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R&D investment is enterprises’ strategy based on the market demand on innovative products and its production capacity for them. Enlarging market demand would spur the enterprises’ R&D input and the enhancement of technology state in production ability could have a complex effect on less developed countries’ R&D expenditure. With the measurement of China’s technology state compared to the United States and Japan, this paper explores with the state space model the dynamic effects of determinants on China’s R&D expenditure with the data during 1987–2006. The result illustrates that the growing national income, a proxy of domestic market demand, impedes the further R&D investment in China due to the enormous demand for necessities dominated by lower income class, and the income inequality is the major incentive for R&D investment via the higher pricing on the wealthy group, and that the improvement of technology state reduces the innovation risk and plays an important role in stimulating R&D expenditure.   相似文献   
Hatfield and Milgrom [Hatfield, John William, Milgrom, Paul R., 2005. Matching with contracts. Amer. Econ. Rev. 95, 913–935] present a unified model of matching with contracts, which includes the standard two-sided matching and some package auction models as special cases. They show that the doctor-optimal stable mechanism is strategy-proof for doctors if hospitals' preferences satisfy substitutes and the law of aggregate demand. We show that the doctor-optimal stable mechanism is group strategy-proof for doctors under these same conditions. That is, no group of doctors can make each of its members strictly better off by jointly misreporting their preferences. We derive as a corollary of this result that no individually rational allocation is preferred by all the doctors to the doctor-optimal stable allocation.  相似文献   
Received July 31, 2000; revised version received July 18, 2001  相似文献   
In this study, the heterogeneity of the fee abolition process in West German secondary schools is used to identify the effect of school fees on educational attainment and to obtain an estimate of the price elasticity of upper secondary education. The analysis is based on representative individual‐level data from three annual surveys of the German Mikrozensus. While coefficients cannot be estimated precisely, the results suggest that, on average, upper secondary school attainment increased by at least 8 percent in response to the fee abolition. The educational attainment of females appears to be more price sensitive than that of males.  相似文献   
基于基本时间序列分解法、回归分析法和定性预测法,根据“误差决定权重”的指导原则对各种单一预测方法进行权重分配,提出了适用于需求增长型空调生产企业销量综合性预测方法的基本思路,结合国内某空调生产企业实际调研数据给出了计算实例。  相似文献   
邵举平  乔志花 《物流技术》2012,(13):188-190
为提高分散供应链计划的有效性,基于微分方程理论,建立了适合于历史数据资料、具有曲线增长特征的产品需求预测动力方程模型,并进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
詹雯 《物流技术》2012,(15):417-419
从物流英语的需求因素来看,专业物流英语的翻译与通用物流英语的翻译都非常重要。从干中学模式的角度出发,探讨该模式下的物流英语需求,并以图解法对该模式进行具体分析。  相似文献   
肖义 《价值工程》2012,31(33):317-318
漳河上游来水比常年减少,需水量日益增加,导致水资源供需矛盾不断加剧。实行最严格水资源管理制度是缓解水资源供需矛盾的一种有效思路。本文对漳河上游的管理现状以及最严格水资源管理制度下采取的对策进行了分析。  相似文献   
二手硬件市场作为一种新兴的市场,由于其价格低、入手易的特点越来越受到人们的关注,然而它的市场供求机制还不是很明确。论文对二手硬件市场供求平衡以及价格的形成做了系统的分析,在此基础上探讨了该市场目前出现的问题和解决的方法。  相似文献   
通过实证分析了解安徽高职物流人才差异化需求结构,利用灰色系统理论预测未来需求量;再结合这些需求特征分析高职物流人才差异化培养现状并提出差异化发展的建议,为安徽高职物流人才培养的政策制定和方案设计提供参考。  相似文献   
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