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Problem-solving processes in technology education: A pilot study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the preliminary results of a pilot study investigating the nature of problem-solving activity in technology classrooms. The research focuses on the relationship and potential mismatch between teachers' and children's agendas, aims, perceptions and beliefs concerning design and technology activities. A case study of an 11-week project was undertaken with four pupils aged 13. In-depth classroom observation and interviews allowed us to investigate the problem solving used in designing and making a kite, and the pupils' application of the knowledge required. Our analysis charts the influence of the teacher's task structuring and interventions on the children's problem-solving behaviour. The results indicate that the design process is highly complex and not always communicated successfully by teachers. What children typically encounter in design and technology projects are different problems requiring different approaches according to the kind of task and the stage reached in its solution. The popular idea that problem solving in technology denotes a holistic design-and-make process is hence under challenge. Moreover, the assumed access and application of relevant bodies of knowledge from other contexts is highly problematic.  相似文献   

China’s financial development and economic growth is achieved under weak legal institutions. The literature attributes this counterexample of law–finance–growth nexus to (a) alternative mechanisms in China such as incentives, reputation and relationships and (b) a well-functioning xinfang system with common law features. In recent years, China has made increasing efforts to strengthen its rule of law. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has taken the lead by launching a far-reaching campaign against corruption, establishing a system of inspection tours, and promulgating a large number of regulations. We argue that using regulations to complement laws is effective: CPC has enough bureaucratic prowess to crack down on corruption whereas the courts are subject to subversion by powerful interests. We also discuss the drawbacks of this approach: regulations aiming at ex ante control of corruption substantially increase procedural formalism and limit the discretion of local governments and state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   
In this study, the relationship between procedural justice, charismatic leadership and feedback reactions (i.e. perceived feedback utility and feedback accuracy) is investigated. We conducted both regression analyses and path analyses (n = 299) to establish whether there is a moderating or mediating effect of charismatic leadership in the relationship between procedural justice and feedback reactions of teachers. Our results indicate there is a mediating effect of charismatic leadership. This demonstrates that besides the appraisal system, charismatic leadership is important for feedback reactions. Hence, supervisors should take into account that they have an important function to fulfill when conducting performance appraisals and not see performance appraisal as just another perfunctory system in human resource management.  相似文献   
自愿性是调解正当化的基础及首要原则.调解自愿原则有程序和实体两方面的含义,即诉诸调解程序的自愿和接受调解结果的自愿.很多国家在调解启动程序自愿上出现严格解释的倾向,针对某些类型案件进行强制调解的立法与实践,反映出扩大调解适用的司法政策,同时也引发了一些争议.强制调解应该受制于程序正当性和有效性的要求.中国近几年也出现了强制调解的立法与实践,为在保护当事人程序选择权的前提下真正发挥出强制调解的功能,在条件成熟时,应该对强制调解的范围、模式等进行适当调整与完善.  相似文献   
文章针对不同消费者对新产品、再制造产品存在效用异质性的情况,构建了一个由制造商和消费者市场组成的两层生态供应链超网络模型,优化目标为经济效益最大化、环境影响和风险最小化。考虑环境规制及产品的可再造比例对整个供应链绩效的影响,利用网络均衡理论描述不同主体的独立行为和主体之间、产品之间相互影响的竞争行为。数据分析结果表明,系统整体效益以及企业对产品可再造比例的选择很大程度上取决于产品创新效率和政府补贴方式。  相似文献   
美国和欧盟有非常成熟的兼并审查制度。2008年中国的《反垄断法》正式实施,其受到了西方的广泛关注。中国的兼并审查在实体标准和程序机制与美国和欧盟既相似,又有区别。由于中国的历史、目标和当前的问题明显不同于美国和欧盟,因此《反垄断法》在审查兼并所考虑的因素方面已超出了兼并的竞争效果的范围,而包括了兼并对"竞争者"和"国民经济发展"的影响。国际社会应给予中国发展和完善反垄断法的空间,使中国能够在不对国际商业施加负担的情况下实现其特有的目标。对于兼并审查的程序,中国应考虑发展和明确申报体系中有关"控制"的标准,并在条例中规定下来,使其更加可行,以达到在不对国家主权造成侵害的前提下减少对跨国兼并威胁的目的。  相似文献   
Previous research indicates that procedural justice in promotion decisions has affected employees' organizational commitment, intent to leave and career satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of procedural justice in promotion decisions on managers' commitment, specifically organizational commitment, intent to leave, career satisfaction and job performance in multinational companies in Malaysia. Data were obtained from a sample of managers with more than 10 years of service in the organization through in-depth interviews. The findings show that perceived procedural injustice in promotion decisions have an unfavourable impact on employee commitment, job performance and career satisfaction. The intent to leave is also higher, especially among young managerial staff.  相似文献   
Perceptions of manager discretion in incentive allocation are theoretically and practically important to help explain the much‐debated relationship between performance‐related bonuses and intrinsic motivation. We argue, and demonstrate, that perceived managerial discretion is a key moderator to this relationship because of its relevance to procedural fairness. In a first study, we developed a measure for perceived manager discretion and distinguished it from related concepts. In a second experiment, we found that higher bonuses associated with higher levels of perceived manager discretion enhanced procedural fairness but those based on lower discretion did not. In a third field study, we found that actual bonuses implemented by a service organization enhanced intrinsic motivation indirectly through procedural fairness, but only when employees perceived their bonus to be based on higher levels of perceived manager discretion. Conversely, when bonus level was associated with lower perceived manager discretion, it negatively predicted of intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   
This study explores the independent and interactive effects of procedural justice and informational justice on post‐deal value creation in large, related acquisitions. Our results show that informational justice and procedural justice affect different components of value creation. Procedural justice is critical in realizing market position improvements following the integration process, while informational justice is essential in achieving market position gains during integration and financial return gains both during and post‐integration. Indicating that the interrelationships between different justice dimensions may be more complex than previously thought, we find that procedural justice reduces the positive effects of informational justice on financial return during the integration process, while it magnifies the effects of informational justice on the combined firms' market position during integration efforts. We explore the implications of these results for future research on the acquisition integration process and for practicing managers engaging in large, related acquisitions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study applies the justice theory to address interpartner cooperation in strategic alliances. It emphasizes how procedural fairness as perceived by boundary spanners in these alliances influences cooperation outcomes. We theorize that procedural fairness improves cooperation results through enhancing relational value and curtailing relational risk in an environment characterized by both economic and social exchange. Our path analysis suggests that procedural fairness has a direct effect on operational outcome, but an indirect effect on financial outcome via increased trust driven by fairness. Procedural fairness contributes more to performance outcomes when strategic alliances are equity joint ventures than if they are contractual agreements. Theoretical and managerial implications arising from the findings are highlighted. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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