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消费者对茶油价值认知不足产生的信息不对称使得茶油市场失灵,潜在的市场需求无法转变为实际的市场需求。调查统计表明,消费者对茶油具有较好的知名度,但却只有较低的价值认知度。影响消费者对茶油价值认知的主要因素包括消费者的性别、学历、收入水平和对健康的关注程度。对茶油价值的认知不再依赖于通过直接的生产地接触获取,也不依赖于经常购买日常食品。根据实证分析可以预测,对茶油价值认知度高的消费者将越来越多,需要通过不断消除居民的性别偏好意识、促进教育资源的平等分配,降低接受高等教育的门槛、促进收入合理分配和不断提高居民对健康的关注水平来促进消费者对茶油价值的认知。  相似文献   
研究目的:探寻基于目标值的土地运行关键指标预警研究的方法,及时提出警戒信息与调控措施。研究方法:采用趋势预测法对警素指标的未来值进行预测,用年均增长率函数倒推法确定目标值倒推值,结合预测值与目标值倒推值确定2015—2020年弹性警界线,采用统计误差理论所得出3σ法则来确定警度界限的区间,采用景气信号灯法判别警情,黄色信号灯表示轻警、红色信号灯重警,采用情景分析法分析不同减量化目标下警情的变化趋势。研究结果:上海市建设用地总规模若按减量递增10%,则2018年后需要保持零增长,若减量递增30%,则增量还有一定上行空间;工业用地占比的预测值在未来5年内都处于红色预警,但警情有较为合理的自下降趋势。研究结论:建设用地应遵循"五量并举"的调控思路,努力实现规划建设用地"负增长"目标;而工业用地则通过加强分类引导,采取二次开发、复合利用等措施,优化用地结构,使工业用地占比回落到正常区间。单一警素指标预警适用于时间序列较长且有目标值的指标,未来的研究重点应在单项预警的基础上,构建以土地要素为核心的多要素安全综合预警体系。  相似文献   
Natural vegetation enhances the value of agricultural landscapes for people and wildlife. However, the role of anthropogenic versus topographic factors in driving the extent of natural vegetation cover within agricultural lands at large spatial scales remains unexplored. I assessed the influence of anthropogenic and topographic variables on the extent of agricultural mosaics with high natural vegetation cover in the country of Turkey where a large extent of natural and semi-natural vegetation is maintained by traditional agriculture. GIS layers depicting human land use, elevation, slope, roads and population data were obtained and summarized at two spatial scales, within provinces and for 100 km2 grid cells covering the country’s entire agricultural land area. Average farm size was also obtained at province level. Hierarchical Partitioning was conducted to determine the independent effect of anthropogenic and topographic variables on the variation in agriculture with high natural vegetation. Slope had the largest independent effect on the variation in the proportion of agricultural mosaic with high natural vegetation cover. The extent of agricultural and settlement area also explained much of the variation in natural vegetation across both grid cells and provinces. The proportion of natural vegetation increased as human population and road density decreased across grid cells and as average farm size decreased across provinces. These results suggest that while topography is the primary driver of natural vegetation cover within agricultural mosaics in Turkey, the pressures associated with urban development and agricultural industrialization may also influence the cultural and wildlife value of agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
This paper advances the risk management perspective that superior social performance enhances firm value by serving as an ex ante valuable insurance mechanism. We posit that good social performance is more valuable as an insurance mechanism for firms with higher litigation risks. Moreover, value generation of corporate social performance (CSP) depends on whether a firm has gained pragmatic legitimacy (i.e., a firm's financial health) and moral legitimacy (i.e., whether or not a firm operates in a socially contested industry) among its stakeholders. We find that the value of CSP as insurance against litigation risk is practically significant, adding 2 to 4 percent to firm value. But CSP is less likely to create value if the firm is in financial distress or is operating in socially contested industries. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
通过对五大连池新期火山熔岩台地白桦、香杨、山杨3个林型的矮曲林45个样本进行14个波长(250、254、260、265、272、280、285、300、340、350、365、400、436和465 nm)土壤溶液吸光度以及土壤有机碳和全氮含量的测定,旨在探讨土壤溶液吸光度对土壤碳氮指标的指示作用以及不同林型对该作用的...  相似文献   
本文以12批次市售散装茶油为研究材料,分别对其酸价、过氧化值、黄曲霉毒素B1和苯并[a]芘4个指标进行测定,分析其食用安全性.结果显示,12批次样品的酸价范围为0.63~5.40 mg·g-1,过氧化值范围为0.036~0.660 g/100 g,黄曲霉毒素B1含量为未检出~5.19μg·kg-1,苯并[a]芘含量为1...  相似文献   
张朝霞 《现代食品》2021,27(3):52-54
酸价和过氧化值作为评判月饼产品是否氧化变质的食品安全指标,是月饼生产企业工艺与质量管控的重点和关键要素之一.本文通过对月饼生产原料的脂肪成分特性进行分析和研究,提出原料验收和仓储环节实施质量管控的方法,提高对产品酸价和过氧化值的管控能力,降低月饼质量不合格风险.  相似文献   
精准扶贫包含着以效率为核心的工具理性和以人文价值为核心的价值理性,以两种理性视角审视湖北省B村的扶贫现状,发现B村精准扶贫在实施过程中出现工具理性和价值理性的失衡,主要表现为政策形式偏离价值初衷、效率优先忽视公平诉求、技术思维淡化人文关怀等问题,工具理性僭越到价值理性之上。为了促进扶贫工作顺利开展和扶贫任务的圆满实现,必须要推进精准扶贫过程中科学与民主、效率与公平、扶贫与扶志、扶智的统一,来助力价值理性的回归。  相似文献   
文章指称的“征地”主要限定在土地权属的永久性变更,即国家利用公权力,为公共利益需要,依法将农民集体所有的土地转为国家所有并给与补偿的行为,也称国家征收。探讨征地制度的伦理定位是制度建设的思想基础,也是实践理性的边界。近年来我国征地问题上之所以矛盾频发越演越烈,一个重要因素是征地制度中的伦理定位偏差,催生了征地中的非理性和非合理化行为,直接挑战了主流良心、社会公理和国家目标。21世纪是我国工业化、城市化的加速期,必然对土地有较大的需求。因此,探讨征地的当代伦理和符合社会主义市场经济的本质要求的征地伦理定位,是土地管理法制建设的理性基础。  相似文献   
基于SAVEE方法的南沙群岛权益和战略价值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文采用新型评价方法一一sAVEE定量研究了南沙群岛的权益和战略价值。研究选取南沙群岛中五个有代表性的岛礁及与其权益和战略价值相关的评价因子,计算出各因子的价值及综合价值,获得评价结果。结果显示,五个岛礁具有不同的权益和战略价值,其中以太平岛最高。定量化的评价结果较好的反映了南沙群岛岛礁价值的差异性,与实际情况相符,证实了该方法在海岛价值评价中的可行性。  相似文献   
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