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Abstract:   This paper examines investors' anticipation and subsequent interpretations of asset write‐downs accompanying segment divestitures. Examining long‐window returns cumulated over the two years preceding the year of divestiture, we hypothesize and find that investors anticipate write‐downs of segment operating assets before divestiture and recognition occurs, with anticipation conditional on the timeliness of the write‐down and prior disclosure of the segments' operating results under segment reporting rules. Short‐window returns cumulated over the three days surrounding the announcement of the divestiture confirm that investor interpretations of asset write‐downs are similarly contingent on write‐down timeliness and prior disclosure.  相似文献   
This paper seeks to contribute to the existing business strategy and the environment literature by investigating the disclosure practices of biodiversity/extinction (B/E) and threatened species. We use greenwashing theory to understand global companies' motivation to report on B/E information. Data are collected from 200 Fortune Global companies for 3 years. We develop our comprehensive 53 disclosure index and create and test OLS regression model to measure the relationships between B/E disclosures and its determinants factors including environmental performance, industry sector, country, assurance, environmental awards, presence of biodiversity partners, and the number of species' related disclosure. Our results reveal that there are positive significant relationships between B/E disclosure and assurance provided by the Big 4: gaining an environmental award, companies from high biodiversity risk sectors, developing countries, presence of biodiversity partners, and how many specific biodiversity words are published in companies' reports. On the other hand, there are positive insignificant relationships between B/E disclosure and assurance: poor performers and the number of species disclosed in companies' reports. Our findings have important implications for regulators and policymakers. Our evidence appears to be robust when controlling for possible endogeneities.  相似文献   
《清人诗集叙录》是迄今为止介绍清人诗集最为宏富的一部学术著作,但也存在着不少疏漏,兹以读收札记的形式,对其中五家诗人的有关问题进行考证,可供有关专家和读者参考。  相似文献   
语篇信息度指对于接受者而言语篇信息超越或低于期望值的程度。信息度过低会使语篇枯燥乏味,而信息度过高又会使语篇晦涩难懂。在跨文化交际中,语篇信息度与焦虑感和不确定性成正比关系。适度的语篇信息度有利于跨文化交际顺利进行。  相似文献   
隐喻性语言的理解、构建及输出均已成为英语学习者写作的一大难题。从语篇层面调查英语专业生写作的隐喻能力状况及英语写作水平与语篇隐喻能力关系。研究结果显示语篇隐喻能力很大程度上影响了写作者概念流利性表达,尽管英语写作者试图从语篇层面使用隐喻性语言,但他们仍难以达到本族语者的语言熟练程度,除非他们能将隐喻思维概念化。因此,英语写作教学中应重视写作语篇隐喻能力的培养。  相似文献   
当代隐喻研究深受功能语言学和认知语言学理论的影响,日益关注隐喻的语篇建构功能。隐喻的语篇建构功能是全方位、系统化的,不同隐喻类型分担着各自的职能。从隐喻的分类视角关注隐喻的语篇建构功能,利于明确不同隐喻现象与语篇多维组建的关系。  相似文献   
丰子恺绘作的“护生画”影响深远,但学界对?护生画集?的初版时间却一直表述不清,甚至存在争议。根据弘一法师书信和相关史料,可以厘清?护生画集?的编绘、出版始末,并知晓从?戒杀画集?到?护生画集?这一名称变化的过程。经过考证,可知?护生画集?不可能初版于1928年2月,应初版于1929年1月至7月之间。  相似文献   
郭子仪为唐室第一功臣。《旧唐书·郭子仪传》为研究郭子仪生平及“安史之乱”的重要史料,但内中不仅年代、名姓、官职有误,且重要史实均有可商榷之处,举疑义23例予以考辨。  相似文献   
以篇章哲学观为理念引导,文章对目前高职院校教材建设中出现的问题进行了分析,探索构建高职院校视频教材建设的有效模式,并以篇章观为思维范式对高职院校的视频教材开发提出了建设性建议。  相似文献   
该文主要考证朱彝尊若干诗文作品背后的本事和外在的手书墨迹、碑刻。包括:第一,《西陵后感旧》本事;第二,《题李上舍骑牛图》诗墨迹;第三,《皇清诰赠夫人龚母李夫人墓志铭》碑刻。  相似文献   
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