理行为,而市场指数下降时会将以前多计提的利润转回或储存一部分利润.当单个公司的策略成为所有上市公司的策略时,盈余管理行为就会影响市场的整体盈利水平,并进而影响股市指数的走势.这一现象的存在为政府干预股市提供了直接依据.  相似文献   
资本市场不完全是建立高效养老保险体系的重要障碍,国外在这方面已经进行了较为深入的研究。养老保险作为一个规模较为庞大的机构投资者在进入金融市场的过程中会产生积极与消极两个方面的影响。我国在不完全资本市场条件下养老金的管理体系存在着一些问题。如隐性债务和转轨成本的承担主体虚化;空账管理以及社会覆盖面难以扩大;退休年龄偏低等。本文对此提出对策建议。  相似文献   
强化战略管理是当前商业银行经营管理中的一个显著特征,而战略管理强化有赖于一个科学有效的绩效评价体系。其中,选择恰当合理的绩效评价工具至关重要。从企业绩效评价历史演进来看,平衡计分卡是一种较好的绩效评价工具。中国的商业银行平衡计分卡应用依然存在着诸多问题,亟待改进。  相似文献   
Summary  Corporate social responsibility has been an area of economic research for a long time. The contribution presented here empirically deals with this issue. The German agribusiness is analysed, given their relative lack of experience with opposing groups. The objective is to analyse the level of corporate sensitivity towards public demands. The study reveals general weaknesses of the agribusiness sector with regard to its responsiveness towards vigilant stakeholders. Taking into consideration the growing relevance of this group, the necessity for a professional management of public issues will further increase. The concept of public orientation offers a starting point for this purpose.
Zusammenfassung  Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen ist in der Managementlehre seit langem Forschungsgegenstand. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich empirisch mit dem Themenfeld auseinander. Exemplarisch wird dafür die deutsche Ern?hrungswirtschaft herangezogen, die bislang über nur begrenzte Erfahrungen mit kritischen Stakeholdern verfügt. Ziel ist es, den Grad der Sensitivit?t von Unternehmen gegenüber Ansprüchen der Gesellschaft zu untersuchen. Die Studienergebnisse zeigen eine eher gering ausgepr?gte ?ffentlichkeitsorientierung des Agribusiness. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Relevanz gesellschaftlicher Stakeholder wird eine Professionalisierung der PR-Arbeit jedoch immer relevanter. Das im Weiteren entwickelte Konzept der ?ffentlichkeitsorientierung bietet hierfür hilfreiche Ansatzpunkte.
Katrin J?ckel
混凝土大坝是水工建筑物最重要的组成部分,它的安全状况直接决定着整个枢纽的安全。文章主要从水工建筑物的运行、巡视检查和维护管理等三个方面论述如何进行混凝土坝水工建筑物的维护管理。  相似文献   
当今网络技术高速发展,促使高校图书馆也随之迅速发展,如何有效地进行高校图书馆的管理工作,尤其是人文管理工作,已日益成为人们关注的问题。  相似文献   
Profit warnings (large negative earnings surprises) are important corporate reporting documents for delivering bad news and a distinctive corporate communication genre. The 2020 COVID-19 exogenous shock provides a unique worldwide crisis context for company disclosure of bad news.The research develops a genre-based typology/analytical framework for assessing COVID-19 profit warnings’ quality comprising: (1) Four profit warning/forecast quality characteristics and (2) Eight profit warning/forecast disclosures. For a sample of 160 profit-warning documents, the research manually analyses their content, culminating in a disclosure quality score/index. The research tests a model of the factors influencing disclosure quality.The research finds companies regress to silence when investors most need guidance and poor-quality disclosure, coy ambiguous language, possibly reflecting minimal regulatory guidance on this form of corporate report. Two variables are significant – Profit warnings disclosed following Financial Reporting Council guidance are of higher quality and quality varies by industry. The paper finds faux disclosure and the performativity of disclosure, which may allow boards of directors to tick-box compliance with market abuse regulations. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers on improvements required to enhance the quality of these highly important corporate documents.  相似文献   
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