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While there is increasing evidence that involving suppliers in new product development (NPD) is important, and for many firms even inevitable, there is also evidence that not all such efforts are successful. Firms aiming at implementing this strategy effectively have to pay close attention to several contingency factors on the organizational level and properly manage supplier involvement on the project level. The exploratory case study research underlying this article explores key issues to be considered when involving suppliers in NPD and the counter measures they can take. Our research shows that companies differentiate between so-called “know-how” and “capacity” projects, and that they manage them differently. Furthermore, this research shows that firms outside the automotive and high-tech manufacturing industries are likely to intensify supplier involvement in the future.  相似文献   
A Fuzzy clustering approach to the key sectors of the Spanish economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The search for key sectors in an economy has been and still is one of the more recurrent themes in input–output analysis. When using clustering techniques, sectors can only belong to a group, having a particular performance. But, actually, the same sector could be important from different perspectives at the same time, to a different degree. So, a fuzzy clustering approach is needed. In this work we propose a multidimensional approach to classify the productive sectors of the Spanish input–output table for 1995, based on three groups of variables: those related to their productive integration, others measuring their specific weight in the economy and finally some showing their economic dynamic. We also incorporate into the analysis the technological level, which being a categorical variable presents special methodological problems. All these questions are tackled applying a robust and fuzzy clustering analysis, which gives as a result a classification of sectors illustrating the role that each one plays in the Spanish economy.  相似文献   
侯宁  李洁薇 《现代经济》2009,(9):99-100
本文针对当前我国物业管理招标与投标课程教学中存在的问题,提出建设基于职业能力需求导向的教学改革,旨在提高教学质量,提高学生满意度,培养满足社会需要的物业管理招投标人才。论文阐述了构建就业市场导向型物业管理招投标教学的必要性、应对策略及培养模式。  相似文献   
城市道路景观除了功能性景观规划外,还应包括视觉艺术的环境景观设计。近年来城市道路蒂观绿化发展迅速,但同时也暴露出一些问题。针对目前城市生活性道路景观中存在的问题,以及由于房地产业兴起而客观造成居住小区范围内道路绿化景观日益改善这一现象,以南京市江宁宏景大道加州城小区边界道路路段景观为例,将其与一般路段对比,分析其在景观绿化中的优势之处,探索出一条城市道路景观建设管理模式的新思路,即责任到单位的“分区包干制”,以期在新城区各类型道路的景观建设中,起一定参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Process improvement programs such as Six Sigma, Lean, and Lean Sigma are very important and deserve serious academic research attention. However, definition problems make it difficult to study any specific type of process improvement program. Therefore, this study defines two organizational level program management factors, Strategic Project Selection (SPS) and Project Management Infrastructure (PMI), that are independent of any specific process improvement program. Drawing upon current literature, this study develops and tests theoretical models that relate SPS and PMI to operational performance improvement and to each other. Using empirical data collected from 53 supplier plants of one large high-tech firm, this study finds that at the plant level, SPS mediates the relationship between PMI and operational performance improvement. This insight contributes to both theory development and practice, suggesting that a viable strategy for a process improvement program’s success is to focus on PMI in order to enhance SPS and ultimately improve performance. Not to be reproduced or quoted without written permission from the authors.  相似文献   
高校教育成本核算是高校教育成本管理的核心,但目前高校教育成本核算在实践中举步维艰。本文通过将高校教育成本核算方法进行比较研究,提出了将战略成本管理思想初步应用于高校教育成本核算中的新思路。  相似文献   
岗位替代性是指当某岗位员工离职或被辞退后,能否迅速找到合适员工承担起该岗位工作。它对商业银行提升人力资源管理效率、防范经营风险等具有重要作用,但这一概念却还没有得到国有商业银行足够关注和重视。基于"对提高岗位替代性,促进商业银行促进可持续发展探讨"这一命题,本文以科学发展观为指导,运用现代企业管理、组织行为学、心理学等理论工具,并结合笔者在商业银行多年的工作实践,首先分析了商业银行岗位替代性的影响因素及现状,然后阐述了提高岗位替代性对商业银行经营管理的重要意义,最后研究探讨了当前提高商业银行岗位替代性的路径和主要措施。  相似文献   
本文从系统控制的角度出发,以现代电力企业为研究对象,应用模型自适应控制原理,提出将企业员工职业生涯发展规划的设计实施与员工成长发展及企业发展过程中变化的各个因素紧密联系起来,构建企业员工自适应发展规划管理系统,使得企业的发展需求和员工个人成长发展需求共同调整影响员工职业发展路径设计和发展培养方案的制定,以实现员工成长发展自动调节适应企业的发展需要,最终取得员工成长发展与企业发展需求的较高的契合度,为企业发展提供优质的人力资源保障,推动企业进一步发展.  相似文献   
略论经济利润对传统会计利润的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
同会计利润相比,经济利润考虑了股权投资的机会成本,因而是一个更为全面地衡量经济效益的指标。现代企业财务战略管理的核心是价值管理,而价值管理则是一套以经济利润为核心分析指标、包含了公司战略制定、组织架构建设和管理流程重组的完整的战略性管理体系。可见,经济利润对于企业价值管理和财务战略管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
试论图书馆人力资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前.我国图书馆人力资源的现状是:一方面人才缺乏,另一方面,现有人力资源得不到充分的使用。如何挖掘现有人力资源并使其增值,是图书馆面临的迫切问题。  相似文献   
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