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马克思从人与人的对象的统一中来规定和认识人性,所得出的是现实的人性,总体的人性,是随着历史发展和人的生存条件的变化而不断改变的人性。这种人性观认为,人性是自我的;入的需要就是人的自我性的证明。人性中的利己和利他的矛盾是人性的基本矛盾,也是人类社会的基本矛盾,人性的表现是利己的还是利他的.取决于人生活的具体历史环境。马克思对人性的规定是人性观上的“哥白尼式革命”。  相似文献   
Relative Guarantees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many real-world financial contracts have some sort of minimum rate of return guarantee included. One class of these guarantees is so-called relative guarantees, i.e., guarantees where the minimum guaranteed rate of return is given as a function of the stochastic return on a reference portfolio. These guarantees are the topic of this paper. We analyse a wide range of different functional specifications for the minimum guaranteed rate of return, hereunder both so-called maturity and multi-period guarantees. Several closed form solutions are presented.  相似文献   
欧美债务危机此起彼伏,深刻地影响着世界经济的走向与发展。对于债务危机爆发的原因,很多人只关注其经济方面存在的问题,而对于其政治制度根源却置若罔闻。本文阐释了出西方民主政治制度是如何一步步地导致债务危机却又无力挽救债务危机的逻辑理路,并进一步揭示出西方以选举政治为核心的民主政治制度的诸多弊端以及中国民主政治制度的内在优越性。  相似文献   
建设信用社区是推进小额担保贷款发放、促进下岗失业人员再就业、提高全社会信用社意识的一项基础性工作。信用社区建设涉及到多个部门,目前,主导部门不明、创建主体模糊、制度保障缺位这三大问题亟待解决,相关制度基础需要进一步完善,以便为开展信用社区建设提供具体的、可供操作的制度框架。  相似文献   
While most studies that focused on older adults' tourism behaviour have used quantitative methods, most studies that focused on benefits that older adults gain from tourism have used qualitative methods. Thus, the associations between seniors' tourism behaviour and its results, namely, the benefits gained, were never explored. This study aimed to examine these associations. The study was based on a national mail survey of 298 Israeli retirees, who travelled abroad at least once in the year prior to the survey. Results indicated that there are nine factors of destination activities and five factors of benefits gained, which are intricately interrelated. In addition, four differentiated sub‐segments were identified based on their destination activities, but the differences between them in terms of benefits gained were rather minor. These findings suggest a balance mechanism in older adults' tourism that leads to maximization of benefits in different activities and/or circumstances. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Manufacturer-reseller relationships are increasingly becoming technology-infused as distribution managers are employing e-business tools to streamline existing channels. This research examines the role of social enforcement, relationship-technology fit and the perceived reseller benefits in reseller adoption of manufacturers' e-business tools. The results of the empirical test involving a sample of 224 resellers suggest that social enforcement and technology-relationship factors impact reseller e-business adoption, while reseller benefits play a mediating role. Implications of these findings for researchers and managers are discussed.  相似文献   
试论公益林生态效益的补偿措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文提出了公益林生态效益补偿的 7项措施 ,并说明了采取这些措施的理由 ,同时对各项措施的利弊进行了分析  相似文献   
苏宁进入家电市场的博弈启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
操阳 《华东经济管理》2003,17(3):115-117
博弈论译自英文GameTheory,1994年三位长期致力于博弈论理论和应用研究、实践的学者纳什、海萨尼、塞尔顿共同获得诺贝尔经济学奖,使得博弈论得到了最具权威性的肯定。本文以苏宁进入家电市场为切入点,揭示了在经济活动中,企业应注意运用博弈论的原理、方法来指导企业的各项  相似文献   
确保引滦枢纽工程综合效益充分发挥工作初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水利枢纽工程综合效益的充分发挥是水利工程管理工作中的重点,事关大局,事关民生,事关受水地区广大人民群众的根本利益。笔者在总结引滦枢纽工程综合效益所取得成效的基础上,提出了当前影响该工程综合效益发挥的瓶颈问题,并就如何解决好这一问题提出了工作建议。  相似文献   
技术标准国际化和对应产业国际化成长之间相互促进.依据波特国家优势论、战略性贸易理论、新兴古典贸易理论三大贸易理论的逻辑分析揭示出,中国应凭借人口和市场规模优势,通过厂商培育、战略性扶持、贸易效率改善、产业联盟组建、经贸合作策略,推动本国后天形成内生性、战略型高新技术比较优势产业.并以此促进高新技术标准国际化.  相似文献   
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