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We consider the problem of efficiency and existence of a competitive equilibrium in exhaustible resource markets where extraction costs are nonconvex. Nonconvexity is shown to imply that (1) (efficient) extraction ceases to the left of the minimum efficient scale, i.e., where average costs exceed marginal costs; and (2) a competitive equilibrium does not exist. Introduction of a backstop technology (which induces a flat portion of the industry demand curve) restores both existence and efficiency, provided that the backstop price is sufficiently low. If firms face even a small amount of uncertainty regarding their rivals' stocks, a backstop technology is sufficient to restore existence of competitive equilibrium, even if the backstop price is very high. In this case, however, the competitive equilibrium is not efficient.  相似文献   
通过总结多年从事企业质量管理工作经验,认为只有通过扎实的贯标、严格质量程序管理行为、全面实施过程控制、坚持质量体系的持续改进,才能不断建设和完善质量管理体系,充分发挥质量管理体系的增值作用。从而逐步提高企业质量管理总体水平,建立企业质量管理长效机制。  相似文献   
本文详细论述了空调器室外机具有防踩踏功能包装结构的设计方案,该方案解决了如何进行防踩踏包装结构设计的问题,并通过实例证实了其可行性。其结论表明,具有防踩踏功能的包装结构不仅功能好,而且成本低,具有很大的参考价值。  相似文献   
Optimal safety stock levels of subassemblies and manufacturing components   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
In order to control the time to market and manufacturing costs, companies produce and purchase many parts and components before receiving customer orders. Consequently, demand forecasting is a critical decision process. Using modular product design and super bills of materials are two effective strategies for developing a reliable demand forecasting process. They reduce the probability of stockouts in diversified production contexts. Furthermore, managing and controlling safety stocks for pre-assembled modules provide an effective solution to the problem of minimizing the effects of forecast errors. This paper develops, evaluates, and applies innovative cost-based analytical models so that the optimal safety stock of modular subassemblies and components in assembly to order and manufacturing to order systems, respectively, can be rapidly quantified. The implementation of the proposed models in two industrial case applications demonstrates that they significantly reduce the safety stock inventory levels and the global logistical cost.  相似文献   
《史记》这部历史巨著同时又是一部不可多得的文学著作,它以极强的艺术感染力,再现了活生生的历史画面。从《史记》著作中巧用抑扬法、妙用互衬法、善用详略法等,阐述了《史记》的艺术风格。  相似文献   
In this paper bilateral models formalizing monthly growth of US imports and exports are employed to investigate the potential of nonlinear relationships linking exchange rate uncertainty and trade growth. Parametric linear and nonlinear as well as semiparametric time series models are evaluated in terms of fitting and ex ante forecasting. The overall impact of exchange rate variations on trade growth is found to be weak. In periods of large exchange rate variations, trade growth forecasts gain from conditioning on volatility. Empirical results support the view that the relationship of interest might be non-linear and, moreover, lacks homogeneity across countries and imports vs. exports. JEL no. C14, C22, F31, F41  相似文献   
本文介绍了主动性决策理论研究的概貌,它的若干概念、原理和研究方向。作为它的理论基础,还探讨了系统组织化不完备性原理和非理想系统概念。  相似文献   
We estimate labor losses caused by spam mails and input these estimated values into a production function, while also estimating damage to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Japan. As a result, we have found that spam mails decreased the Japanese GDP by about 500 billion yen in 2004. This marginal negative effect of spam mail to the GDP increased with the progress of broadband in 2000. Moreover, from the result of a social simulation conducted by the authors, the amount of damage is projected to reach 1% of the Japanese GDP by 2010, unless adequate countermeasures are taken against spam mails. This projection provides a statistical fundamental to several theoretical analyses of spam mails.  相似文献   
通过对草坪问题的行为经济学分析,本文揭示了产权关系与资源使用者的行为选择不直接相关,管理制度与资源使用者的行为选择直接相关。鉴此,本文提出,产权取向的国有企业改革是理想模式,而管理制度取向的国有企业改革才是现实模式。本文认为,在现阶段国有企业产权关系不能明晰,或者暂时不能明晰,甚至所有者“缺位”的特殊情况下,借助于某种权威(比如,国家和法律)的力量,建立合理的管理组织和管理制度,是破解国有企业改革难题的新方向。当前,国有企业改革最重要的是推动四项法律制度的建设。  相似文献   
本文提出了在环境保护中“追本清源”的观点 ,重点阐述了加强环境法规 ,强调在实际工作中必须严格执行法规和实行环境监测控制 ,同时讨论了环境会计 (绿色会计 的建立和环境信息披露问题。  相似文献   
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