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The nature of a cause-brand alliance (CBA) makes it a unique marketing promotion that creates an association or alliance between the corporation selling a product and a social cause or issue. This study was developed to resolve the equivocal research results of past research. The research results suggest that consumer acceptance of a CBA mediates the relationships between situational contexts (prevalence of the social cause and congruence of the alliance) and consumer attitude toward the corporate alliance partner. This study observed that when prevalence is high, consumers’ acceptance of that CBA is high as well. Surprisingly, congruency did not have a significant impact on acceptance. Reasons for this unexpected finding are explored in detail. Finally, the acceptance of the CBA had a positive effect on consumers’ attitude toward the CBA.  相似文献   
Cause marketing (CM) typically involves for-profit firms donating part of their sales revenue to a charity, with the hope that this will increase their revenue. We argue that it is important for a regulator to monitor firms’ CM activities, and to assess how differences in the enforcement of CM laws impact the CM practice by firms. Our analytical model uses a Stackelberg leader–follower game that endogenizes the regulator’s decision to enforce CM. The firm then decides whether to truthfully declare or overstate the amount it contributes to charity (and if overstate: by how much). We find the following results in equilibrium under different conditions: (i) CM campaigns are a win–win–win situation – they increase profit for the firm while being truthful, generate larger donations for the charity, and generate a cause marketing surplus for the regulator, resulting in doing well while doing good, (ii) the best response of the firm is to be strategic, even when the regulator is strict with monitoring, (iii) the regulator itself decides not to monitor CM, even though it knows that this results in untruthful behavior by firms. When we endogenize the extent of overstatement, we find that the firm tends to be strategic by overstating donation percentage, whether the regulator is strict or not. As the proportion of unsophisticated consumers (who believe a firm’s claims, whether truthful or not) increases, the donation proportion decreases in general, and the overstatement level increases when the regulator is lenient and decreases when the regulator is strict. In equilibrium, the regulator is strict if the market size is large, and lenient otherwise. A survey with consumers supports key modeling assumptions regarding consumers' lack of knowledge of CM laws.  相似文献   
自20世纪90年代以来,越来越多的乡村组织入不敷出,陷入了沉重的债务泥潭。为了应付债务问题,许多乡村组织开始减少农村公共品供应,并增加了对农民的税费征收。本文从盐城市乡村债务的基本现状入手,分析了乡村债务形成的原因和危害,同时提出了治理债务的一些政策建议。  相似文献   
李曦  林定位 《时代经贸》2007,5(6X):42-43
跨国合同诈骗是当前各类跨国经济犯罪活动中比重最大,危害最为严重的犯罪类型之一,并随着世界经济一体化进程的深化呈现出了新的发展趋势。针对当前跨国合同诈骗犯罪的现状,研究分析其发展趋势和形成原因对跨国合同诈骗犯罪的法律规制和防控有重要意义。  相似文献   
赠与合同的原因体现为赠与人负担债务的“决定性动机”,这种“决定性动机”欠缺时,应当否定赠与合同的拘束力。因此,若赠与合同的原因欠缺,即使在赠与人移转赠与财产权利后,仍有否定赠与合同拘束力,认可赠与财产返还的需要。关于否定赠与合同拘束力的具体路径,“附解除条件的赠与”构成建立在对当事人意思的拟制之上,有不当干涉当事人意思自治之嫌,应当区分赠与合同原因欠缺的发生时点,分别采用错误构成和情事变更构成。若原因欠缺自始发生,则原因欠缺可能构成错误,即使该项错误属于狭义的动机错误,也应当允许赠与人主张错误撤销。若原因欠缺嗣后发生,则原因欠缺可能构成赠与合同基础情事的变更,赠与人可依情事变更规则解除赠与合同。原因欠缺导致赠与财产返还的原理亦可用于对彩礼返还规则的解释和对父母出资为已婚子女购置房屋后子女离婚所引发的财产返还问题的解决。  相似文献   
我国物流产业的真正提升必须通过第四方物流来完成。第四方物流对整合社会资源、降低物流成本、提高物流效率具有极其重要的作用。文中从现实角度出发,分析了第四方物流发展的成因,在此基础上提出了我国发展第四方物流的措施。  相似文献   
近年来,知识产权壁垒成为继传统两反一保后的一种全新的贸易壁垒形式。近一段时间以来,我国企业出口频遭知识产权壁垒,进出口贸易受到严重影响。本文着力探寻知识产权壁垒频繁发生的原因,并在此基础上提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
经过十多年的发展,广西上市公司数量、规模不断扩大,成为推动广西经济社会发展的重要力量,但是,随着广西上市公司的快速发展,违法违规行为不断产生,对广西资本市场形象和社会稳定造成了较大的负面影响.本文对广西上市公司发展的历史脉络和存在的主要问题认真梳理,对广西上市公司违法违规行为的表现形式、主要特点和产生原因进行深入思考,谋求探究出广西上市公司违法违规的根源,并提出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   
论国有施工企业成本管理的现状、成因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于历史的原因 ,国有施工企业的成本管理一直是个难点问题。本文力图结合施工生产经营的特点 ,对国有施工企业成本管理的现状及其成因进行分析 ,提出在社会主义市场经济条件下强化国有施工企业成本管理的对策思路  相似文献   
赵勇 《南方金融》2012,(2):9-14
2011年,浙江、内蒙古、山东、河南、江苏、广东、福建、宁夏等省发生的几十起民间借贷风险事件带来的巨大社会震荡引起中央政府和金融管理部门的高度关注。本文详细阐述了我国民间借贷的风险表现,深入剖析了造成我国民间借贷风险的原因,并在此基础上提出应对民间借贷风险的对策建议。  相似文献   
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