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This paper aims to assess the empirical implications of fiscal financing in Korea and study how they differ from those of the U.S. We estimate two versions of the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model—a small open economy (SOE) model for Korea and its closed economy counterpart for the U.S.—in which the former nests the latter as a special case. The fiscal policy specification posits that government spending, lump-sum transfers, and distortionary taxation on labor income, capital income and consumption expenditures respond to the level of government debt and the state of economic activity. Analysis of the data from 2000 to 2015 shows that distortionary capital taxes play a critical role in stabilizing government debt in the U.S., whereas non-distorting fiscal instruments are the primary means of fiscal adjustment in Korea. Regarding the magnitude of debt-financed fiscal stimuli, the substantial trade openness of Korea is significant in that it produces relatively smaller government spending and transfer multipliers compared to the U.S.  相似文献   
The recent euro area sovereign debt crisis has shown the importance of market reactions for the sustainability of debt in advanced economies. This paper calculates endogenous government debt limits given the markets assessment of the probability to default. The estimated primary balance reaction function to growing debt has the “fiscal fatigue” property (a loosening fiscal effort makes the primary balance insufficient to support rising debt) at high debt levels. The combination of this feature of the primary balance reaction function with the market interest rate reaction to growing debt determines the government debt limit beyond which debt cannot be rolled over. An application to OECD countries over the period 1985 – 2013 with a model-based risk-premium shows that current debt limits are high for most of the OECD thanks to particularly low risk-free interest rates. It also shows for some countries that current debt levels are not sustainable without a change in government behaviour. Most importantly, the framework illustrates the state contingent nature of debt limits and therefore the vulnerability of governments to a change in macroeconomic conditions and to market reactions. Last, computations with an estimated interest rate reaction to public debt illustrate that debt limits are lower in the euro area than in other countries because of a sharper market interest rate reaction to rising debt.  相似文献   
狄灵瑜  步丹璐 《南方经济》2019,38(11):72-93
转型期中国,地方国有企业作为地区经济发展的一股中坚力量,当其发生债务违约时,作为实际控制人的地方政府究竟是否愿意提供支持,会优先选择哪些企业提供支持,政府的支持行为是否会影响到信贷资源的配置效率呢?为得到验证,文章选取2007-2016年沪深A股地方国有上市企业作为研究样本,实证分析了地方国企发生债务违约后,地方政府的支持行为及其对信贷资源配置效率的影响。研究结论表明:第一,地方国企发生债务违约后,地方政府会提供更多的"支持",且支持额度与债务违约额呈显著正相关关系;第二,债务违约前,承担了更多社会责任(环保投资、捐赠以及就业等)的地方国企,在债务违约后可相应地获得更多的地方政府支持;第三,违约企业,尤其是得到更多政府支持的违约企业可获得更多的信贷资源,而其经营业绩却往往更差。由此表明政府干预一定程度上降低了信贷资源配置效率。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to empirically test the hypothesis that whether debt matters in the EU. This has been performed by examining the potential adverse effects of debt in large European economies on investment, inflation and growth. Using the hybrid cointegration and vector autoregressive models, the findings, based on the period 1970–97, suggest that debt causes significant adverse effects on investment, but its impact on growth is not clear-cut. Moreover, debt appears to be inflationary in most cases in the long run, though produces no clear short run pattern on inflation.  相似文献   
债务重组已成为我国的国有资产管理公司处置金融不良资产的重要手段.本文概述了债务重组的定义和方式,探讨了以债务重组手段处置金融不良资产的优势以及风险防控等值得注意的问题,并对一个处置实例进行了具体分析,总结了项目运作的经验,以供参考.  相似文献   
金融危机后,以危机推手著称的美国信评机构因群体性道德风险和贩卖劣质公信力而备受国际谴责.为此,三大机构不同程度地修订了主权信用评级规则,并自2010年下半年以来,联袂发布了美国主权信用评级的负面意见,尤其是2011年轮番下调美国主权信用评级前景展望至负面,希望借此塑造其公正、客观的商业形象.但是,三大机构的政治附属物属性决定了三大机构发布的美国主权信用评级负面意见,本质上是一场政治逻辑与资本逻辑的较量,更多展现为一种政治博弈的需要,并使自己陷入了债务上限与主权信用评级的政治悖论困境.  相似文献   
资本结构与代理成本之间的关系始终是研究者关注的焦点。本文认为,资本结构中权益资本和债务资本会引发不同的代理成本,其产生的根源在于管理者与股东以及债权人与权益投资者之间存在不同的利益格局。在第一类和第二类代理冲突中,债务均具有重要的地位,但债务在第二类代理冲突中的作用与第一类冲突中显著不同。当企业股权集中时,大股东掌握着企业的实际控制权,企业的主要代理问题成为控股大股东与中、小股东之间的代理问题,这会导致其资本结构的代理成本与第一类和第二类代理成本显著不同。  相似文献   
本文研究了发达经济体(美、欧、澳、韩)和发展中经济体(俄、印)的外债发展历史和外债管理实践,并基于外债管理的国际经验提供可行性建议,旨在为加快推进我国的外债管理体制改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
王赟祥  高新波 《新疆财经》2006,(1):41-43,30
本文简单地阐述了传统的利率期限结构理论,通过连续复利的方式获得了我国国债的到期收益率。在此基础上,构造了国债收益率曲线并通过建模获得了收益率曲线的回归方程。同时,根据我国国债利率期限结构的形状和特点,用传统的利率期限结构理论对其进行理论说明,并指出国债产品设计与定价上的问题与改进建议。  相似文献   
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