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本文从法国的文化遗产保护与文化产业、法国的文化政策特征、法国文化政策的历史渊源、近30余年来法国文化的部分衰落及其原因分析、法国的文化模式与美国的比较及对中国的启示等五个方面,论述法国的文化政策值得中国学习的地方,但所遇到的困难则值得中国借鉴。法国的文化治理模式是典型的国家主导型模式,强调国家和政府的主导作用,取得历史的辉煌,这一点与中国相似。但是由于法国没有建立起符合经济发展规律的市场主导型的文化产业,其可持续发展能力不强,会随着国家的经济社会意识的兴衰而波动。将法国与美国文化模式作一个比较后这一点看得更清楚。  相似文献   
东北地区通用航空,其航空器拥有量和作业量都占到了全国的五分之一强,在中国通用航空界占有举足轻重的地位。但东北地区通用航空人力资源发展还存在著空地勤专业技术人员严重短缺和老龄化等问题以及许多体制与管理上的问题。“十二五”时期,东北地区通用航空的发展措施是:建设一支素质优良的飞行员队伍和一个功能齐全的作业机队。培养一批技术过硬的空地勤专业通航人员;加快体制改革,打造一流的通用航空营运人。  相似文献   
落实“国九条”促进物流业健康发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
物流业是流通业的重要支撑与基础保障,在降低流通成本、提升流通效率等方面具有十分积极的作用.2011年,我国物流运行保持平稳较快增长态势,物流政策环境进一步改善,特别是2011年8月《国务院办公厅关于促进物流业健康发展政策措施的意见》(简称“国九条”)的出台,对于细化落实《物流业调整和振兴规划》,进一步转变物流业发展方式,引导物流业科学发展具有非常重要的意义,为下一阶段我国物流业政策调整指明了方向.这是落实《物流业调整和振兴规划》的重要举措,是降低流通成本的必然要求,是提升产业竞争力的必要保证.此外,“国九条”针对业界反映强烈、长期制约物流业发展的突出问题,提出了税收、土地、交通、体制改革、资源整合、技术创新、加大投入和农产品物流等九个方面的四十多条政策措施.比如,在税收方面,强调在完善税收试点办法的基础上,研究解决仓储、配送、货运代理等环节与运输环节营业税税率不统一的问题和大宗商品仓储设施用地的土地使用税政策,切实减轻物流企业税收负担;在交通方面,针对反映集中的过路过桥费过高、罚款过多过乱、配送车辆进城难等问题,提出了清理并降低过路过桥费、为配送车辆进城通行提供便利、坚决治理“乱罚款”、实事求是解决车辆运输车难题、制定大件运输管理办法等一系列措施.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the asset pricing implications of commonly used portfolio management contracts linking the compensation of fund managers to the excess return of the managed portfolio over a benchmark portfolio. The contract parameters, the extent of delegation, and equilibrium prices are all determined endogenously within the model we consider. Symmetric (fulcrum) performance fees distort the allocation of managed portfolios in a way that induces a significant and unambiguous positive effect on the prices of the assets included in the benchmark and a negative effect on the Sharpe ratios. Asymmetric performance fees have more complex effects on equilibrium prices and Sharpe ratios, with the signs of these effects fluctuating stochastically over time in response to variations in the funds' excess performance.  相似文献   
This paper concentrates on Patinkin's use of Walras' model in his attempt at providing a proper theory of the price of money integrated with the theory of relative prices. Patinkin stands as the last major contributor to a Walras-Hicks-Patinkin tradition based on an attempt at introducing money into the agent's utility function. More in Hicks than in Walras' footsteps, Patinkin gives a clear priority to money as a store of value over an assumed function as a means of exchange. It is also shown how confident the profession was in the early 1950s in the ability of general equilibrium to provide theoretical foundations to the neo-classical synthesis. However, the similitudes between the technique used by Walras and Patinkin are only a smokescreen behind which very different intentions are hidden.  相似文献   
This study has employed recently published input–output (I–O) tables and tourism survey data and built a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, to assess the role of inbound tourism in the Singaporean economy and thus to reveal its implications for tourism marketing. Compared with the I–O analysis, the CGE modeling takes into account the feedback effect in the economy and thus produces more reliable results. The modeling results show that inbound tourism contributes significantly to the Singaporean economy, but it competes mildly with non-tourism sectors for resources. Although tourism shopping accounts for about half of total tourism expenditure, its economic contribution is much less than that of the tourism service in terms of GDP, employment, household income, and tax revenue. This suggests that, in developing and marketing Singapore as a tourist destination, more efforts are needed to encourage tourism services demand.  相似文献   

More and more retailers have expanded internationally. Because of its impact on the success of a retailer's international operations, a critical aspect of an internationalisation strategy consists of choosing the appropriate entry and expansion modes. The phenomenon remains misunderstood as little research in international retailing has focused on this question and findings from international management literature find limited application to services.

