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2007年爆发的金融危机不但改变了全球经济格局,也增加了中国房地产市场的不确定性因素。随着住宅开发的竞争越来越激烈,其利润率呈现走低趋势。越来越多的房地产开发商从住宅地产转向商业地产领域,以期获得更加丰厚的回报。选取中国35个大中城市的42个变量共计近6000个数据,利用时序全局主成分分析法对后金融危机时期的这些城市商业地产开发环境进行了系统研究,建立了比较科学的评价指标体系。  相似文献   
新时期高校先进性教育长效机制建设浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等学校是培养建设有中国特色社会主义事业接班人的重要阵地。如何教育、培养学生党员践行“三个代表”重要思想,充分发挥先锋模范作用,增强党的战斗力、凝聚力和吸引力,是高校学生党建工作的重要组成部分和基础环节。探索加强学生党员的思想政治教育、组织机制、制度建设、激励机制的建设,是新时期高校党建工作的一项重要课题。  相似文献   
Rental markets for cultivated land and agricultural investments in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to empirically track the progress and consequences of the emergence of cultivated land markets in China since 2000. We draw on a set of nationwide, household‐level panel data (for 2000 and 2008) and find that the markets for cultivated land rental have emerged robustly. According to our data, 19 of China's cultivated land was rented in farm operators in 2008. We also find that the nature of China's cultivated land rental contracts has become more formal and lengthened the period of time that the tenant is able to cultivate the rented‐in plots. While there may be benefits for lessors and tenants, our data show that there are falling rates of investment in organic manure. The farmers in our sample have reduced organic manure use from 13 tons/ha in 2000 to 5 tons/ha in 2008. Part of this fall is due to the rise of cultivated land rental markets. The analysis, however, does not find that improved property rights in cultivated land rental affect investment largely because property rights have largely been established by 2000, the first year of our sample. Our results, however, also show that there are forces that appear to be mitigating the negative consequences of rising cultivated land rental. After holding constant initial rental rates and other factors, we find that the gap between investment in organic manure in own land and rented‐in land is narrowing. One interpretation of our findings is that if policymakers can find ways to even further strengthen the rights of lessors and tenants as well as lengthen contract periods, farmers—even those that rent—will invest more in their land, because they will be able to capture the returns to their investments.  相似文献   
杨晓华 《价值工程》2011,30(26):327-328
目前我国的基尼系数已经超过了国际警戒线,最突出的表现就是贫富差距不断扩大,过大的贫富差距会给社会带来动荡,因此,我们不能忽视贫富差距扩大的问题,应正确的看待贫富差距扩大的问题产生的原因,现状以及它所带来的影响,并提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   
董树 《价值工程》2014,(8):314-316
党的十八大强调夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利,必须坚持人民主体地位。笔者分析了我国转型时期主体自觉性缺失对人民当家作主的制约,提出了通过健全各项民主制度扩大人民当家作主的群众基础、加强法制宣传教育以增强人民依法维权自觉性、建设社会主义核心价值体系提供精神动力和思想保证等措施来构建人民当家作主的主体自觉性。  相似文献   
从1957年到1966年的近10年,是我国开始全面建设社会主义的时期,也是我国民族区域自治曲折发展的时期。在这一时期,民族区域自治呈现出成绩与失误并存、经验与教训交织的双重特征。  相似文献   
冯华 《魅力中国》2010,(10):39-40
井冈山时期,毛泽东带领中国共产党人建立了农村革命根据地,并把人民军队的创建和工农红军的思想政治教育结合起来。我党针对工农红军的具体情况,结合当时的主要任务,采取了一系列恰当的方法,有效地对工农红军进行了思想政治教声,对新时期加强和改进党的思想政治教育工作有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
我们党一直以来都重视批评和自我批评的优良作风,它是共产党员必须具备的条件和必须履行的一项义务,是推动革命、建设和改革事业不断走向胜利的重要力量和方法。在今日中国转型的关键时期,面对国内外复杂多变的情况,共产党员更要继续发扬批评和自我批评的优良作风,克服自身的缺点和错误,战胜前进中的困难。  相似文献   
自2000年开始的新世纪新一轮企事业单位内部分配改革,已经经历了包括"十五"期间和"十一五"前四年以来在内的近十年时间。与"十五"期间分配改革的理念、政策和做法相比,自进入"十一五"期间的内部分配改革明显呈现出一些新的特点:确定企业内部分配差距,由一味地追求"按市场定价"向"限高、提低、增中"转变;工资构成由单一的岗位工资制向岗位资质绩效工资制转变;纳入工资档次的条件,由单一的按本人资质决定向岗位资质要求和本人具有的岗位资质相结合转变;由不够重视绩效考核转变到极为重视绩效考核并细化绩效工资方案转变。  相似文献   
With the establishment of labor market of China, market is playing a more and mare important role in allocation of human resources. However, with the transition of economy in China and industrial upgrading in recent years, many labor problems have occurred which do harm to the sustainable development of local economy. The paper researches on the labor market issues of China from the perspective of local labor market regulation. Firstly, it reviews the theories of local labor market regulation. And then the main components of local labor market regulation of China are identified and the evaluation index system is established. The results of analysis of the calculated output show that (1) the local labor market regulation of China has an obvious character of gradient distribution geographically and decreases gradually from east to west; (2) of all the regulations, the regulation of the development of human capital has the most significant impact on local economy currently which is followed by the regulation of labor relation and the regulation of market participation. As to the regulation of social security, it has no Significant impact on the development of local economy.  相似文献   
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