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This paper examines the crucial question of whether chief executive officer (CEO) power and corporate governance (CG) structure can moderate the pay-for-performance sensitivity (PPS) using a large up-to-date South African data-set. Our findings are threefold. First, when direct links between executive pay and performance are examined, we find a positive, but relatively small PPS. Second, our results show that in a context of concentrated ownership and weak board structures; the second-tier agency conflict (director monitoring power and opportunism) is stronger than the first-tier agency problem (CEO power and self-interest). Third, additional analysis suggests that CEO power and CG structure have a moderating effect on the PPS. Specifically, we find that the PPS is higher in firms with more reputable, founding and shareholding CEOs, higher ownership by directors and institutions, and independent nomination and remuneration committees, but lower in firms with larger boards, more powerful and long-tenured CEOs. Overall, our evidence sheds new important theoretical and empirical insights on explaining the PPS with specific focus on the predictions of the optimal contracting and managerial power hypotheses. The findings are generally robust across a raft of econometric models that control for different types of endogeneities, pay, and performance proxies.  相似文献   
Research summary: The use of Heckman models by strategy scholars to resolve sample selection bias has increased by more than 700 percent over the last decade, yet significant inconsistencies exist in how they have applied and interpreted these models. In view of these differences, we explore the drivers of sample selection bias and review how Heckman models alleviate it. We demonstrate three important findings for scholars seeking to use Heckman models: First, the independent variable of interest must be a significant predictor in the first stage of a model for sample selection bias to exist. Second, the significance of lambda alone does not indicate sample selection bias. Finally, Heckman models account for sample‐induced endogeneity, but are not effective when other sources of endogeneity are present. Managerial summary: When nonrandom samples are used to test statistical relationships, sample selection bias can lead researchers to flawed conclusions that can, in turn, negatively impact managerial decision‐making. We examine the use of Heckman models, which were designed to resolve sample selection bias, in strategic management research and highlight conditions when sample selection bias is present as well as when it is not. We also distinguish sample selection bias, a form of omitted variable (OV) bias, from more traditional OV bias, emphasizing that it is possible for models to have sample selection bias, traditional OV bias, or both. Accurately identifying the type(s) of OV bias present is essential to effectively correcting it. We close with several recommendations to improve practice surrounding the use of Heckman models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Research summary: This paper posits adaptive capability as a mechanism through which a firm's prior growth influences the exhibition of future entrepreneurial action. Defined as the firm's proficiency in altering its understanding of market expectations, increased adaptive capability is a consequence of the new resource combinations that result from expanding organizational boundaries. Increased adaptive capability in turn corresponds to expansion of entrepreneurial activity, as firms increase their entrepreneurial orientation as the strategic mechanism to capitalize on their improved understanding of market conditions. We find support for our research model in a two‐study series conducted in South Korea and the United Kingdom. Managerial summary: Most would agree that entrepreneurially oriented firms—being innovative, entering new markets, and taking risk—grow faster. But how a firm becomes entrepreneurial is a complicated question. In this study, we flipped the growth relationship around and found support for growth contributing to a firm's entrepreneurial orientation. But between growth and being more entrepreneurial is the firm's ability to recognize changes in market expectations. We argue that as a firm grows, it acquires new resources and new knowledge of how to use those resources. These new resource combinations increase its ability to recognize changes in market expectations—its adaptive capability. This capability uncovers new entrepreneurial opportunities for value creation. To capture this potential value, firms expand their entrepreneurial orientation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
制度变迁的效率假说隐含地将经济体简约为一个绝对理性的最大化行为者,这种做法存在缺陷。就长期而言,制度变迁的本质是内生的,但也受到外部冲击的影响。制度演进过程既体现出路径依赖的特征,又不乏偶然性和机遇。经济因素或政治因素都可能导致内卷化,即长期陷入某种低效率或无效的制度安排。有效制度的演进可以通过多种途径而实现:它往往得益于一些偶然事件的影响或冲击,但也可能因经济行为者如利益集团的推动而出现。  相似文献   
The sustainable social enterprises (SEs) literature shows that SEs have to simultaneously pursue economic, social, and environmental aims. However, tensions between these objectives can make this a challenging task and lead towards mission drift. This work investigates if the cultural dimension can forecast the mission drift. We empirically analyze this relationship in three stages. In the first stage, we identify a homogeneous dataset of 287 sustainable SEs from seven EU countries from 2011 to 2020. Then, in the second stage, we apply the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology to calculate the efficiency of the SEs. An efficient SE has to simultaneously achieve social, environmental, and economic aims. We calculate a proxy of the mission drift and generate a dichotomous category variable that assigns value 1 to the SE not affected by mission drift, 0 otherwise. In the last stage, we implement the 2SLS logistic regression between the variable that identifies the SEs affected by mission drift and three cultural dimensions: avoidance of uncertainty, masculinity, and short-term orientation.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of microcredit in recent years renders knowledge of its impact on poverty critical. Unfortunately, empirical investigations have been limited by endogeneity issues, and randomized controlled trials suffer from a lack of power. This article suggests a strategy for handling the endogeneity of microcredit borrowing without specifying instrumental variables, allowing for estimation using observational data. The model is identified by an assumption on the conditional second moments of the errors and estimated semiparametrically. I find that an increase in the amount borrowed from the Grameen Bank and similar institutions in Bangladesh has a positive and significant effect on per-capita household consumption. The estimated elasticity is in the range of 0.18 to 0.21. These estimates indicate that microcredit may be more effective than previously thought.  相似文献   
This paper reexamines the relationship between ownership and firm performance. Using an unbalanced panel data in the emerging Taiwan market, we adopt a simultaneous equations framework to explore the persistence of the relationship across the life cycle of firms over time. Empirical results suggest that firm performance is a function of institutional ownership, especially in the mature stage. Through dynamic specification, evidence appears to account for lack of persistence of the impacts of ownership on performance over time. To alleviate a potential simultaneity issue, we construct a lagged specification to examine the sensitivity of our results. Consequently, the main results are found to be robust.  相似文献   
本文选取2007—2009年679家中国非金融类上市公司组成的平衡面板数据集,运用超产权理论,引入市场竞争强度,从内生性视角实证检验了管理层持股与公司绩效之间的关系。结果发现,在控制内生性影响后,管理层持股与公司绩效之间存在倒u型激励效应和市场竞争调节效应,后者具体体现为,当竞争强度增加时,利益协同效应增强;当垄断程度增强时,壕沟效应加剧。本文的经验发现有助于认知股权激励的机制安排和政府监管的政策取向。  相似文献   
近年来,公司治理领域的研究取得了丰硕成果,但对于公司治理内生性的研究还缺乏系统性。首先从理论上对公司治理内生性进行了介绍,然后从实证研究角度对公司治理内生性进行了详细阐述,指出了工具变量法与2SLS关系,丰富了公司治理内生性研究。在此基础上,对以往公司治理内生性研究进行了梳理与评析,并对公司治理内生性研究的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
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