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This study explores the effect of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance on market value and performance in the context of mergers and acquisitions. We examine whether acquisition of targets with better ESG performance can help acquirers to increase their own ESG performance and whether the market values the increased ESG performance positively. Moreover, we explore whether the acquisition of targets with better ESG performance affects the market value of acquirers. For this study, we utilize a sample of 100 European mergers and acquisitions between 2003 and 2017, for which matching data on the ESG performance of both the target and acquiring firms are available. Our results show that the postmerger ESG performance of the acquirer increases following the acquisition of a target that has higher ESG performance than that of the acquirer in the premerger stage, whereas the postmerger market value of the acquirer increases following an increase in the acquirer's postmerger ESG performance in relation to its premerger ESG performance. Finally, we provide partial evidence of a positive relationship between the postmerger market value of the acquirer and the acquisition of a target with higher ESG performance than itself in the premerger stage.  相似文献   
A natural extension of superadditivity is not sufficient to imply that the grand coalition is efficient when externalities are present. We provide a condition, analogous to convexity, that is sufficient for the grand coalition to be efficient and show that this also implies that the (appropriately defined) core is nonempty. Moreover, we propose a mechanism which implements the most efficient partition for all coalition formation games and characterizes the resulting payoff division.  相似文献   
雷宇 《财经研究》2016,(4):81-91
文章以中国近年来的乳业危机为背景,利用上市公司数据,从会计盈余价值相关性和股价事件性反应的角度,研究了信任缺失下的逆向选择问题以及政府和行业信任重建的效果。研究发现:(1)乳业危机中,由于公众对乳制品企业的信任缺失,这些企业取得的经营业绩无法得到与其他企业同等的评价,表现为乳制品上市公司会计盈余的价值相关性低于其他食品行业公司,从而可能诱发逆向选择问题,损害乳品产业的发展。(2)政府的制度建设和行业协会的产品推广能够起到信任重建的作用。经过强有力的制度建设,乳制品企业的逆向选择现象逐渐消失,行业协会组织的产品发布会则引起了相关企业股票正向的市场反应。文章的研究有助于企业、政府和公众了解信任缺失的影响和信任重建的效果,而且从会计角度解答经济问题的交叉研究思路和方法也具有较好的创新性。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于价值工程理论和多目标决策算法的即时顾客化定制(IC)下客户订单分离点(CODP)定位冲突消解方法。首先分析了最优CODP定位涉及的利益相关方,从成本、定制化程度和时间等方面研究了CODP定位的影响因素;然后基于价值工程理论,提出了IC生产模式下顾客价值的表达式,将顾客价值的功能因素数量化,综合运用价值指数法和求解多目标决策问题的优化算法,构造CODP定位冲突消解问题的优化算法,并给出该算法的具体实现步骤;最后应用该算法对某企业的典型案例问题进行求解,表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
We analyse time-varying risk premia and the implications for portfolio choice. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, we estimate a multivariate regime-switching model for the Carhart (1997) four-factor model. We find two clearly separable regimes with different mean returns, volatilities, and correlations. In the High-Variance Regime, only value stocks deliver a good performance, whereas in the Low-Variance Regime, the market portfolio and momentum stocks promise high returns. Regime-switching induces investors to change their portfolio style over time depending on the investment horizon, the risk aversion, and the prevailing regime. Value investing seems to be a rational strategy in the High-Variance Regime, momentum investing in the Low-Variance Regime. An empirical out-of-sample backtest indicates that this switching strategy can be profitable, but the overall forecasting ability for the regime-switching model seems to be weak compared to the iid model.  相似文献   
This study compares a range of agricultural commodities over periods of varying economic circumstances. These commodities are examined over three categories, including returns, risk, and contribution to portfolio optimisation. Consistency in these categories is determined over four equal three-year stages which comprise pre-GFC (Global Financial Crisis), GFC, post-GFC and post-post GFC. To demonstrate resilience in the most extreme circumstances, the study uses Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR), which measures extreme risk in the tail of a distribution, as the risk measure and risk-return optimiser. The study thus provides a unique and comprehensive extreme-risk based focus which identifies and ranks the consistency of performance of agricultural commodities over a range of criteria and conditions. Cattle commodities consistently demonstrate the strongest overall performance in the categories examined.  相似文献   
从经济哲学角度分析了《资本论》,并简要介绍了其中的商品货币理论。通过分析中国特色社会主义市场经济和其历史变迁及商品货币理论中价值规律、劳动二重性、劳动分工等理论,从企业管理、政府干预、经济均衡三个角度,分析了商品货币理论对中国特色社会主义市场经济的借鉴意义;从进步性、局限性、与时俱进性评价了商品货币理论。  相似文献   
基于污染损失率的连云港水环境污染功能价值损失研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水体污染是当前环境污染一个重要方面,有效评价水污染的价值损失是水环境规划、制定水环境对策与政策的基础。文章基于污染损失率法估算连云港水环境的功能价值损失,得出1996—2000年连云港的水环境污染功能价值损失年均高达11.8亿元,占GDP的比重年均为4.55%。表明连云港水环境污染损失较大,其经济发展在一定程度上是以水环境污染为代价的;目前以GDP为主要衡量指标的国民经济核算体系可能过高地估计了连云港的经济增长水平。  相似文献   
在基于利益相关者理论建立衡量房地产业履行社会责任的指标体系和用托宾Q值衡量企业价值的基础上,分别对2000—2009年房地产业履行社会责任和企业价值进行评估,并利用面板数据模型对中国2000—2009年房地产业履行社会责任和企业价值的关系进行实证研究。研究表明:企业社会责任履行情况越好,越被社会公众认同,企业价值就会越高。但是社会责任的综合表现对企业价值的提升作用十分微弱,整个社会对企业社会责任的履行情况关注程度还十分有限。  相似文献   
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