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关于输配电价几个重要问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国电力企业将要由传统的垂直垄断的模式转变为网厂分开、竞价上网的模式。电网公司作为一个独立的经营实体分离开来,有着独立的收益需求。在市场运营过程中,通过输配电价取得收益就成了电网公司取得收益的主要手段。在输配电价的制订过程之中,管制方式、输配电成本、输电定价方法、价格水平及电网投资、输配电价价区、电网提供的辅助服务等六个问题十分重要。文中就这六个问题的解决作了一些有价值的探讨。  相似文献   
权证行权若干问题之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先结合权证行权适用条件及权证价格有关影响因素,对权证行权时间选择的一般情形做出分析.在比较港台地区及内地市场权证的行权交收期,并结合权证发行人和投资者的利益以及行权需求对行权效率的选择进行分析的基础上,本文对国内目前的行权制度提出了相关建议.  相似文献   
This article investigates the patterns of vertical specialization in trade among China, Japan and Korea, and the effects of real exchange rate fluctuations under a multistage production process. By extending the models of Yi (2003, 2010), we derive two distinct features of vertical specialization and test them using Time-Varying Parameter (TVP) VAR. We find that a positive shock to China’s final good consumption increases the intermediate goods trade between Korea and China, with expanding magnitude over time. In addition, the positive effect of a real exchange rate depreciation on intermediate goods trade is strengthened through the competitiveness-enhancing channel, with this effect being more pronouncing in Korea-China trade than in Korea-Japan trade.  相似文献   
The 2007/2008 US financial crisis is related to the securitization of mortgage loans and the housing-price boom and bust. In this article, we test the hypothesis that housing-price change is related to the development of the financial system. Using panel data for 23 countries from 1988 to 2012, we have found that the housing-price growth rate increases as the financial system moves a bank orientation to a market orientation. The policy implication is that the government should beware sudden increases in the capital market relative to the banking sector. Especially, more sophisticated financial supervision with respect to housing-price movement is required when a bank-based financial system progresses quickly to a market-oriented financial system.  相似文献   
This article provides a fresh insight into the dynamic nexus between oil prices, the Saudi/US dollar exchange rate, inflation, and output growth rate in Saudi Arabia’ economy, using novel Morlet’ wavelet methods. Specifically, it implements various tools of methodology: the continuous wavelet power spectrum, the cross-wavelet power spectrum, the wavelet coherency, the multiple and the partial wavelet coherence to the annual sample period 1969–2014. Our results unveil that the relationships among the variables evolve through time and frequency. From the time-domain view, we show strong but non-homogenous linkages between the four variables. From the frequency-domain view, we uncover significant wavelet coherences and strong lead-lag relationships. From an economic view, the wavelet analysis shows that Saudi economy is still exposed to several global risk factors, which are mainly related to the oil market volatility, and the pegging of the local currency to the US dollar. Such risk factors strongly and negatively affect the real economic growth, exert more pressure on inflation, and substantially limit the freedom to pursue an independent monetary policy.  相似文献   
