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Nowadays, issues such as limited natural resources, environmental problems, social matters, and significance of resilience in agricultural supply chain (ASC) have dragged considerable attention worldwide. In this research, a five-level multi-objective stochastic mixed-integer linear programming model is designed for tea supply chain (TSC) in Iran. The objective functions of the suggested network are minimizing total costs of the supply chain (SC), the total water consumption, and non-resilience measures, and maximizing job opportunities of facilities. Literally, considering uncertainty for SC networks is extremely beneficial due to the existence of some variations in different parameters like demand. As a consequence, a robust possibilistic optimization (RPO) is implemented to manage the uncertainty. Due to the nature of the multi-objective optimization problem, the weighted-normalized-extended goal programming (WNEGP) approach is employed to solve the model. In order to credit the model, real data is collected from the tea organization of Iran. It is worth mentioning that parameters are gathered according to three aspects of big data: volume, velocity, and variety. The results validated the functionality of the model regarding planning strategy. In addition, it showed applying more costs on SC triggers an effective sustainable-resilient-responsive network. In terms of managerial insights, this study offers a far-reaching perspective to managers especially in ASC to develop their industries. Finally, some sensitivity analyses are discussed on key parameters such as demand, robustness coefficients, and also the value of the objective functions in various states. It is worth mentioning that sensitivity analyses on different states of the problem show how sustainability and resiliency affect the supply chain efficiency.  相似文献   
以杭州市优质品种西湖龙井为主的茶叶用地为例,利用GIS空间分析方法进行茶叶用地适宜性评价,并结合城市规划空间布局方案,分析了未来城市建设用地扩张对茶叶用地在数量与质量上的潜在影响。结果表明:1杭州市现有建设用地对优质茶叶用地形成明显的包围态势,2005—2020年,西湖区建设用地扩张的幅度很大,超过了100%;2按照城市规划方案,研究区将减少茶叶用地面积42.08hm2,有1 138.24hm2的茶叶用地也将受到建设用地扩张和城市交通建设征地的威胁;3基于缓冲区的分析是支撑规划决策的有效方法,规划建设用地500m、1 000m、1 500m缓冲区和主干道路1 000m缓冲区内的茶园影响幅度分别为18.95%、35.56%、60.7%、5.38%。  相似文献   
“云茶”已被列为云南“优势特色产业十优十强”之一,是广大茶农脱贫致富的重要途径。然而,供应链不畅已成为制约“云茶”发展的关键,目前茶供应链研究成果不多,且均为定性研究,尚未发现定量研究的文献报导。对此,文章引入Petri网方法,采用建模仿真对“云茶”供应链进行研究。首先,分别对现有和重构后的供应链作Petri网建模和定量分析。之后,对两个供应链从时间性能和各环节运作效率等方面进行定量分析和比较研究。结果表明,重构后的供应链更有优势,从而为“云茶”供应链重构的必要性找到了切实可靠的理论依据和数据支撑。最后,对未来“云茶”供应链重构提出了若干建议。该研究不仅推进了茶供应链理论研究的深入和创新,而且可为云南建设绿色经济强省、打造“云茶”生态产业提供智力支持。  相似文献   
Tea tourism as a new niche market has become more and more popular. Through a case study in Xinyang, China, this research explores tourists' attitudes and perceptions toward tea and tea tourism, identifies who the potential tea tourists are, and compares their attitudes with others. One hundred seventy-nine questionnaires were administered; one-way ANOVA and chi-square test were used based on their willingness of tea tourism. The results suggest that tea tourists and non-tea tourists have significant differences in terms of their attitudes toward tea drinking and their willingness of buying tea as souvenir. Tea tourists are mainly tea lovers driven by their high interest in tea and tea culture; they tend to be both males and females (yet females show a significant higher percentage than males), between ages 31–40, who have a positive attitude toward tea drinking, and who often drink tea. This research also provides some marketing suggestions for this niche market.  相似文献   
本文选用石油醚(弱极性)、乙酸乙酯(中等极性)、正丁醇(强极性)三种不同萃取剂分离提取油茶籽中的抗氧化物,测定和比较不同萃取层的总酚含量、清除DPPH自由基活性和还原能力发现,活性较强部分主要分布在中等极性的乙酸乙酯层。取抗氧化活性最强的乙酸乙酯层萃取物用乙酸乙酯∶甲醇梯度洗脱剂过柱,发现抗氧化活性部分主要富集于9∶1段和6∶4段。相比于市售茶油,亚临界茶油含有更多的有效抗氧化成分并具有更好的抗氧化效果。  相似文献   
茶叶中小企业融资难,一直是茶产业发展的一大障碍。谋求银行信贷资金支持,除信用、担保贷款外,必须要有自身资产进行抵押、质押。茶叶商标专用权是茶叶企业的自有知识产权,是企业可以运用的无形资产。本文通过分析案例茶叶商标质押贷款,探索分析茶叶质押贷款的路径,并从中分析出茶叶商标贷款的问题和风险,并提出了一些针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   
芦蒿茶的加工工艺及质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以芦蒿叶为原料,采用炒制和漂烫两种杀青方法制备芦蒿茶,并对芦蒿茶的营养成分及质量进行分析研究,制定出芦蒿茶的参考质量标准。  相似文献   
详细介绍湖北省恩施地区油茶籽和茶叶籽在整籽含油率、水分、含仁率、油脂中脂肪酸组成方面的区别以及对人体功效的简介。其中,油脂是采用精心筛选的茶籽为原料,用超临界二氧化碳萃取技术提取的油脂,油脂质量达到油茶籽油国家标准一级油(GB 11765-2003)和食用植物油卫生标准(GB 2716-2005)。  相似文献   
我国茶叶种类繁琐,且茶叶市场混乱,为了保证消费者的合法权益,避免其购买到以次充好的茶叶,就需要对其茶叶进行有效的检测。其中,远近红外技术是最常用的技术,但其应用效果仍需要不断进行优化。基于此,就茶叶检测中近远红外分析技术研究进展展开分析,以期对我国茶叶品质评价水平的提升起到促进作用。  相似文献   
“点——轴系统”理论对于区域旅游开发具有重要的理论价值和实践意义,历史古道是旅游发展的重要物质载体。以云南省茶马古道为倒,在分析其旅游资源空间分布、沿线旅游中心地的旅游发展现状基础上.以“点——轴系统”理论为基础,构建了云南省茶马古道旅游发展的点——轴开发结构,力求优化其旅游空间结构,实现其旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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