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浅析固定资产折旧的会计与税法差异及所得税处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在企业所得税汇算清缴过程中,如何正确进行固定资产折旧的纳税调整及所得税会计处理,是每个企业必须注意的问题。本文分析了固定资产折旧的会计与税法差异产生的原因,以及在计算企业所得税时,如何对这些差异进行相关的纳税调整和所得税会计处理。  相似文献   
我国土地增值税存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈义荣 《中国市场》2009,(41):92-94
为了加强对我国土地增值税的征收管理,结合目前国家新政策出台的背景,分析当前土地增值税征管中存在的问题,并提出完善的对策。  相似文献   
Cross-country studies document a negative relation between corporate governance and cash holdings. In contrast, this relation is found to be positive in the United States. In this paper, we examine the case of Japanese firms. Using institutional ownership and cross-shareholdings as the main governance variables, we show that better governance is associated with higher cash balances as in the United States. The reason is that better-governed firms make better investment decisions. Their investments are not driven by excess liquidity and result in higher profitability and higher firm valuation. Overall, our findings indicate that management profligacy is a bigger concern to shareholders than management propensity to hoard cash because of risk aversion.  相似文献   
A number of recent studies have shown that earnings information is less useful and value relevant when firms are financially troubled. This finding has given rise to the consideration of alternatives. In this paper, we examine the contributions of book value-based proxies (normal earnings and abandonment value) and flow-based proxies (earnings and operating accruals) to the assessment of the likelihood of emergence from financial distress. Our prior reasoning is that while book value-based proxies may provide information about potential future cash resources, flow-based proxies, because they capture the progress of reorganization efforts underway, as opposed to mere potential, should be relatively more useful in assessing the likelihood of emergence from distress. Our findings are consistent with this explanation. We document that the primary predictors of emergence are flow-based proxies—in particular, cash from operations, net of earnings.  相似文献   
This paper has three goals. First, we demonstrate that standard arguments and methods from production and duality analysis can be used to provide a comprehensive and general treatment of the value of information for a risk-averse firm with expected-utility (linear-in-probabilities) preferences and a general stochastic technology. Second, we place bounds on the value of information for a risk-averse firm and relate these bounds to characteristics of the technology and the producer’s preferences. The third and final goal is to derive the implications that information differences can have for measured efficiency differences and to relate the bounds on the value of information to those measured differences.   相似文献   
This paper studies the effects of an uninsurable background risk (BR) on the demand for insurance (proportional and with deductible). We study both the case of BR uncorrelated with the insurable one and the perfectly correlated one, in a Gaussian world. In order to perform our study, we exploit the new risk measure known as Value at Risk (VaR) and consider insurance contracts which are Mean-VaR efficient. We obtain results which depend on the parameters (moments) of both risks and on the magnitude of loadings charged by the insurance company, instead of depending on the risk attitudes of the insured, such as risk aversion and prudence.We demonstrate that, if loadings are not too high, the demand for insurance increases with positively correlated BR; it decreases with BR negatively correlated if the latter is less risky than the insurable one (in this case it can even go to zero, if loadings are too high); it goes to zero with BR which is negatively correlated and more risky than the insurable one.  相似文献   
In spite of the strategic importance of sustainability reporting in current business practice and the resulting increase in research on its value relevance, studies accounting for stakeholder interdependence are scarce. On the basis of the instrumental stakeholder theory, we investigate whether customers have an impact on the value relevance of sustainability reporting. Using a sample of US listed firms, we show that the value relevance of sustainability reporting is affected by customer profile differences, thereby confirming customer–shareholder interdependence. However, customer profile effects are only predominant if firms' profitability levels are low and disappear as profitability increases. Overall, our findings provide a more nuanced understanding of the value relevance of sustainability reporting. Therefore, we offer managers fine‐grained guidance for value relevant sustainability reporting. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   
李汶静  陈丙 《价值工程》2008,27(4):62-65
随着资本市场及经济全球化的不断深入发展,企业价值管理及其价值评估日益受到人们的重视,因此企业价值评估的应用空间得到极大扩展。文中以传统的评估技术和方法为基础,通过对企业价值评估的三种主流方法和三个评估指标的比较,最终得出基于自由现金流量的企业价值评估方法是最符合我国企业目前现状的评估方法,对规范我国企业价值评估方法具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   
洪肯堂 《物流技术》2010,29(1):99-101
供应链合作价值创新是企业发挥供应链成员间合力满足顾客需求和应对市场竞争的有效方式。区分了供应链合作与供应链合作价值创新,并探讨了价值链合作价值创新的实现方式。  相似文献   
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