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Tourism is widely acknowledged as a key contributor to climate change, but it remains unclear how the tourism industry has been planning for climate change in practice. This paper conducts the most comprehensive critical review of Australia's tourism policy and planning documents to date. The paper explores the complex challenges posed by climate change to tourism and how tourism policy has been adapting over a 15-year period. Drawing on a longitudinal data-set of 477 Australian tourism policy and planning documents at the national, state, regional and local level, this research analyses the strategic discourse on climate change using content analysis and bibliometrics. The findings reveal opportunities, challenges and strategies for the tourism industry to contribute to the sustainable management of climate change. Opportunities include developing more “green” products, while strategies include establishing and/or participating in collaborative climate change schemes and strengthening dialogue surrounding climate change to aid the implementation of sustainable practices. Future research should consider the broader policy-making environment, such as the stakeholders, power and interest dynamics when analysing tourism strategies in relation to climate change.  相似文献   
Habits of thought and cultural tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The way cultural tourists think about the people they visit impacts upon their travel experiences. Cultural tourism professionals can benefit by understanding this diversity of thought. By examining four travelogs concerning Native American cultures in the 19th century, the value of new research techniques from consumer behavior which employ methods paralleling literary criticism are demonstrated and related to the empirical evidence at hand. In particular, the works of Sir Richard Burton, Francis Parkman, Washington Irving, and Louis Henry Morgan are compared and juxtaposed. It is hoped that this combining of tourism theory with mythological theory will help the field to mesh with similar developments taking place in marketing and consumer behavior.  相似文献   
券商经营活动中,在信用、市场规则、融资者与投资者等议题上面临特殊困境,核心体现在多层次资本市场建设的重要环节之一:即信用风险转移和分散功能难以实现,信用债券市场发展迟缓。基于对已有信用风险缓释工具现状的分析,券商从实务角度出发构建了涉及场外CDS业务市场准入、做市商交易、风险控制、会计、产品线、定价和业务监管等一系列制度。CDS具有不可替代的功能,并在海外成熟的多层次资本市场中与场内股票、债券交易一并构成基础性市场。盲目对CDS的抵触对我国多层次资本市场建设并无益处。  相似文献   
《Business Horizons》2022,65(3):315-327
In the contemporary business reality, marked by unemployment and loose labor markets, workplace abuse is likely to climb as organizations and managers wield increased leverage in the employment relationship. We explore the organizational phenomenon of worker abuse and examine workplace blog accounts from abused workers to uncover shared insights. Based on these findings, we offer research-based suggestions, implications for practice, and resources for organizations, managers, and workers. Specifically, we advance an ABUSE mitigation model as a holistic management system for identifying and dealing with workplace abuse.  相似文献   
The numerous participants in convention and exhibition (C&E) events and the consequently huge consumption of direct and indirect resources have increased the environmental pressure on C&E centers to implement environmentally friendly practices and procedures. This paper explores the innovative methods adopted by green-certified C&E centers and synthesizes a reference framework of environmental mitigation practices for the C&E sector in the Greater Bay Area, which was recently designated as a major regional development area in China. Eleven green-certified C&E centers were selected to establish a comprehensive and indicative framework containing 59 actual environmental practices in three major categories. Suggestions made by 12 experts for modifying the fit of the constructed framework to suit the local geographical and climatic situations of C&E centers in the China Greater Bay Area were examined.  相似文献   
《银行间市场信用风险缓释工具试点业务指引》的发布,标志着中国版的信用违约互换——信用风险缓释工具试点业务的正式启动,彰显我国坚持金融创新和继续发展资本市场的决心。下一步,需通过创造良好的监管环境、引导市场参与者正确认识信用衍生品、建立和完善社会信用机制、促进市场参与者多样化等途径,推进我国信用衍生品市场的健康有序发展。  相似文献   
杨璐  向喜琼 《价值工程》2012,31(17):1-3
滑坡灾害治理方案的优劣直接影响到工程造价的高低、实施效果的好坏,但方案选择是一个复杂的系统过程,目前这类项目决策实践中采用的方法均存在一定的主观随意性。价值工程是国际上通行的一种项目决策分析方法,在产品设计、项目决策等诸多领域都得到了广泛应用,但尚未有在滑坡治理方案比选方面的应用。本文在回顾总结价值工程原理、分析滑坡治理工程特殊性的基础上,指出滑坡各治理方案的功能可视为固定,从而可将价值工程简化为寿命周期成本分析,据此提出了运用寿命周期成本分析进行滑坡治理方案的基本思路和步骤。实例研究表明,这一方法不仅较传统方法客观可靠,而且评价过程简便明了,对类似项目决策具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The paper discusses opportunities for integration of the climate protection strategy declared by the German government into spatial and urban land-use plans in Germany.  相似文献   
森林火灾减灾可持续能力评价是森林火灾损失的全面反映,在国内外研究与前人研究基础上,参照有关学者建立的一些指标,主要采用层次分析法,结合焦作市实例,计算出相关指标权重,根据实际值和参照值,借鉴可持续能力评价的综合距离公式计算得出焦作市的综合距离值。结果显示焦作市森林火灾减灾可持续能力很强。  相似文献   
立足中国西部地区实际,构建符合西部林区防灾减灾工作实际的体系,并建立西部林区防灾减灾评价指标体系,充分依据西部林区防灾减灾建设的各个具体环节,从灾害前的预警、灾害发生中的救援和灾后重建三个主要环节选取可量化的指标作为变量和评价依据,运用主成分分析法,找到西部林区防灾减灾体系构建中的主因子。在此基础上提出:中国西部林区防灾减灾体系进一步完善要优化林区防灾减灾制度管理,加大林业基础设施投资力度,制定林区防灾减灾法律法规体系,提高林区群众防灾减灾意识。  相似文献   
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