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与传统的评价方法不同,神经网络模型具有自学习、自组织、自适应能力等的特点,它较好的克服了传统项目评价局限性以及依赖专家经验的弊端,为项目投资风险评价开辟了新途径。论文阐述了神经网络结构与原理,分析了项目投资风险评价的神经网络模型,通过应用评价,进一步探讨其应用价值及其意义。  相似文献   
This paper addresses a gap in traditional portfolio literature by providing techniques for identifying returns on non-traditional portfolios.Futures contracts require daily cash flows over the holding period; these cash flows determine the rate of return. The security deposit represents a tied investment since the funds are not available for other uses and do not earn a risk adjusted return. To initiate a short option or a short stock position also requires a cash outflow. The cash outflow or equity deposit effectively constitutes an investment since the trader postpones consumption in a risky medium that does not guarantee the return of the funds.By identifying the amount of the investment and rates of returns, it is possible to extend normative investment analysis to non-traditional portfolio holdings. This paper introduces four propositions to aid in this process.  相似文献   
This paper explores the wealth effects associated with a bidder's decision to solicit a fairness opinion in a takeover transaction. Using a hand‐collected sample with bidders’ filing proxy statements, this paper finds that the use of fairness opinions does not negatively affect bidder shareholders’ wealth, a finding that contradicts prior studies’ findings. In addition, I find a positive wealth effect associated with bidder use of fairness opinions in the post‐Rule 2290 period. Collectively, these results are consistent with a fairness opinion being used by bidder management as a means to facilitate transactions rather than a mechanism to entrench management.  相似文献   
Foreign ownership and foreign management are often assumed to improve the efficiency of emerging market banks. Our article examines this relationship for the Vietnamese strategic partner program, where foreign banks have been allowed to take minority stakes in local banks. We add to the existing literature by distinguishing between ownership by foreign strategic and non-strategic investors, and between foreign management sent by the strategic partner and independent foreign executives. We show that only the presence of independent foreign executives has a positive impact on banks. We interpret these results as the consequence of conflicts of interest and power struggles between local shareholders and the strategic partner, which prevent efficiency in enhancing technology transfer.  相似文献   
