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In this study the authors analyse the possible effect of firms' economic conditions and financial performance on accounting quality. Bradshaw, et al. (2004), Gelos & WEI (2005) stated that financial reporting quality is fundamental for investors and it affects international capital movements. Following Schipper & Vicent (2003), the authors estimated accounting quality by abnormal accruals and earnings persistence. The authors' contribution consists of investigating a huge number of firms from 17 European countries using unbalanced panel data. The authors found evidence that economic conditions affect accounting quality: big firms and those with high current earnings exhibit better financial information. These results are robust because they do not depend on the accounting quality proxy, even when the authors estimated regression with economical and financial factors alone or together. Financial performance does not seem to affect accounting quality. However, this relation is not linear because in high leveraged firms, the capital structure becomes determinant.  相似文献   
本文对中小型制造企业生产异常情况的成因、分类及影响进行了探究分析,并针对中小型制造企业生产中的异常不能及时反馈和处理,以及生产效率和交货期等难以管控的现状,研究设计了一套对中小型制造企业生产过程异常的诊断流程与处理方法,为中小型制造企业解决此类问题提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
In this study, the performance of cross-sectional stochastic dominance (SD), first proposed by Falk and Levy (FL) (1989), is compared with three traditional event study methodologies: the Mean Adjusted model, the Market Adjusted model, and the Market and Risk Adjusted Returns model. The comparison technique we use is a simulations approach similar to that of Brown and Warner (BW) (1980). BW show that the Mean Adjusted and Market Adjusted Returns models perform as well as the more sophisticated Market and Risk Adjusted Returns model. FL, however, provide a very compelling argument against the three traditional event study methodologies. The problem, they note, is not the theoretical need for risk adjustment; it is the definition and measurement of risk. FL assert that the observed abnormal returns (or lack thereof) may be due to omitted variables, a market proxy effect, or other specification errors in implementing the traditional event study methodologies.The present research finds that SD analysis without the bootstrap method for statistical testing is not very useful at any level of abnormal return. However, when the bootstrap method of statistical testing is employed, SD is found to perform as well as, and sometimes better than, the three traditional models in detecting simulated abnormal performance at all test levels. The results are consistent with FL's assertion that the improved performance may result from the SD methodology being free from the specification errors inherent in the three traditional event study models.  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to propose a novel setup that allows estimating separately the welfare costs of the uncertainty stemming from business-cycle fluctuations and from economic-growth variation, when the two types of shocks associated with them (respectively, transitory and permanent shocks) hit consumption simultaneously. Separating these welfare costs requires dealing with degenerate bivariate distributions. Levi's Continuity Theorem and the Disintegration Theorem allow us to adequately define the one-dimensional limiting marginal distributions. Under Normality, we show that the parameters of the original marginal distributions are not affected, providing the means for calculating separately the welfare costs of business-cycle fluctuations and of economic-growth variation.Our empirical results show that, if we consider only transitory shocks, the welfare cost of business cycles is much smaller than previously thought. Indeed, we found it to be negative – −0.03% of per-capita consumption! On the other hand, we found that the welfare cost of economic-growth variation is relatively large. Our estimate for reasonable preference-parameter values shows that it is 0.71% of consumption – US$ 208.98 per person, per year.  相似文献   
尽管再生资源在工业生产中替代原生资源的比例逐渐升高,但对再生资源价格波动的特征及对经济的影响尚缺乏研究。本文以再生铜为例,采用GRACH族模型分析发现,我国再生铜价格的波动存在一定集聚性和持续性,价格波动比较缓慢。且负向冲击对再生铜价格波动的影响比正向冲击大,存在显著的杠杆效应。此外,再生铜价波动具有显著的GARCH-M效应,即预期的风险对再生铜价格波动具有正向影响。然后采用VAR模型和脉冲响应函数等方法,引入产出、投资、消费和通货膨胀率变动等宏观经济变量,定量分析了再生资源价格波动与中国经济之间的关系。检验结果表明:再生铜价作为建筑业重要的生产资料,其价格上涨短期内 促使GDP增长,但长期则抑制投资,最终可能影响GDP增长并提高通货膨胀率,即再生铜价格上涨对国家经济发展有不利影响。本文的实证结果揭示出,对中国经济的影响而言,废旧金属价格的变动只是某种表象,经济增长和通货膨胀率变动的背后是更为复杂的原因,问题的实质是以固定投资拉动经济增长的发展模式和部分地区对房地产业过度依赖的产业结构的变化等对中国经济产生的根本性的影响。  相似文献   
以2001~2009年我国上市公司发生的对外并购事件为样本,首先运用累积超常收益法度量收购方中国企业对外并购的短期财富绩效.研究显示:中国企业在海外并购中存在负的短期财富效应,其次,将多个动因理论引入到并购绩效的研究中,对这些企业的财富绩效显著为负的现象进行了实证分析.通过累积超额收益对各种并购动因的代理财务变量做横截面多元回归,结果发现,自由现金流量假说、狂妄假说可以部分解释中国企业财富损失的原因;政府关联假说也具有一定的解释力,但是大股东控制假说和报表重组假说虽然系数为负,却不显著.  相似文献   
在分析利用期权合约规避价格波动风险的原理的基础上,分别给出存货购销两个环节中可以运用的期权策略,然后利用均值方差模型计算使投资组合达到效用最大化时所对应的最优期权合约交易量及其对经营利润的影响,研究发现:在存货采购环节,企业可以通过购入看涨期权、购入看涨期权同时售出看跌期权两种策略控制采购价格波动的风险,在存货销售环节,企业可以通过购入看跌期权、同时购入看跌期权并售出看涨期权两种策略来稳定销售利润;从最优期权合约交易量及其对企业经营利润的影响来看,期权工具在控制存货采购价格、稳定销售利润中可以发挥良好作用。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the interlinkage in the business cycles based on expectation-driven fluctuations of large-country economies in a free-trade equilibrium. We consider a two-country, two-good, two-factor general equilibrium model with sector-specific externalities. We show that some country's expectation-driven fluctuations can spread throughout the world once trade opens even if the other country has determinacy under autarky. We thus prove that under free trade, globalization and market integration can have destabilizing effects on a country's competitive equilibrium. Finally, we characterize a configuration in which opening to international trade improves the stationary welfare at the world level but deteriorates the stationary welfare of the country that imports investment goods and exports consumption goods. We conclude that in opposition to the standard belief, international trade might not be beneficial to all trading partners in the long run.  相似文献   
The lock‐up agreement between an underwriter and an issuing firm's principals prohibits sale of securities for a period of time following the offering date. Investment banks must support the stock following an offering. The lock‐up assures investors that the restricted shares will not enter the market, at least for a period of time. Negative abnormal returns prior to the lock‐up release show that unrestricted investors liquidate positions prior to the scheduled lock‐up release. Negative abnormal returns are more robust for firms that are not influenced by SEC Rule 144 than for firms that are.  相似文献   
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