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We propose a simple heuristic that uses open-access models and government data on agricultural activities to estimate total carbon emissions from agriculture, the gross carbon benefit and the opportunity cost per tonne CO2-e from revegetating to environmental plantings or plantation forestry. We test this across ten areas of mixed land-use that represent diverse Australian agricultural systems along a rainfall transect. The local value of agricultural production was obtained from government statistics and used to estimate the current economic opportunity cost of converting cleared agricultural land to mixed environmental plantings for carbon sequestration. Gross carbon benefit from revegetation was closely related to current agricultural use, as was financial opportunity cost. These were not related simply to site productivity potential or rainfall. The proportion of land cleared for agriculture that would need to be re-vegetated to achieve a localised zero-carbon land-use scenario was calculated by the ratio of current agricultural emissions to gross carbon benefit from revegetation; this ranged from 13% to 66% for groups of agricultural industries across Australian rainfall transects. While the heuristic does not capture the detail of models built specifically for local research questions it does provide a different lens on the questions policy makers and land managers may ask about the costs and benefits of revegetating agricultural land, and provides open-access methods to guide them. 相似文献
城市可持续发展,强调人与自然、人与人的和谐发展。如今,环境与生态的危机也越来越强烈和深刻了。面对日益频繁的灾害,防灾减灾应成为城市的基本功能之一。灾难本身并没有改变,但城市发展模式能够决定灾害的危险性程度和城市应对灾害能力的强弱,为了城市的可持续发展,城市的建设和管理必须重视城市公共安全系统的规划和建设。 相似文献
我国信用债市场发展进入新时期,信用违约的常态化和高收益债券市场建立的需要催生了对信用风险管理和信用增级的需求,而债券保险正是满足这两种需求的有效手段。本文在借鉴债券保险发展的国际经验的基础上,立足我国债券市场与债券保险发展现状,指出了当前我国债券保险发展滞后源于制度建设落后、信用保护卖方保障不足等原因导致的盈利困难,并提出和论证了由保险公司提供结算型债券保险的新型保险模式。最后就当前我国债券保险发展存在的不足之处,从发展传统型债券保险和信用风险缓释工具两个角度提出了具体的政策建议。 相似文献
This study reexamines the impact of institutional development on corporate cash holdings. Our findings confirm that institutional development has a negative effect on corporate cash holdings, which may be partially explained by the financial constraint mitigation effect of institutional development. Our empirical evidence also shows that the corruption index, used as a proxy for the grabbing hand effect, does not mediate the negative effect of institutional development on corporate cash holdings. Furthermore, the impact of institutional development on corporate cash holdings is not significant for large firms and state-owned enterprises. These results are robust to different measures of cash holdings. 相似文献
目的 农业作为保障国家粮食安全和生态安全的基础性产业,在推动我国实现“碳达峰与碳中和”目标中将起到至关重要的作用。农业温室气体减排和农田土壤固碳是实现农业碳中和的重要途径,但在国家整体“双碳”目标实现过程中,农业碳达峰、助力碳中和应该主要解决什么问题,以便能够更好地纳入国家总体布局中;在实施过程中需要注意哪些全局性和方向性的问题目前尚不清晰。方法 文章对目前农业固碳减排研究的成果进行了系统的梳理、总结和凝练,针对我国不同阶段农业固碳减排在“双碳”目标实现中所需解决的科学问题和技术难题提出相应建议。结果 明确了“双碳”目标实现过程中,不同阶段农业固碳减排需关注和解决的三大关系(固碳减排与生产力稳定性之间的协同关系、土壤固碳与温室气体减排之间的协同关系、温室气体与污染物协同减排的关系),并在系统监测、碳贸易方法学、构建人才队伍等方面提出了未来发展的方向及建议。结论 为科学控制我国农业温室气体排放、发展低碳绿色农业提供参考依据,以期为实现我国“碳中和”目标贡献农业力量。 相似文献
The Special Issue (SI) “Environmental Risk Mitigation for Sustainable Land Use Development” presents seventeen interrelated papers addressing the key concept of environmental risk mitigation and sustainable land use development. The issue argues that risk mitigation depends directly on the risk assessment analysis and the quality of applied measures. Therefore, the more precise are risk assessment conclusions, the better the risk mitigation measures would be. This collection of papers follows the vision of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework) which states that the integration of sustainable development objectives into disaster risk mitigation and adaptation at all levels and at all stages of policy action are of paramount importance for the sustainability of our communities. The final purpose of the issue is to address the mutual roles of land use policy on environmental risk mitigation and adaptation, especially disaster risks. 相似文献
李璐 《中国农业资源与区划》2013,34(1):71-75
文章通过对成本有效的、可持续的、符合地区实际情况的气候变化减缓政策措施和减缓技术的研究,提出减缓气候变化的途径和方法.文章分别从减缓气候变化的主要政策措施、减缓气候变化的技术选择以及中国减缓气候变化的实践等角度,从理论和实践、国际和国内、近期和长期等多个环节对减缓气候变化措施进行探讨,从而提出减缓气候变化的行动建议. 相似文献