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新型农村合作医疗保险制度参保模式研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
当前新型农村合作医疗保险制度实行自愿加入的参保模式,但在实施中产生了“逆向选择”等诸多问题。笔者从制度设计目标和制度变迁模式等角度分析了实行强制保险的必要性,认为目前实行自愿参保仍然是未来一段时间内的现实选择,但是,当新型农村合作医疗保险制度基本覆盖全国农村居民之后,就必须开始着手推进强制保险工作。 相似文献
价值链理论提出,系统是由一系列创造价值的环构成,约束理论帮助选择了价值提升的关键环节,价值工程理论从功能与成本的关系进行了投入产出比的分析。三种理论的结合为企业合理选择,提升其核心竞争力提供了理论依据。 相似文献
国有林区改革终极目的不是实行私有化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
认为国有林区改革必须对林区的森林经营历史、林区的森林生长自然规律有所了解,以寻求改革的症结所在,并明确改革的目的和目标。对伊春林区改革试点出现的"分林"做法,导致国有林区国有资产的流失提出警示。不认同对国有林区改革的主要方向是"家庭承包"的提法,因为它违反林业经济规律和现代森林经营的基本要求。指出国有林区改革终极目标不是实行私有化。 相似文献
我国城市土地宏观级差效益浅析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
城市土地宏观级差效益是指因城市在一国地域分布中的差异而在经济运行中产生的收益。一般分为城市区位级差效益、城市功能级差效益和城市规模级差效益等三部分。本文对我国城市土地宏观级差效益做出了定量分析。并根据分析结果,对我国目前阶段的一些城市经济发展问题,如土地的集约利用、产业结构调整、城市发展战略等做了进一步的探讨。 相似文献
岭南钦州的宁氏兴起于南朝末,活跃于隋唐,与高州冯氏、冼氏并称,是岭南地区的少数民族首领,在隋唐文献中被称为越人。许多学者仅仅根据清代民国出土的两方隋唐宁氏家族墓志,就得出宁氏为“汉族移民后裔”的观点。而将有关宁氏家族的文献记载与出土墓志进行对照分析,可以发现岭南宁氏的真实身份为当地土著,宁氏将自身族属建构为“汉族移民后裔”,实际上反映了王朝制度在岭南民族地区的渗透与岭南边疆的内地化进程。 相似文献
大庆地区高等院校英语教育一直使用北京外国语大学编写的<大学英语教程>,把它作为基础课的教材.对于该教材使用情况的研究有利于其他院校的借鉴,也有利于英语院系的改革和发展. 相似文献
Road development in mountainous forestlands can lead to naturally formed slopes being disturbed. Efficient planning methodologies can assist forest engineers in either preventing or reducing the environmental impacts of forest roads. In this study, we first prepared an inclusive landslide susceptibility map for our study area using a Bayesian model. We next designed 12 road network alternatives using PEGGER, an ArcView GIS extension. We extracted the values of these alternatives from the susceptibility map to evaluate their environmental feasibility. We also evaluated the alternatives from an economic perspective using a model for conducting cost estimates of the forest roads. Our results show that this approach is useful for identifying the alternative that meets environmental and economic goals. The policy implications of this study suggest that if the development of road networks in mountainous areas is an important forestry goal, mechanisms should be aimed primarily at controlling slope instability. 相似文献
2003年我国721家A股上市公司的多元化和相关财务数据表明,近一半的企业选择或维持多元化经营.经研究发现:股权结构对公司多元化经营决策和多元化绩效有显著影响:非国有控股公司较多实行多元化经营并且多元化绩效较好;控股股东持股比例越高,越不可能实行多元化经营,多元化绩效也越好.董事会特征、管理层持股对多元化经营决策和多元化绩效基本没有影响.公司负债率越高,实行多元化经营的可能性越大,多元化绩效越好.研究结果支持代理理论,多元化经营是控股股东谋取私利的方式. 相似文献
With the socioeconomic restructuring of the 1970s and 1980s, the idea of a smooth transition to a post-industrial service economy has required significant revision. We outline three such revisions: the ideas of informatization, informalization, and dualism. The first two are reworkings of post-industrial theory so as to emphasize one or other undervalued trend in industrial society, and are in principle quite compatible. The third emphasizes inequalities in power and resources that are plausibly associated with developments seen as benign by the others. Each has distinct implications for democratic development. However, we argue that while elements of all three models are present in current trends, so that the future might be best seen as a compromise between them, in fact all approaches fail to grasp the real significance of socioeconomic and technological restructuring. A more fruitful approach, with distinctive policy implications, is proposed. 相似文献