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中小企业国际化经营中的人力资源问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
胡秋华 《广东农工商职业技术学院学报》2004,(3)
入世后,我国中小企业在国际化经营的进程中面临很多新的挑战。其中人力资源管理中存在着两大类问题:传统的管理思维与模式及国际化经营过程中出现的新的矛盾与冲突。这些问题将制约中小企业的进一步发展。该文对这些问题的影响做了初步分析,并就这些问题的解决提出了一些探索性的策略和措施。 相似文献
Paulina Papastathopoulou Author Vitae George J. Avlonitis Author Vitae Nikolaos G. Panagopoulos Author Vitae 《Industrial Marketing Management》2007,36(3):322-336
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) like CRM, ERP and Intranet are considered important for creating competitive advantage. Despite their rapid deployment rates, only a few studies mainly from the information technology (IT) and engineering literature have been devoted in uncovering the factors that influence the diffusion of new information technologies within an organization. Similarly, empirical studies regarding the impact of ICT diffusion on organizations are strikingly limited. In an attempt to fill this research void, the present study examines the implementation of ICT tools within marketing-related and non-marketing-related functions. By testing a number of hypotheses using structural equation modeling, the authors conclude that the antecedents and consequences of ICT diffusion in these functions vary. Their findings provide the foundation for a more thorough examination of both intraorganizational diffusion of ICT tools as well as their impact on organizations. 相似文献
随着智能互联推动的第四次产业变革的到来与环境不确定性的加剧,近年来一些行业领先的大企业突然崩塌而另一些领先企业则实现了转型与持续成长。组织柔性、开放式创新是影响领先企业实现转型与持续成长的重要因素。引入内向开放式创新作为调节变量,通过问卷调查与数据分析,证实组织柔性是影响领先企业持续成长能力获取的重要因素,其中能力柔性影响最大,文化柔性和结构柔性次之,内向开放式创新则在两者关系中发挥正向调节效应。结合单案例研究发现,平台协同、利益共同体机制、市场导向是组织柔性、内向开放式创新促进领先企业持续成长的实践路径。 相似文献
The present study scrutinizes how hospitality firms’ internal branding influences the service performance of frontline employees in a progressive way. More specifically, based on social influence and social exchange theories, this study examines if organizational commitment mediates the link between hospitality frontline employees’ perceptions of brand authenticity (BA) and brand-value fit (BVF) and their service-related behaviors such as generating ideas for service improvement (GISI) and service-oriented citizenship behavior. With a matched sample of 286 customer-contact frontline employees and 33 of their supervisors from five-star hotels in South Korea, this study found that the higher employees’ perceptions of BA and BVF, the more likely they were to generate ideas for service improvement and engage in service-oriented citizenship behavior, as they were more likely to be committed to the firm. Based on the findings, implications are discussed for hospitality practitioners and researchers alike in terms of internal branding with frontline employees. 相似文献
Eco-innovation is essential if we are to improve the environmental impacts of tourism firms. Building on the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) of the firm, we hypothesize that eco-innovation is the mediating factor between four firm-level antecedents (opportunity-recognizing and opportunity-capitalizing capabilities, top managers’ attitudes and stakeholder pressures) and three outcomes (cost and differentiation, with respect to a firm’s competitive advantage, and its resulting organizational performance). Partial least squares structural equation modelling is applied to the data from a survey with hotel managers in China, and confirms all of the hypotheses, except two, namely: i) that cost competitive advantage is positively related to hotel performance, and ii) that eco-innovation fully mediates the relationships between opportunity-recognizing capability and both dimensions of competitive advantage. Our contribution to the NRBV theory with a novel, integrated model to predict the mediating role that eco-innovation plays between firm-level resources and capabilities, and competitive advantages. 相似文献
知识网络能力概念是在组织网络理论与知识管理理论交叉融合背景下提出的,创新理论与实践发展揭示了知识网络能力研究的必要性。基于组织网络理论和知识基础观,构建“能力-创新行为-绩效”和“能力-网络位置-绩效”模型框架,验证知识网络能力的作用机制和边界条件。研究结果表明,知识网络能力对组织创新具有正向影响,创新二元行为在知识网络能力与组织创新之间起中介作用,网络位置跃迁在知识网络能力与组织创新之间起中介作用,知识基正向调节知识网络能力与组织创新之间的关系,环境动态性正向调节知识网络能力与组织创新之间的关系。结论拓展了知识网络能力相关理论研究,支持了从知识网络能力视角出发的组织创新理论研究和实践活动。 相似文献
家族企业在世界经济中扮演着重要角色,备受国内外学者关注。通过研究家族参与管理和CEO长期任职与企业创新绩效之间的关系,探讨了长期导向的中介效应与组织惯例的调节作用。基于浙皖家族企业样本实证分析,得出以下结论:家族参与管理和企业创新绩效之间存在倒“U”型关系;家族企业CEO长期任职对长期导向的形成有积极正向影响;长期导向在CEO长期任职与家族企业创新绩效间起中介作用;组织惯例正向调节家族参与管理对创新绩效的影响,正向调节长期导向对创新绩效的影响。通过探究管理层行为对企业创新绩效的影响,丰富了国内家族企业研究成果,也为家族企业响应不断变化的外部环境、实现可持续创新发展提供了有益启示。 相似文献
韧性作为探究组织—环境互动机理的方法,有助于企业在逆境中化危为机、借机成势.基于过程视角,打开环境不确定情境下组织韧性响应的\"黑箱\",构建\"暴露期(激活韧性)—发展期(调动韧性)—恢复期(发挥韧性)\"研究框架.研究发现:环境作为企业的信息源和资源池,不确定性通过信息认知和资源依赖两条路径影响组织韧性;为应对环境不确定性,组织韧性通过探测机制和缓冲机制降低信息模糊,进而突破资源瓶颈.因此,应综合判断企业外部环境状况和组织自身禀赋,选择适应、更新和突破3种组织韧性应对策略. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2023,66(3):387-404
Are you involved in a new venture but just can’t find the right name? Are you part of an organization that has outgrown its name, perhaps because of geographic/product expansion or societal changes? Or worse, does your organization need to shed its name owing to scandal or unfortunate family association? While many entrepreneurs and managers understand intuitively that names are imbued with meaning and that this meaning helps convey a company’s identity and tell its story, they may not know what makes a great name. Even though choosing a name marks a universal rite of passage for an organization and a key strategic decision, there is surprisingly little practical, accessible, and consolidated guidance available to those in search of the “perfect” name. So, how can organizations improve their chances of crafting an outstanding name? We extract research-driven insights from a variety of disciplines to describe, examine, and evaluate five principal naming strategies. As such, we explore the effectiveness of organization names that are affiliated with the organization’s signature product/service, family, or geography, as well as those adopting humor or pursuing novelty via portmanteaus. We also offer recommendations for maximizing the cognitive fluency and emotional resonance of potential names. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2023,66(4):453-462
Integration of paradoxes (i.e., interdependent yet contradictory tensions such as stability and change, learning and performing, or the individual and the collective) have recently been recognized as sources of synergy and competitive advantage. When adequately navigated, paradoxes may promote innovation, which favors generative complementarities. However, not all paradoxes have such generative effects. Pragmatic paradoxes (i.e., managerially imposed contradictory demands that must be disobeyed to be obeyed) tend to create paralyzing catch-22 situations. Like weeds to a flower, pragmatic paradoxes may also grow alongside the generative type. We explore the conditions in which pragmatic paradoxes become invasive in organizations, identify their main characteristics and symptoms, discuss their roots, and recommend potential approaches to their eradication. 相似文献