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大型铸锻件自主化、国产化、产业化的发展形势要求我国行业标准化建设与之相适应,并成为推动我国大型铸锻件产业自主化、国产化的重要技术支撑。本文通过对国内外大型铸锻件标准化情况的分析,找出标准化工作中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决路径,为大型铸锻件行业标准化工作提供思路。  相似文献   
Government regulations designed to promote social welfare can have unintended consequences on efficiency. According to the LeChatelier Principle, regulations that effectively limit substitution possibilities among inputs will reduce firm and industry-wide efficiency. In imperfectly competitive markets, however, government constraints on a strategic variable can facilitate coordination. An advertising restriction, for example, would improve efficiency if it enables firms to produce the same level of sales with less advertising spending. We use data envelopment analysis to estimate the effect of marketing regulations on efficiency in the U.S. cigarette industry. Unlike previous studies, we do not assume that marketing and production technologies are separable. Our results demonstrate that coordination effects dominate LeChatelier effects. Cigarette producers have benefited from advertising restrictions, a result consistent with the capture theory of regulation.
Victor J. TremblayEmail:
Karim Jamal  Shyam Sunder 《Abacus》2014,50(4):369-385
Financial accounting standards are set by organizations granted a significant degree of monopoly power by various governments. While there has been considerable debate on the merits of national (e.g., US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)) versus international (International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)) monopolies, little attention has been paid to the merits of using competing standard‐setting organizations (SSOs) for setting accounting standards. We compare the standard‐setting processes of the FASB/IASB to the processes of four technology‐oriented SSOs to assess the role of competition. We also provide a case study of monopoly and competitive standards in telephony. Both telephony and accounting yield some gains from coordination, and similar arguments are used (under the labels of comparability and consistency of accounting) in debates about granting a monopoly to their respective SSOs. Our results show that a group of volunteers competing with the government‐sanctioned monopoly of International Telecommunications Union transformed the telephone industry. Thanks to this standards competition, we enjoy free video internet calling and massive cost savings. Implications for accounting standard setting are discussed.  相似文献   
The development of an effective spatial data infrastructure (SDI) often occurs in a fragmented organizational environment requiring a high level of inter-organizational collaboration. Different organizations from various jurisdictions need to work together closely when agreeing on how they will jointly register, store, use and share data and how they will make their data available to the wider society. However, this collaboration is generally regarded as very difficult. For example people often resist data sharing across organizational boundaries due to loss of control, power and independency. Organizational issues are thus considered one of the fundamental constraints to inter-organizational sharing of spatial data.  相似文献   
This study aims to develop and test a concept for improving Anglo-Chinese business relationships. By piecing together and incorporating both Chinese and western relationship constructs into a cohesive framework and testing this on a sample of Taiwanese importers, the study conceptually and empirically advances our understanding of the discipline further. Specifically, three facets of guanxi, namely ganqing (an affective element), renqing (reciprocation and favor), and xinren (personal trust) are conceptualized to determine cooperation and coordination, which in turn lead to improved performance. Based on a sample of 208 buyers (surveying perceptions of their relationships with Anglo suppliers), we provide empirical support for our concept and reveal that ganqing, renqing and xinren are crucial for fostering the development of such Sino-Anglo relationships. By providing an international flavor in terms of the constructs outlined and the importer-exporter context, the study provides fresh insights to help broaden our horizon further and understand more about relationships in an international context. Several implications are extracted from the study which a) western marketers importantly need to practice as they grapple to enter Chinese markets and nurture business relations, b) Chinese buyers can consider when managing their supplier portfolios and c) academics can use to help measure important relational constructs and undertaking research in a Chinese context.  相似文献   
郝皓 《特区经济》2011,(1):303-304
我国电子制造业在承担了全球制造外包业务20多年以来,不断成长,确立了"世界工厂"的重要战略地位。然而,在外包制造过程中,由于我国企业在与核心企业间忽视有效的协调机制和一致性行动目标的构建,低效外包和风险外包由此产生。本文在对供应商协同涵义和特点进行概括的基础上,提出了制造外包协同机制的主体框架,该框架由战略层、运营层、数据支撑层和技术保障层构成,外包企业双方在这四个层面上进行信息共享、互动沟通和协商决策。通过协调机制的构建使外包企业双方真正发挥1+1>2的协同效应。  相似文献   
随着金融危机的不断深化,国际金融形势的变化越来越引人注目,金融危机背景下的中国经济也面临着巨大考验。本文从虚拟经济与实体经济的关系、国际短期资本流动、国际间政策协调三个方面对美国历史上两次世界性金融危机的情况进行比较分析,得出相应结论及对我国的启示。  相似文献   
高质量发展已经成为中国经济发展的根本导向。作为经济体系的重要组成部分之一,区域经济的高质量发展要求增强发展动力的均衡性、精准性、融合性、复制性和专业性。其中,由外需动力为主转向内外需动力并重、由所有区域的齐头并进到不同区域的各展所长、由地方竞争的发展速度到区域协调的规模经济、由个体区域的率先发展到个体区域的综合示范、由综合性区域战略到专业性区域政策是动力转型的主要方向,培育具有世界级竞争力的产业集群、细化主体功能区规划、构建共享型的区域利益关系、构建可复制的区域发展路径、完善区域管理制度是实现上述转型的支撑路径。  相似文献   
"五个统筹"是中共中央根据我国当前经济社会发展中存在的主要矛盾提出来的今后中国改革发展的总的要求,是辩证唯物主义的发展观.这一发展观的贯彻实施的关键在于国家制度的创新.  相似文献   
许婷婷 《魅力中国》2014,(21):208-208
随着乒乓球运动的不断开展,使人们在长期的实践中认识到:击球的准确性,击球的速度,击球的力量,球的旋转,及击球得落点成为提高乒乓球击球技术的五要素。我想有必要对提高中国乒乓球运动员击球的协调性进行一下研究,这可能有利于指导乒乓球运动员的训练和比赛,对如何迅速提高我国乒乓球技术、改进运动员的动作和提高运动员的运动成绩有着重大的作用和意义。至此,我将着重从影响运动员击球协调性的因素、如何提高提高我国乒乓球运动员击球协调性等方面展开论述。  相似文献   
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