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由于我国外贸代理制本身所具有的特点,再加上有关法律、法规不完善、不明确等方面的原因,外贸代理实务中产生了诸多法律问题,文中就这方面的问题作出了一些探讨。  相似文献   
由于我国现行的法律未对劳动仲裁与诉讼之间的程序衔接做出相应的规定,使得人民法院和劳动仲裁委员会在审理劳动争议案件上相互脱节,衔接不到位,严重损害了当事人的合法权益。因此应重新构建劳动争议先裁后审的争端解决方式,赋予法院对仲裁的监督权,以完善劳动争议解决程序。  相似文献   
我国现行立法与实务将村民资格纠纷视为附随于土地承包经营权等纠纷的从诉进行处理,这不利于纠纷的及时解决。《农村土地承包经营纠纷调解仲裁法》将"因确认农村土地承包经营权发生的纠纷"纳入仲裁与诉讼管辖范围,由此可理解为村民资格的确认纠纷也被纳入了仲裁与诉讼管辖范围。确认村民资格应就村民基本生活保障的目的、户籍、住所地、村民权利义务等标准并结合特殊情形综合进行认定,认定机构以村民会议自治为基础,以农业主管部门或基层乡镇人民政府、农村土地承包仲裁委员会或人民法院三种方式作为并列的救济途径。  相似文献   
株洲市辖区农村居民点土地集约节约利用的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
两型村镇建设是"两型社会"建设的重要组成部分,实现农村居民点的土地集约节约利用是"两型"村镇建设的重要内容。在分析株洲市辖区农村居民点土地利用现状以及时空变化的基础上,总结出农村居民点土地利用存在的主要问题,利用灰色关联分析方法,定量测算了制约株洲市辖区农村居民点土地节约利用主要因素的关联度,探讨在"两型社会"建设背景下株洲市辖区农村居民点土地集约节约利用的提升与优化对策,旨在为长株潭城市群两型村镇建设中农村居民点土地集约节约利用提供参考。  相似文献   
文章从对海峡两岸的衡平仲裁制度的比较研究入手,找出各自的特色和不足,取长补短。严格的讲衡平仲裁制度在国际上是备受争议的。希望能够从比较研究的视角找出合理的利用办法,明晰争议的重点是如何在当事人意思自治和法律规范之间取得平衡。  相似文献   
张成军 《魅力中国》2014,(10):309-309
仲裁作为民商事纠纷的解决方式,其优势主要表现在其自主、保密和管辖的确定上。其中,仲裁的保密性是其区别于诉讼的鲜明特点,以不公开审理为主要原则,我国有关仲裁的保密性的法律规定主要体现在我国《仲裁法》第四十条,该条规定了我国仲裁以不公开审理为原则。除外情形即是当事人申请公开的,可以对案件进行公开审理。正是由于仲裁保密性的特点,使得国际上的许多民商事纠纷的当事人都热衷于该纠纷解决方式。但是,我国仲裁的保密性特点没有相关的具体制度和保障措施,为此,仲裁保密性这一特点其实是名不副实。  相似文献   
The inclusion of an investment chapter in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has encountered significant opposition, especially in relation to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). In this context, the EU has proposed several changes to the traditional procedures, including the creation of an investment court. The need to reform ISDS has long been recognised, but the key question remains: What is required for such a dispute settlement mechanism to have legitimate authority? Drawing from insights in legal theory and political philosophy, we examine what could be adequate criteria for the normative legitimacy of ISDS. We argue that ISDS can only be minimally legitimate if there are sufficient procedural safeguards to ensure fair access to the proceedings and equal consideration of their interest for all those affected by investment tribunals’ or courts’ decisions. Furthermore, we emphasize the need to look beyond what potential beneficial and adverse consequences of ISDS are, and explain that the appointment of the judges by the state parties and the reintroduction of some control of the state parties over dispute settlement outcomes are not sufficient to guarantee the normative legitimacy of ISDS.  相似文献   
Women who complain about sexual harassment in a union work environment may find that they are the focal point of the union’s defense of the alleged harasser. The defense the union uses can be broadly defined as one of four: deny the event, blame management, blame society, and blame the victim. This study investigates the frequency with which these defenses are used and their relative effectiveness. Deny the event and blame the victim were used in more than 80% of the cases. Their use was not significantly changed over time. There was no significant difference in the arbitrator’s decision based on the defense used by the union. It is suggested that unions consider using the blame management defense because it is equally effective but does not have the same negative effects on the victim as denying the event or blaming the victim.  相似文献   
本文介绍国际税收管辖权的三种形式以及国际上的有关处理方式,重点说明我国对此的认识和实践,提出在体现国际税收管辖权划分的政府间避免双重征税协定中,要以立足国情、维护国家权益为出发点,协调处理好缔约双方税收管辖权的关系。  相似文献   
欧盟有关税收问题的规定,约束了成员国的税收立法内容,并且已经超越成员国的独立税收管辖权,导致成员国税收管辖权部分转移,出现超越国家的税收管辖权现象。欧盟法律制度的主要目标之一就是消除统一市场的人为和制度障碍,促进共同市场内部的商品、劳动力、资本和服务流动。欧盟在处理与成员国之间的税收管辖权问题上已经取得了有益的进展,但是,税收管辖权由国家向国际组织行使的转变仍然任重道远。  相似文献   
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