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作为我国社会保障制度改革的重要部分之一,城镇养老金制度改革的重要性日益凸显出来.城镇养老金制度的选择决定着我国社会经济在未来能否持续健康地发展.试图在比较基金积累制和现收现付制两种制度设计的同时,结合我国社会经济以及人口方面的特点,提出一种制度设计,并从技术、制度和经济三方面进行可行性分析. 相似文献
论述了当前我国食用菌加工的水平和现状,分析了我国食用菌加工存在的主要问题和原因,提出了今后发展我国食用菌加工的对策。 相似文献
传统的旅游者行为分析方法,主要是进行定性的分析,将各个因素进行框架分析,而对旅游者行为的影响因素分析深度不够。借助行为经济学的理论和分析方法,从旅游者的心理活动角度入手,注重旅游者的心理变量分析,应用前景理论和心理账户分析旅游者行为,充分考虑了情境因素和体验因素,使得关于旅游者的行为分析更加细化和接近现实生活。 相似文献
Tarlok Singh 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2016,25(5):636-690
This study surveys the literature on saving–investment (SI) correlations and international mobility of capital (IMC) generated over more than three decades since the 1980s. Several studies have shown the presence of paradoxically high SI correlations for the developed countries with observed high IMC, and low SI correlations for the developing countries with observed low IMC. The studies accounting for structural breaks in model parameters provide dominant support for the decrease in SI correlations and increase in IMC after the switch from fixed to flexible exchange rate regime and the removal of policy restrictions on capital flows. The intertemporal optimisation approach to current account and the open-economy growth and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models mainly provide theoretical predictions and suggest that it is possible to find high SI correlations in the wake of high IMC. The increases in international capital flows have been the natural corollary of the growth of international trade in goods and services and increases in foreign direct investment flows. It is these factors, rather than international trade in capital market securities (bonds and equities) driven by the diversification benefits of financial portfolios per se, that have been the key levers of international financial flows. 相似文献
乐长征 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2014,(17):96-99
与传统的总账记录法不同,科目汇总法是一种利用科目汇总表数据进行试算平衡、相对独立于账簿体系之外的账户余额试算平衡表编制方法。其编制程序是根据企业档案管理要求或经营管理需求,设计每册会计凭证的起、止编号及其适当的科目汇总表工作底稿,逐笔登记每张记账凭证中的会计科目发生额、加计和调整以及结转相关科目的本期借贷发生额并进行余额的试算平衡。手工账下,基于有效履行受托责任和减少会计风险的考量,运用科目汇总法来编制账户余额试算平衡表应是一种必要的会计程序。 相似文献
住户核算是国民经济核算的重要组成部分,账户是核算的重要载体和有效工具之一。依据联合国《国民经济核算体系1993》,结合中国的国情和统计实践,分析中国住户部门在国民经济不同阶段与政府部门、非金融公司部门、金融公司部门以及为住户服务的非营利机构部门间进行的经济交易,在此基础上形成了住户部门的生产账户、收入形成账户等,并最终构建出中国住户部门综合经济账户的通式。 相似文献
The Role of Retail Competition,Demographics and Account Retail Strategy as Drivers of Promotional Sensitivity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We study the determinants of sensitivity to the promotional activities of temporary price reductions, displays, and feature
advertisements. Both the theoretical and empirical literatures on price promotions suggest that retailer competition and the
demographic composition of the shopping population should be linked to response to temporary price cuts. However, datasets
that span different market areas have not been used to study the role of retail competition in determining price sensitivity.
Moreover, little is known about the determinants of display and feature response. Very little attention has been focused on
retailer strategic decisions such as price format (EDLP vs. Hi-Lo) or size of stores. We assemble a unique dataset with all
U.S. markets and all major retail grocery chains represented in order to investigate the role of retail competition, account
retail strategy, and demographics in determining promotional response. Previous work has not simultaneously modeled response
to price, display, and feature promotions, which we do in a Bayesian Hierarchical model. We also allow for retailers in the
same market to have correlated sales response equations through a variance component specification. Our results indicate that
retail strategic variables such as price format are the most important determinants of promotional response, followed by demographic
variables. Surprisingly, we find that variables measuring the extent of retail competition are not important in explaining
promotional response. 相似文献
长期以来,人们只看重货币国际化结果,以占全球贸易计价结算比重、外汇交易比重、国际债券比重、外汇储备比重等相关指标衡量一国货币的国际化程度,而忽视货币跨境流动放松过程,即一国货币的跨境流动自由化程度。货币国际化是一个过程又是一种结果,包含进程和结果两个层面,在货币国际化进程中,过早过快放松本币流出入会引发经济金融风险,某些情形下进程比结果更值得关注。构建人民币跨境自由度指数涉及强度赋值、项目设置和权重确定三方面内容。在梳理2019年第2季度前我国货币政策基础上,对2008年至2019年经常项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度、证券投资项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度以及资本项目下的人民币跨境流动自由度进行评估,并以美国近5年各项目下的资金流动平均占比为权重,构建了人民币跨境流动自由化指数,考察2008—2019年人民币跨境流动自由化程度,结果显示人民币国际化进展较快,跨境流动已得到很大程度放松,而且人民币流入自由程度显著高于流出自由度。我国人民币国际化进程应持续遵循先经常项目后资本项目、先流入后流出、先机构后个人、先大额后小额、先风险小项目后风险大项目的次序,提高人民币跨境流动的稳定性,降低无序流动的投机风险;严格管控证券投资、其他投资、衍生品项目下人民币跨境流动,并依据我国利率市场化程度、金融市场发达程度及审慎监管能力进行调整;大力提升经常项目的人民币结算比重,发展人民币离岸市场,提高非居民间的人民币使用频率和使用规模;充分评估各项目下人民币跨境流动和本外币兑换自由度,提高两者的协同匹配程度,降低因两者不匹配而产生的负面影响。 相似文献