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新《保险法》和最高人民法院《关于适用〈中华人民共和国保险法〉若干问题的解释(一)》已于2009年10月1日正式施行。此次《保险法》修订较为全面、系统,有许多条款对商业银行有直接或间接影响。本文试就新《保险法》中与商业银行有关的内容进行诠释,并就商业银行应对之策提出几点建议,以期对商业银行正确适用新保险法能有所裨益。  相似文献   
新闻自由作为一项基本权利与司法独立之间冲突的本质是公民权利与公权力之间的冲突。美国、德国和日本在新闻自由与司法独立的具体界限上有着较丰富的实践,其包括对新闻自由的行为限制和结果限制两方面。其中,行为限制又分为信息限制、报道限制和评论限制;结果限制不仅是对新闻自由限制的最后一道防线,也是行为限制中有权机关自由裁量的重要基准。  相似文献   
在行政争议实质性解决的理念下,能动司法不意味着司法万能。司法实践对实质性的判断主要体现在三个维度上: 通过合理性审查消灭不确定法律状态,基于保障权益和节约资源而变通诉讼程序,进入审判外协商调解与府院合作的解纷渠道。一方面,法院将确权判决、原告撤诉、诉讼程序不重启、协商调解等可视化结果视为实质化解行政争议;另一方面,实质化解行政争议在多数裁判文书中仅作为宣誓性表达。这造成实质性的形式化,泛化实质性标准,产生司法能动与谦抑、程序与实体、尊重当事人意志与司法介入之间的价值冲突。我国司法正义观介于纯粹过程正义和结果正义之间,追求解纷效率的同时,需避免司法负担过重或肆意逸脱至审判外渠道。鉴于此,司法解决行政争议中实质性标准应受限于司法实体裁判能力,理性识别权利保护的必要性,且不可将协商调解与府院合作等同于实质性的达成。  相似文献   
解小平 《魅力中国》2013,(29):377-377
the moral legalization is a controversial topic, but the proper moral legalization has become a consensus. China Is in the period of social transition, the moral anomie problem has become the wounds of the state and society, through analyzing the problems existing in the moral legalization at the present stage,.pmposed to follow the tradition and reality, try to find the ethics which is suitable for our country, The cycle of the legislation, law enforcement and judicial will help the moral legalization, so as to create a more harmoniom society.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的快速发展,政府和社会资本合作的PPP模式应运而生,并发展得如火如荼。2019年底,最高法发布审理行政协议案件的司法解释,明确了符合四要素的PPP协议为行政协议,学界和实务部门对此争议不断。基于此,本文从《行政协议案件规定》出台前后对PPP协议的法律性质进行分析,通过检索案例并结合司法实务中的困境,针对PPP协议纠纷救济机制提出相应的合理化建议,以期在一定程度上推动PPP项目在我国的长远发展。  相似文献   
20世纪后半叶,传统的英美对抗制民事诉讼程序经历了一次重大的、革命性的变革。导致这种变革的原因是多方面的,其中既有社会的呼声,也有司法体系内部的反省。变革的核心内容是法官的角色转变和司法对程序控制的加大。这种变革,不仅使英美法官的传统职能发生了变化,而且使一直与大陆民事程序完全不同的英美程序机制具有了一种全新的内容。因而这种变革不可避免地在法律界引发了激烈的争论。  相似文献   
行业协会只有经过法定授权才可以行使行政职权。界定行业协会是经济法主体还是行政法主体,在某个具体法律语境中其实毋需争议。应普遍赋予行业协会行政主体资格,同时,可对行业协会普遍适用司法审查。  相似文献   
《Economic Systems》2015,39(1):72-96
The relationship between institutional quality, entrepreneurship, and economic growth has been well documented within the literature. However, much less work has been done regarding judicial independence and how this affects, specifically, entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, this paper attempts to fill that gap by exploiting the differences in judicial independence that exist between the US states and empirically evaluating how this affects entrepreneurship. Overall, the results suggest that the method of selecting and retaining justices of both courts of last resort and intermediate appellate courts has a significant and direct effect on entrepreneurial activity, though the latter result is somewhat less robust. The presence of judicial nominating and retention commissions also has a significant and direct effect. Further, although somewhat weaker, the method of selecting the chief justice of a state court of last resort would also appear to have an impact on entrepreneurship. These results are robust to a number of specifications.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes employment hours, supplemented by interview data, from large highway construction sites in Boston, Los Angeles, and Oakland in the 1980s and 1990s. This study suggests that affirmative action positively affects the employment of women in construction and where there is more pressure, there are strongr results. Second, white women and women of color tend to work in trades that reflect the existing racial hierarchies among men. Therefore race as well as gender should be reflected in the design and measurement of the impacts of employment programs. Community organizing, advocacy for women and men of color, judicial oversight and positive efforts by unions and employers are still critical to bridging the gap between policy intentions and outcomes.  相似文献   
建立廉租住房保障家庭腾退的住房的管理与运作的保障机制具有重要意义。文章就建立腾退住房管理与运作的立法保障机制、行政保障机制、经济保障机制、司法保障机制和社会保障机制的必要性、主要内容、主体、原则、程式、手段等进行了论述。  相似文献   
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