This paper draws upon a literature review and six case-studies from French specialised retailers to provide an exploratory framework for examining key determinants of operation mode choice. It is found that retailers consider four underlying dimensions of operation modes. These dimensions are affected by situational, individual and marketing factors whose explanatory impacts are moderated by the motives for internationalisation and relationship networks.  相似文献   
[目的]寻求玉米补贴政策改变对宏观经济和粮食安全的影响,并厘清影响的幅度,寻求玉米政策调整的合理方向。[方法]对现有的中国可计算一般均衡模型进行了改进,引入库存积累、临时存储库存入市、库存销售和顺价机制,加入玉米实物量模块。通过设定政策模拟情景,运用2012年中国投入产出表、农业农村部、中国统计年鉴等资料将数据库进行了更新,对农业部门的玉米补贴减少政策的影响进行了模拟。[结果]降低玉米种植补贴后,玉米种植面积和产量都将改变。短期内,补贴减少将减少财政压力。中长期来看,减少补贴政策将对GDP产生负面影响,且远大于财政补贴减少的幅度。而玉米占经济量的份额很小,玉米相关行业的变化,对宏观经济的影响较弱。[结论]实现去库存、调结构、降低种植面积,进行市场化决策,就要坚持玉米价格市场化改革,注重政策的时效性和针对性,加强信息监测预警。提高政府对玉米市场的宏观调控能力,实施多策并举的政策,有助于实现宏观经济改善,保持农业生产持续健康良好运行。  相似文献   
资产价格波动与银行危机的一般均衡分析模型的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代银行危机的发生越来越和各种资产价格的剧烈波动复杂地交织在一起,难以预测和控制。世界银行的Peter探讨资产价格波动与银行脆弱性二者双向的互动机理,提出了一般均衡模型,找出连接二者的主要因素。他认为在资产价格下降和银行危机之间存在一个间接、非线性和涉及反馈的过程。但我们认为这不完整,我们认为在资产价格下降和银行危机之间存在两个反馈过程,一个是直接作用于银行资本的即时过程,另一个是Peter所谈的间接过程。  相似文献   
文章通过技术的通用性水平差异刻画各国制造业在全球创新链中的位置,并在非线性双指数知识流模型的基础上,分析知识在全球创新链不同环节间的流动。研究表明,知识流在全球创新链的上游和下游强度较高,在中游强度较低,中国制造业的融入位置处于全球创新链的中下游,并随着中国内需市场的扩张和经济结构的转型,下游化趋势日趋显著。在下游化的过程中,中国制造业企业完成了由低端技术的供给者向技术资源的整合者的转型,实现了对全球的科学知识资源的高效利用,但研发资源集中于下游环节使得企业更加依赖国外技术,技术革新过程受制于人。在上游通用性技术领域,中国制造业企业仍然处于追赶者的角色,亟需抓住新一轮通用性技术革新的机遇,从供给侧发力,通过创新驱动提高制造业整体竞争力,推动中国经济的高质量发展,由知识使用者向知识创造者转型。  相似文献   
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