Daily and weekly seasonalities are always taken into account in day-ahead electricity price forecasting, but the long-term seasonal component has long been believed to add unnecessary complexity, and hence, most studies have ignored it. The recent introduction of the Seasonal Component AutoRegressive (SCAR) modeling framework has changed this viewpoint. However, this framework is based on linear models estimated using ordinary least squares. This paper shows that considering non-linear autoregressive (NARX) neural network-type models with the same inputs as the corresponding SCAR-type models can lead to yet better performances. While individual Seasonal Component Artificial Neural Network (SCANN) models are generally worse than the corresponding SCAR-type structures, we provide empirical evidence that committee machines of SCANN networks can outperform the latter significantly.  相似文献   
目标价格对新疆地方棉区棉花规模的调控效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]2014年起国家在新疆实施棉花目标价格试点工作,标志着新疆棉花价格正式由政府指导价时代进入市场主导时代。目标价格改革试点是完善农产品价格形成机制的一个重要举措,属于国家调控政策范畴,研究国家棉花目标价格政策对新疆棉区棉花种植规模的调控效应,对促进新疆棉花产业发展、保障国家棉花安全具有重要的意义。[方法]该研究选用新疆棉花种植面积和价格的多年时序数据,采用格兰杰因果关系检验模型和棉花价格敏感度系数,从定性与定量分析新疆棉花价格与种植规模之间关系入手,深入探讨目标价格对全疆棉区整体及各个地州棉花种植规模的调控效应。[结果]棉花价格对棉花种植规模具有滞后性影响,且对不同区域棉花种植规模的影响存在显著差异;适度的目标价格水平在一定程度上实现了调减新疆棉花种植规模、促进棉花生产向优势产区集聚、优化棉花类型结构的目标。基于此,提出新疆棉花生产发展的政策建议。[结论]目标价格政策对新疆地方棉区棉花规模调控效应显著。  相似文献   
[目的]通过分析在天然橡胶价格持续低迷背景下种植户的生产行为,从农户及家庭特征、生产特征、市场因素和政策因素4个方面选取16项指标,研究影响天然橡胶种植户生产行为的因素。[方法]选取2015年在天然橡胶主植区云南、海南的农户调研数据,运用多元Logit模型分析天然橡胶种植户生产行为改变的影响因素。[结果]种植户生产行为选择降低和提高割胶频率是种植户权衡各类因素追求利益最大化而产生的不同行为模式,其中橡胶收入占比、种植年限、投入肥料变化、雇工割胶、生产成本、后期价格态度、补贴满意度、收益满意度8项因素对种植户选择降低割胶频率具有显著影响;受教育子女数量、种植规模、雇工割胶、是否享受补贴4项因素对种植户选择提高割胶频率具有显著影响。[结论]天然橡胶种植户的生产行为受多种因素共同作用,并且天然橡胶价格持续低迷破坏了天然橡胶产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   
[目的]通过分析棉花目标价格改革试点工作实施前后3年内(2011~2016年)棉花生产和需求变化情况,研究新疆目标价格改革对棉花市场的影响。[方法]运用3年滑动平均法,比较分析了棉花目标价格改革试点工作前后我国棉花产业的市场变化。[结果]自2014年棉花目标价格改革试点工作全面启动以来,生产方面:全国棉花种植结构日趋合理,新疆棉花种植优势明显,棉花市场价格形成机制初步建立,棉农利益得到了保护;市场需求影响方面:棉花价格逐步回归市场,国内外棉价差显著缩小,棉纺织企业经营状况趋于好转,棉花产业正在转型升级,但棉花市场整体需求不旺。[结论]试点工作取得了阶段性成效,但同时在信息化进程、棉花产业发展模式、生产力提升等方面暴露出一些问题亟待解决;下一步应进一步完善相关政策体系、加快棉花产业升级、加强科技创新,并推进信息化建设。  相似文献   
[目的]通过构建辽吉黑农产品供应链大数据平台,以期实现东北地区经济持续发展,整合辽吉黑农产品种植、生产、运输等分散主体,有效协调政府部门监管、企业加工和运输、消费者等之间的利益提供借鉴。[方法]文章分析辽吉黑农产品发展现状及以零散农户为中心、以中间商为中心、以龙头企业为中心、以农民合作社为中心的4种农产品供应链模式,剖析辽吉黑农产品供应链存在生产信息化水平落后、农产品物流技术滞后、农产品信息服务平台缺失等问题,构建辽吉黑农产品供应链大数据平台。[结果]辽吉黑农产品供应链大数据平台可实现4个功能:(1)通过建立省级或者大区域农产品信息平台,有助于实现农产品资源跨区域整合和流通,实现资源优化配置,有利于各参与者统筹规划,实现农产品资源互联互通和农产品信息共享;(2)突破传统单一的某个环节监管、某一链条监管,实现从田间到餐桌全链条监管;(3)从传统的提供数据供应、需求向整条链条上农产品供给数量、需求数量、加工企业、分销网络等数据信息归纳、处理和分析,从提供信息向提供决策服务转变;(4)从事后处理向事前预警、风险防控转变,极大提升了政府各职能部门的监管效率和监管力度。[结论]采用"互联网+"思路构建的农产品供应链大数据平台,可促进农产品的协调和增值效应,确保农产品供应链健康、安全、可持续发展。  相似文献   
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