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南北战争后的60多年时间里,美国通过"土地改革"引导"农业革命",科技创新开启"工业革命","草根民主"与劳工运动构建良好社会关系,民主政治扼制社会腐败、培育责任政府,"揭露黑幕运动"实现政治改革、建设和谐社会,完成了工业化、城市化和现代化的发展历程。了解这一过程,对我们是有启发作用的。  相似文献   
We conducted a nationally representative survey to measure the impact of China's institutional reforms in public agricultural extension on the time allocation of its one million agricultural extension agents. We found that Chinese agents spent much less time than their titles would suggest on providing agricultural extension services, and that agents whose base salaries were funded fully or partially by commercial activities spent substantially less time serving farmers. The institutional incentives associated with the source of funding have a much larger effect on agent time allocation than do the levels of funding. We conclude that the recent government policy to separate commercial activities from extension services is a step in the right direction and should be expanded. The results also suggest that, at least for agricultural extension, the goal of many national governments and international donors to develop locally financing institutions to sustain development projects may be misguided.  相似文献   
王树林 《改革与开放》2011,(22):165-166
二十世纪初督抚以晚清地方权力膨胀为契机,在教育改革中充当了重要角色,深刻影响了中国教育近代化的行程。时过百年,中国的教育今非昔比,然而从权力角度而言,地方行政官员对教育发展的影响依然巨大。本文剖析了督抚在清末教育改革中的角色特征,以期对当前教育的发展有所启示。  相似文献   
The 1981 reform of the Chilean pension system was revolutionary at its time. It was the first instance of a mature public Pay-As-You-Go social security system being converted into a mandatory defined contribution system managed by the private sector. This paper contends that a unique confluence of events were responsible for this change. The rise of a dictatorship in Chile, a struggling public retirement system, and a cadre of Chicago oriented economists determined to make Chile a model free market neoliberal economy. This was later followed by the Washington Consensus and the promotion of Chilean reform by the World Bank. This paper analyzes the Chilean reform and its subsequent development; evaluating it on both efficiency and equity grounds. While the evidence for efficiency gains is mixed there is little doubt that equity has suffered under the new system. Nevertheless, it continues to evolve and equity concerns are increasingly being addressed.  相似文献   
刘敏 《特区经济》2011,(7):13-15
作为全球最活跃的经济体之一,香港一直坚持低税制、低福利、高发展的路线,并根据自身情况建立了一套具有香港特色的社会救助制度。但是,20世纪90年代后,经济、社会等领域发生的重大变化导致这一制度面临诸多问题。为此,香港政府进行了一系列改革,改革汲取了当代全球先进福利理念及经验,在许多方面突破了单纯强调收入援助的传统救助模式,而转向一种新的具有社会投资倾向的积极救助模式。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍了法国养老金制度的现状;然后介绍了萨科齐政府养老金制度面临的挑战;紧接着介绍了2010年养老金改革法案的内容及历程;最后借鉴法国养老金制度改革的经验,总结出完善我国养老金制度的几点启示:避免社会保障碎片化格局;社会保障不能拖累经济发展;设计养老金制度必须考虑可持续性问题;鼓励社会各界参与养老保险改革。  相似文献   
Health reform remains the most contentious policy issue in Canada. Medicare is subject to the same political forces that demand state retrenchment in other areas, but it has escaped wholesale reorganization because of the commitment of Canadians to the principles of medicare, because the provinces and the federal government remain locked in a battle about provincial autonomy, and because the existing system serves the interests of various professional groups including organized medicine. Nevertheless, reform and, especially, expansion of coverage is essential if the existing system is to be sustained. The most encouraging aspect of current debate is the recognition that we can look beyond the U.S. for reforms more consistent with the underlying values of Canadians than is the U.S. system.  相似文献   
孙德红 《特区经济》2012,(10):125-127
2012年国家在上海等11个省市开展了交通运输业和部分现代服务业营业税改征增值税的试点工作,这一改革给港口企业一般纳税人的税负带来了影响,通过两种税负的比较分析,其因素包括税率偏高、可抵扣成本低等多个方面,应当采取扩大改革范围、给予企业过渡期补贴扶持、择机统一下调税率等措施。  相似文献   
公司制的核心是公司法人治理结构,而公司法人治理结构的核心是权力制衡。我们对国有企业进行公司制改革,不能简单地模拟公司法人治理结构,而应讲究权力制衡效果。目前国有企业的问题是:国有股权未能真正落实,经营者的聘任和解聘存在偏差,还存在着“职工一方面作为主人,但另一方面并不是企业所有者”的理论矛盾。笔者认为,应将国有股权落实在职工身上,当然职工的国有股权是一种特殊股权,政府对国有股权的决策有建议权和否决权;经营才者的选择,由职工代表国有股权行使决策权;经营者有权聘任和解聘职工;职工有权参与企业税后利润分配。  相似文献   
建国七十年来企业会计改革在社会主义建设中纵横捭阖,在改革开放中创新开拓,交织出中华民族伟大复兴棋局中的会计经纬。随着新中国七十载时代变迁和历史沉淀,企业会计改革发展持续释放出影响深远的力度、深度与温度,焕发出蓬勃的制度生命力与广泛的理论影响力。站在新的历史方位上,以马克思实践唯物主义为逻辑起点,以我国企业会计改革发展历程为研究基础,钩沉与梳理七十载企业会计改革发展演进脉络,探索与诠释七十载企业会计改革发展理论内涵,以期进一步丰富和发展中国特色企业会计理论与方法体系,推动企业会计改革发展更好地服务新时代经济社会进步。  相似文献   
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