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中部地区旅游产业链优化路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未来旅游产业的竞争取决于产业整体的竞争力和产业链的整体优化.中部旅游产业的仍然存在市场导向程度低、产业价值链的协同竞争不够、产业链利益分配和协调机制尚未建立、产业链瓶颈环节和薄弱环节较多等问题.需要通过转化政府的引导作用,优化企业的协作行为,强化中介组织的协调功能,整合优化旅游产业链,提升产业整体竞争优势.  相似文献   
浅析东亚多层次合作现状及趋向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东亚地区的经贸合作存在多层次性,但从长期来看,这些多层次合作将归于东亚自由贸易区。这不仅由世界经济一体化的趋势决定,更是东亚各国经济发展的需要。在朝向自由贸易区的进程中,东亚各国要目标一致,在借鉴其他区域组织成功经验的同时,设计适合自身的合作框架。  相似文献   
We first developed theory arguing that HR managers' and other middle managers' involvement during strategy making would have different effects on performance for firms pursuing different business-level strategies. Then, our empirical study tested the hypotheses in the context of HR managers and middle managers in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China. We found that HR manager involvement during strategy making was positively related to perceptions of future business performance. The use of a differentiation strategy was also positively associated with future performance. Neither the use of a cost leadership strategy, however, nor involvement by other middle-level managers, was directly related to perceived future performance. Interestingly, pursuit of a cost leadership strategy, combined with either high HR manager involvement or high middle manager involvement, produced high business performance. Thus, we found a positive and significant interaction such that increasing levels of manager involvement in strategy and a cost leadership strategy was associated with much higher levels of performance. Lower levels of manager involvement combined with the cost leadership strategy, however, were related to much lower performance. No such interaction effect was apparent for differentiation strategies.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new conceptual model to better understand the internationalization process of firms, especially those from rapidly developing East Asian economies. The model is illustrated through a comprehensive analysis of the internationalization process of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC). A comparative case analysis of the development of HMC's five major foreign subsidiaries shows both capability building through sequential investment from the headquarters' perspective and heterogeneous development of operational knowledge at the subsidiary level. The research emphasizes the importance of the post-FDI phase of subsidiary development to the study of firm internationalization, and highlights the process of decision-making and learning as the key to understanding the sequence of investments in subsidiaries.  相似文献   
介绍了东日本大地震对地震灾区石油化工装置造成的严重损毁、对日本炼油及石化中下游产业和国际贸易的影响,以及对全球能源市场的影响。结合东日本大地震给我国石化产业发展带来的启示,建议我国的石化产业要适当调整发展规划,提高石化工业的核心技术和关键设备的自给能力,优化产业布局、强化工程建设项目的审批和风险分析,培养一支有过硬心理素质和事故处理能力的队伍。  相似文献   
《Business History》2012,54(5):789-815
Many nineteenth-century historians claimed that the English East India Company's trade and commercial activities, right from inception, were never really a financially profitable enterprise. This argument is incorporated within an altered structure–conduct–performance (SCP) paradigm to rearticulate the Company's history between 1600 and 1765. Rather than characterising the Company as simply a chartered monopoly, the article instead argues that the market structure in which it operated was competitive or contestable but, at the same time, wrought with high sunk costs and free-riders. This framework allows us to understand why the Company desperately pursued market conduct strategies to gain monopoly and monopsony power in England and India respectively, which simultaneously contributed to its transformation from merchant to merchant-ruler. In this process the Company redefined not merely industry boundaries but also those between industry and state.  相似文献   
运用CHARLS 2011、2013、2015年三期数据,采用双重差分模型和准自然实验框架,分析城乡居民大病保险制度对中老年居民医疗服务利用和健康的影响及其作用机制,并从城乡和收入两个角度对制度实施效应的异质性进行探究。研究表明:大病保险制度实施能够显著促进中老年居民住院医疗服务及健康,增加中老年居民住院概率1.03%,提高住院次数0.022次,提高住院总费用10.4个百分点,总体健康水平提高0.023个单位;制度实施主要促进了农村和中等收入群体的住院医疗服务利用和健康水平的改善,对低收入人群住院医疗服务影响有限,且对城镇居民和高收入群体的影响并不显著;作用机制分析显示大病保险制度实施通过提高居民医疗服务利用进而起到改善其健康水平的作用。研究表明大病保险制度对中老年居民的住院服务利用和健康起到积极作用,但对于低收入群体的效应仍有待进一步改善。  相似文献   
在亚太框架下的贸易自由化一直进展缓慢,直到最近,亚太的经济合作才出现实质性的进展。特别是美国不仅与东盟10国签订了贸易和投资框架协议,还与韩国、澳大利亚开始贸易自由协定的谈判,美国对东亚区域合作的参与度越来越高。对于中国而言,美国参与东亚的贸易自由化进程对其会有什么样的影响,是值得密切关注的。文章基于GTAP模型对美国参与东亚区域合作的路径进行模拟,并基于模拟结果分析其对中国的影响。结果表明,中国不参与东亚区域合作是弊大于利,而参与则是利大于弊。中国需要注意的问题:一是积极参与东亚区域合作是最优策略;二是要注意美国的扼制策略,积极加强自由贸易区建设。  相似文献   
南水北调中线工程供水目标为工业城市为主,兼顾农业和环境,兼有经营性和公益性,国家投巨资兴建,目的是最大限度地发挥工程综合效益。在考虑工程公益性和用水户水价承受能力的前提下,分析了骨干工程合理水价构成,指出两部制水价存在的问题,研究了水价补贴政策,按照"还本付息、保证运行"的原则,测算了骨干工程合理水价标准,并提出"足量供水定额收费"的制度建议。  相似文献   
基于利益相关方理论,提出了跨区水资源调配中区域利益相关方的圈层式结构,并以南水北调中线工程为例,分析了南水北调水资源调配中不同层次利益主体及其区域利益关系的变化,旨在加强受水区和调水区之间的合作,调节区域间的利益关系  相似文献   
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