While recent research into foreign direct investment (FDI) has focused on examining the importance of institutions, corruption, money laundering, and tax havens, the role of globalization on FDI has not yet been explored. This research investigates the impacts of globalization on outward FDI. We find that both overall globalization and its economic and social dimensions significantly positively influence outward FDI flows. We also demonstrate that beyond the level of globalization, corruption, money laundering, and the status of a country as a tax haven, cross-country similarity also plays an important role. Accordingly, policies specifically designed to increase the transparency of outward FDI flows should be required to address money laundering and the existence of tax havens.  相似文献   
[目的]分析中国海外耕地投资的区位特征及其影响因素,以促进我国海外耕地投资的合理布局,提高农业投资效率。[方法]以2000—2016年中国137宗海外耕地投资项目及其所涉及的35个东道国作为研究样本,运用Spearman相关分析方法,分别以耕地投资面积和耕地投资项目数量作因变量,研究其与各影响因素的相关关系,并用对应分析法进一步探究各东道国的相对优势。[结果](1)我国海外耕地投资区域集中在东南亚且由周边国家向外扩展,被投资耕地用途多样,投资规模自2004年开始急剧上升,近年来呈下降趋势。(2)我国海外耕地投资以效率寻求型和市场寻求型为主,倾向于资源丰富、与我国距离较近、制度相似、经济关系良好但发展水平不高的国家。(3)根据各地区的比较优势,亚洲国家适合效率寻求型和市场寻求型的企业投资,欧洲和美洲国家适合资源寻求型和战略资产寻求型的企业投资,非洲国家适合资源寻求型、效率寻求型和市场寻求型的企业投资。[结论]中国农业企业应结合企业投资目标和各地区的比较优势,合理选择投资区位,适时转变投资策略与模式,积极防范海外耕地投资过程中的自然风险、政治环境风险和道德风险等,以提高投资效果。  相似文献   
乡村生态旅游是农业和旅游业发展相结合的产业,其作为农村经济发展的重要引擎,已然成为解决"三农"问题的重要渠道。重庆位于我国西南地区,农业历史悠久,旅游资源发达,乡村生态旅游发展已经初现规模。但由于重庆整体经济水平在全国处于中游,加上城市基础设施投入占去政府财政支出的大部分,因此发展乡村生态旅游项目面临资金短缺和管理不善的困境。BOT模式是私营企业参与基础设施建设,向社会提供公共服务的一种方式,在我国又被称为"特许经营权",是指政府将"特许经营权"下放给私营企业,允许其参与建设和运营公共设施项目,并通过经营和管理获得利润回报的一种营销运作模式。BOT形式适用于我国当前乡村生态旅游项目的开发和发展,对改善乡村旅游项目资金不足问题及提高项目管理水平具有明显的促进作用。但BOT模式也存在诸如规划风险、道德风险和圈地风险等现实问题,需要从政府和企业等2个角度分别采取有效措施,包括加强立法工作、加大政府监管力度和制定严格的BOT协议等。  相似文献   
我国林业的长期可持续发展需要加大财政投入和支持力度,为林业可持续发展提供物质基础和政策支撑。文章针对我国林业财政投入总量不足,且整体增速较为缓慢;财政投入结构不合理,林业产业建设投资比重少;林业财政补偿标准低,且补偿范围不够全面等现状及问题,采用DEA模型,通过构建林业财政投入和产出指标,对林业总体政策投入效率、规模投入效率和政策投入效率进行评价,评价结果显示,近两年我国林业总体财政政策投入效率下滑,中央财政拨付的财政经费和税收优惠财政投入缺口较大。该文根据林业财政投入现状及评价结果提出了建立林业财政扶持资金机制、完善林业财政转移支付机制、健全森林生态效益补偿机制、规范林业产业税收激励机制等4种实现机制,为促进我国林业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的快速发展,乡村旅游的开发逐渐受到人们关注,乡村旅游产业的发展进一步推动了农村经济的可持续发展。文章借鉴前人研究成果,构建了博弈模型,应用博弈模型假设对政府与投资企业之间形成的合法经营与非法经营、监督治理与不监督治理的博弈关系进行研究。以郭坑回族村为例,通过问卷调查及专家讨论方式搜集相关数据,对利益方之间的合作与不合作进行博弈分析,分析了资源开发与环境保护之间的辩证关系,以获得适合景区资源开发与环境保护关系的最佳方案。该文根据博弈分析结果提出了郭坑回族村乡村旅游发展对策,为实现乡村旅游的可持续发展提供宝贵意见。  相似文献   
目的 随着农业劳动力老龄化问题日益加剧,农户家庭生计资本和生计产出结构也发生了显著的变化。文章主要探讨农业劳动力老龄化对生计资源要素配置的影响及作用机理,进而为缓解农业老龄化危机、提高农户的自我发展能力提出合理化建议。方法 基于2021年陕南秦巴山区农户实地调研数据,运用DEA-Tobit二阶段模型验证二者之间的关系。结果 (1)陕南秦巴山区农户生计效率的规模效率最高,纯技术效率略低于规模效率,综合效率最低。大部分农户生计活动呈现规模收益递减状态,生计产出的增长低于生计投入的增长。(2)农业劳动力老龄化抑制了生计效率的提高,且在低收入水平家庭和户主低受教育程度家庭表现更为明显。(3)农业资金投入的增加能够缓冲农业劳动力老龄化对生计效率的负向影响。结论 因此,要正视农业劳动力老龄化现象,引导农户合理配置生计资源,提高农业资金投入使用效率,促进农户家庭自我发展能力。  相似文献   
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