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分析技术站的技术作业内容及各作业工序的统筹关系,在明确本班列车到达计划信息、装卸排空任务、出发列车的要求,以及各作业时间标准的情况下,根据各作业工序之间的关系及工序的可移性原理,安排区段站调车机车解体和编组作业计划,再结合轮廓的装卸计划、排空计划和出发车流需要等,确定调车机车的具体取送车时刻和内容,以完善车站调机运用计划的编制。  相似文献   
基于金属屋面在铁路客站广泛应用的背景,分析铁路客站金属屋面工程的功能需求和实施特点,以汉口站金属屋面工程为例,通过对设计技术、材料构造、安装工艺及施工过程的分析,结合建设管理实践体会,探讨在铁路客站金属屋面设计与施工中,金属屋面抗风揭性能研究、构配件质量进场验收、细部施工工艺处理及过程监控等质量安全管理要素。  相似文献   
High-speed rail has developed both nationally and internationally in Europe as a successful alternative to both air and road over distances of 400–600 km. Inter-city traffic, especially between the major metropolitan areas in North-west Europe has benefitted greatly from the investment in this network. This paper explores two issues: the impact on the intermediate areas between these major metropolitan areas and the creation of potential cross-border inter-regional services. The evidence shows how both levels of service and potential economic impacts have been much less pronounced in these intermediate areas. Such areas have been affected both by a failure to see greatly improved direct access to major cities other than within their own countries and a lack of new cross-border inter-regional services. The paper argues that the creation of the high-speed rail TEN-T has not met the primary objectives of reducing regional disparities in accessibility or reducing the effect of national borders on regional integration. To achieve this requires not just infrastructure provision but an appropriate regulatory framework for service provision and accompanying measures at the local level.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new strategic planning model for high-speed rail ventures. It is a mixed-integer optimization model that applies to a given line and focuses on two key strategic decisions: station location and fleet composition. Our purpose is to improve on previous station location models by including fleet composition decisions. In the new model, we additionally take into account in an approximate fashion the interrelationships between strategic and subsequent tactical decisions, regarding line planning, train scheduling and fleet assignment issues. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated for a case study involving a planned Lisbon-Oporto high-speed rail line.  相似文献   
铁路编组站布局的双层规划方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用双层规划对编组站布局问题进行描述,上层规划表示决策者为了达到车流组织最优而采取的最优投资策略,下层规划为给定编组站布局方案条件下的车流组织优化。通过对上层和下层问题分别剖析,构建了编组站布局的双层规划模型,考虑到模型的复杂性,提出应用遗传算法求解,并给出了求解策略。研究结果表明,双层规划方法适用于实际编组站布局问题决策。  相似文献   
This article explores the market response of deep discount corporate bonds to the reduction in the capital gains tax rate incorporated into the Revenue Act of 1978. Such tax change should have increased the desirability of assets acquired for capital gains potential, such as deep discount bonds. Examining a time series of prices and returns for a sample of deep discount corporate bonds and a control group of comparable duration and credit risk corporate bonds selling at or near par did indeed provide evidence of a market price reaction. Moreover, the price changes for the deep discount bonds occurred well in advance of the implementation of the tax change.  相似文献   
包西高速铁路作为我国八纵八横高速铁路通道中重要的纵向通道之一,建成后呼包鄂城市群和关中平原城市群将实现有效连接。鄂尔多斯市为典型的一城双核城市,包西高速铁路的引入将对地区客运布局产生较大影响,根据鄂尔多斯地区城市及铁路现状、城市总体规划及交通规划,结合地区客运量及特点,提出地区内包西高速铁路引入方案及车站设置方案,确定合理的引入及客站布点,研究地区内高速铁路客站布局,结合地区客流特点,确定高速铁路车站分工;合理确定引入地区线、站位方案将有助于完善鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽的客运铁路布局,有助于完善鄂尔多斯地区高速铁路网络,提升呼包鄂城市群的辐射效应,促进城市建设和经济发展。  相似文献   
The salespeople and their sales managers of two national firms were surveyed to examine the relationships between the salespeople's effort, performance, satisfaction, and propensity to leave their job. The 399 salespeople participating in the study were evaluated by their sales managers. Research results provide insights into the problems associated with correctly measuring performance and testing expectancy theory when salespeople are not evaluated on objective performance measures.  相似文献   
长治太行山旅游轨道大峡谷经八泉峡至川底段采用悬挂式单轨制式,其中八泉峡景区为核心景区,客流量大,与其他景区线路需进行三方向立体疏解。结合长治市旅游规划整体布局,阐述长治太行山旅游轨道车流组织、系统制式及线路规划,为达到局部疏解的目的,研究"区间四线""车站疏解""区间疏解"3个线路局部方案,以及"外包疏解""环形疏解""平行疏解"3个车站疏解方案,经综合分析,推荐局部采用车站疏解,站内采用环形疏解的交通创意。疏解方案将有效、合理地解决三方向双线的交通矛盾问题,实现乘降便捷性与交通快捷性。  相似文献   
A national firm's salespeoples' perceptions of their management control system were related to their performance and satisfaction. Salespeople who perceived job goal clarity, control over their work, and job rewards as being based upon performance were found to be relatively higher performers and better satisfied with their job.  相似文献   
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