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This paper examines the influence of the top management teams' (TMTs) characteristics, including tenure and international experience, on the degree of firm internationalization. In addition, this study explores the moderating effect of the size of middle managers (MMs) on the relationship between the TMT characteristics and the degree of firm internationalization. This study use the information-process perspective to emphasize that MMs provide information processing capabilities that assist TMTs as they cope with the high information-processing demands of the strategic decision-making process in international markets. We test the hypotheses using a sample of listed manufacturing firms in the electro-optical and textile industries during the 2006–2010 period. The findings indicate that TMT tenure has an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm internationalization and TMT international experience has a positively affect the firm internationalization. Furthermore, we find that large MM size positively enhances the inverted U-shaped relationship between TMT tenure and firm internationalization.  相似文献   
运用CHARLS 2011、2013、2015年三期数据,采用双重差分模型和准自然实验框架,分析城乡居民大病保险制度对中老年居民医疗服务利用和健康的影响及其作用机制,并从城乡和收入两个角度对制度实施效应的异质性进行探究。研究表明:大病保险制度实施能够显著促进中老年居民住院医疗服务及健康,增加中老年居民住院概率1.03%,提高住院次数0.022次,提高住院总费用10.4个百分点,总体健康水平提高0.023个单位;制度实施主要促进了农村和中等收入群体的住院医疗服务利用和健康水平的改善,对低收入人群住院医疗服务影响有限,且对城镇居民和高收入群体的影响并不显著;作用机制分析显示大病保险制度实施通过提高居民医疗服务利用进而起到改善其健康水平的作用。研究表明大病保险制度对中老年居民的住院服务利用和健康起到积极作用,但对于低收入群体的效应仍有待进一步改善。  相似文献   
In the last decade, economic growth have created in Brazil and other emerging countries a ‘new middle class’, a group that left the poverty line and entered the consumption markets. In this scenario, a musical movement with many traces of this ‘new middle class’ has emerged. Known as Funk Ostentação (ostentation funk), the movement is formed by young singers whose lyrics and promo videos refer to the consumption of designer's clothes, cars and aspirational products. We have studied Funk Ostentação by means of its promo videos, personal interviews and a group discussion with its fans (young adults) and found meaningful relations between consumption and identity building. We developed a framework that integrates the extended and expanded self theories under the lenses of compensatory consumption. This framework can be applied to studies with other groups that have similar characteristics of vulnerability with other niches of the ‘new middle class’ in emerging markets.  相似文献   
在亚太框架下的贸易自由化一直进展缓慢,直到最近,亚太的经济合作才出现实质性的进展。特别是美国不仅与东盟10国签订了贸易和投资框架协议,还与韩国、澳大利亚开始贸易自由协定的谈判,美国对东亚区域合作的参与度越来越高。对于中国而言,美国参与东亚的贸易自由化进程对其会有什么样的影响,是值得密切关注的。文章基于GTAP模型对美国参与东亚区域合作的路径进行模拟,并基于模拟结果分析其对中国的影响。结果表明,中国不参与东亚区域合作是弊大于利,而参与则是利大于弊。中国需要注意的问题:一是积极参与东亚区域合作是最优策略;二是要注意美国的扼制策略,积极加强自由贸易区建设。  相似文献   
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a young, oil-rich country, where national youth display a clear preference for public sector employment. Growing youth unemployment reinforces the importance of non-government employment, including entrepreneurship. This study investigates UAE national youth intentions toward entrepreneurship through the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ). Analysis (N?=?544) identifies the direct influence of attitude and perceived behavioral control and indirect influence of subjective norms on entrepreneurship intention. Results also examine several demographic variables and highlight the potential importance of family and social groups in promoting entrepreneurial intentions in this emerging country context.  相似文献   
李广成 《江苏商论》2012,(1):132-134
两淮是我国历史上主要的食盐集散地,两淮盐商盐商文化博大精深。特别是扬州盐商文化具有突出的旅游开发价值。从旅游景观意义上看,盐商文化遗址主要有六大类型,应从多方面挖掘其旅游开发的亮点,进一步提升扬州历史名城的旅游魅力。  相似文献   
Despite the acknowledgement of the significance of income, affordability and cultural factors in using mobile phones research, there are few studies on how these factors affect females' use of mobile technology. Hence, this paper aims to expand knowledge on female consumers' use of mobile phones and mobile applications in developing countries. It develops a model based on combining the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and the cultural influence model. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used to distribute hard copy questionnaires in Jordanian, Iraqi and UAE households led to 629 replies from female consumers. The results indicated that although income is an important factor, cost is not the highest barrier for females. Culture, society, national IT development and inclusive policies play a key role. This study contributes to existing literature by proposing a new integrated model acknowledging the role of income for females’ use of mobile phones.  相似文献   
《Business Horizons》2020,63(5):671-679
Gender stereotypes, which are particularly harmful to women, have historically been prevalent in advertising, prompting some governments and brands to regulate conventional gender portrayals. This study examines current gender portrayals in television advertising in the Middle East, and specifically in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), because of the increasing importance accorded to women’s empowerment in some of these countries. Building on similar studies elsewhere, we analyze the content of 111 distinct television advertisements aired over a week by a major TV channel in the region. Our analysis reveals that while depictions of certain aspects, such as role (familial/nonfamilial) and location (home/occupational setting), gently nudged traditional stereotypes by portraying women in nonfamilial roles and in occupational settings, depictions of background (female/male/children) and product type further reinforced traditional stereotypes. Based on these findings, we offer specific recommendations to marketers and advertisers in the region.  相似文献   
从欧洲货币一体化看东亚货币区的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜玉兰  曹晓蕾 《北方经贸》2003,(10):118-120
欧洲货币一体化的实践验证了最优货币区理论。作者以欧洲货币区的适应发展为参照 ,根据最优货币区理论所提出的标准 ,分析了东亚地区实行单一货币的可行性 ,结论是 ,东亚各国与欧元成员国相比存在很大差距 ,在很多方面尚不能满足建立最优货币区的基本条件 ,因此 ,要建立东亚货币区还任重道远。  相似文献   
Predicted to grow above 4.9 billion by 2030, with an overall spending capacity of $56 trillion, the rise of the middle class in emerging markets has attracted global practitioner and academic attention. How this new wealth will be invested is a central question; yet our understanding still remains fragmented. Drawing on the literatures of international business, behavioral economics and finance and using high-frequency stock market data, we examine and map the trading behavior of the middle class in Turkey, one of the fastest rising economic powers of the East. We find that middle class traders exhibit discernible differences to professionals, with respect to risk attitudes and stock preferences (e.g. prefer lower-risk, smaller-size and ‘value’ stocks). In addition, while they typically hold small portfolios and tend to realize lower gains than professionals, their role has become considerably influential to the direction of the entire market.  相似文献   
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