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The purpose of this research is to evaluate differences in consumer perception before and after national traumatic events such as the terrorist attacks that took place on 11 September 2001. The authors found a significant difference in consumer ethnocentrism, patriotism, time management, attitude towards regulation of business and product quality following the terrorist attacks. These differences impact consumer purchase decision processes and become important to businesses that are targeting these consumers with their product offerings. In addition, marketing managers' understanding of change in consumer perceptions and attitude should impact how consumer products are marketed.  相似文献   
创意是一种认知,它内隐于企业家头脑中。创意是一种愿景,是在政策、技术、行业和社会条件变化所产生的市场机会的基础上诞生的。企业家的创意也是认知模式的一种,企业家创意和企业之间具有内在的逻辑联系,企业家不是万能的,需要企业来实现其创意。  相似文献   
Many experts agree that more agricultural investment is needed in the global South to improve local food security and reduce poverty. However, there is a lack of consensus about the types of investment needed to achieve these goals. This paper contributes to the literature on large agricultural investments and corresponding business models by inventorying and analysing such investments in Kenya’s Nanyuki area. We identify four clusters of business models that differ primarily by type of production and other distinct determinants, namely: demand from markets; access to land; land tenure regime and colonial history; actors involved; biophysical context; labour availability; and governance of the value chain via private standards. The study results shed light on the factors that help or hinder implementation of large agricultural investments and shape their impacts in the context of African land use systems. The way land is accessed represents one of the most-decisive factors determining the risks and opportunities associated with such projects. We find that most investments in the Nanyuki area occur on land bought or leased from private owners.  相似文献   
This survey of marketing managers compares small business firms with large ones in relation to explicit and implicit ethics institutionalization, quality of work life (QWL), job satisfaction, esprit de corps, and organizational commitment. The results reveal that large firms tend to have a higher degree of explicit ethics institutionalization than smaller firms but not in relation to implicit ethics institutionalization. The results also reveal that marketing managers in small firms report higher levels of job satisfaction, esprit de corps, and organizational commitment compared to marketing managers in large firms. The study findings also show that marketing managers in small firms report higher levels of overall QWL, particularly higher-order QWL than managers in large firms.  相似文献   
This paper examines the self-interested reasons that businesses can have for ethical behaviour. It distinguishes between economic and non-economic reasons and, among the latter, notes those connected with the self-esteem of managers. It offers a detailed typology of prudential reasons for ethical behaviour, laying particular stress on those to do with avoiding punishment by society for wrongdoing and, more particularly still, stresses the role of campaigning pressure groups within that particular category of reasons. It goes on to suggest that because of their occupation of the moral high ground, campaigning groups are well placed to damage the self-esteem of managers and that this is why those groups seem able to exert an influence that goes beyond their somewhat limited capacity to inflict economic damage upon businesses. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we may be witnessing a virtuous spiral whereby rising public expectations of morality in business lead to ever increasing moral commitments by business that then cause those expectations to rise still further.  相似文献   
近年来四川提出建设西部综合交通枢纽,建设西部物流中心、商贸中心和金融中心,以及建设重要战略资源开发基地、现代加工制造业基地、科技创新产业化基地、农产品深加工基地的发展思路,为整合林业大省资源,发展林业碳汇贸易带来良好机遇。文章考查了四川林业碳汇贸易发展的内外因素,重点分析了林业碳汇贸易的发展潜力,提出了立足四川省情,结合国际国内市场的顺势发展路径。  相似文献   
文章根据地勘单位属地化管理、企业化经营的要求,分析总结了地勘单位改革和发展现状,在充分肯定成绩、鼓舞斗志的基础上,提出进一步深化改革,大力推进向企业转化,同时切实加强财务管理、质量管理、人事管理和信息管理  相似文献   
通过对巴伐利亚州园林协会的系统调研,可以看出:协会是全州范围内从事苗圃、墓地园艺、灌木园艺、观赏植物等生产经营活动的、多种不同类型的园林企业自愿加入的具有经济协会和雇主协会双重功能的协会组织;协会承担对外沟通交流与对内业务培训、咨询、研讨等多样性职责;协会设有常务理事会、理事会、会员代表大会和会员大会健全的机关;协会和其他相关机构密切合作,既可互为会员又可相互代表;协会将近1000名分散的会员组织起来,代表其政治经济利益,形成聚集优势,享受优惠服务,降低企业成本,创造新的优势,获得协同效应,提高行业知名度,促进行业发展。这对中国农民专业合作经济组织和农业协会的发展具有重要参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
关于中国南方竹产区微观经济组织变革研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘燕  李智勇 《林业经济问题》2006,26(3):229-233,256
本文借助新制度经济学的制度变迁理论,对改革开放以来中国南方竹产区微观经济组织的变迁与发展进行了制度经济学探析,进而揭示了目前中国南方竹产区发展与探索竹产业合作经济组织存在的主要问题,并对其提出了完善竹产业合作经济组织内部运行机制,建立合理的竹业行业管理制度等五项改进的政策建议。研究结果表明:改革开放以来的中国南方竹业化经营各微观经济组织的制度演变是以诱致性制度变迁为主导的,其大体包括农户家庭经济、乡镇企业、农村专业合作经济组织、社区集体经济组织等组织形式。  相似文献   
本文从当前我国渔业经济发展的现实需要出发,论述了加快推进渔业专业合作经济组织建设对新渔村建设、渔业产业经济发展、政府职能转变以及渔业增效和渔民增收的重要意义;指出了当前渔业专业合作经济组织建设存在着规模小、发展速度慢、管理不规范等共性问题;提出了围绕优势产业和产品进行多种形式(模式)、多元化、多方位发展的指导思想,以及加强指导、规范建设、放宽政策、加快发展等四个方面的关键措施。  相似文献   
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