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钱枝  鲍亮 《铜陵学院学报》2012,(4):116-117,120
文章运用文献资料等研究方法,结合社会学、文化学等有关知识,分析了瑜伽运动蕴涵于高校校园体育文化,又独立于高校校园体育文化,两者之间具有交互影响的动态关联关系,对两者的互动关系进行分析。探讨了高校是瑜伽运动与校园体育文化耦合的内部关系,社会是瑜伽运动与校园体育文化耦合的外部关系,学生是瑜伽运动与校园体育文化耦合的内化关系。  相似文献   
《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):317-322
This paper forecasts inflation in China over a 12-month horizon. The analysis runs 15 alternative models and finds that only those considering many predictors via a principal component display a better relative forecasting performance than the univariate benchmark.  相似文献   
The principal aim of this paper is to measure the efficiency of international airlines. We obtain measures of technical efficiency from stochastic frontier production functions which have been adjusted to account for environmental influences such as network conditions, geographical factors, etc. We observe that two alternative approaches to this problem have been proposed in the efficiency measurement literature. One assumes that the environmental factors influence the shape of the technology while the other assumes that they directly influence the degree of technical inefficiency. In this paper we compare the results obtained when using these two approaches. The two sets of results provide similar rankings of airlines but suggest differing degrees of technical inefficiency. Both sets of results also suggest that Asian/Oceanic airlines are technically more efficient than European and North American airlines but that the differences are essentially due to more favourable environmental conditions. Nevertheless, it is among Asian companies that the major improvements in managerial efficiency (technical efficiency with environmental factors netted out) took place over the sample period (1977–1990).  相似文献   
我国环境保护中存在着严重的路径依赖现象,且更多地表现为路径依赖Ⅱ.形成这种状况的主要原因是传统的发展模式、既得利益集团的压力和巨大的沉没成本等.要超越路径依赖,必须进行相应的技术和制度创新.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationship between perception of environmental uncertainty (PEU) and environmental scanning behavior of Chief Executive Officers of 47 manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The results indicated that perceived uncertainty in the environment was significantly higher for the task environment sectors than for the remote environment sectors; and as perceived uncertainty increased in a sector of the environment, scanning frequency and scanning interests also increased. The results were compared with those of prior research in the area of environmental scanning. The results show both the economic and political legal sectors of the environment to be more salient for Nigerian manufacturing executives than for their American counterparts.  相似文献   
作为一种在全新生产要素决定下,以自身特有的增长规律兴起的新型产业,数字创意产业发展需要新的生态环境支持。本文以PEST模型为基础,以数字创意产业生态特性为依据,构建数字创意产业生态环境的C-PEST模型,并以北京市石景山区为案例,提出了培育和完善数字创意产业生态环境的政策建议。  相似文献   
本文认为,由于物流的发展对生态环境产生了负面影响,我国发展绿色物流势在必行.文章总结了美、日、欧等发达国家绿色物流发展与实践中的成功经验,并指出对我们的借鉴意义:加强政府宏观规划,推进绿色物流立法,提高绿色物流标准,制订应急方案;调整产业结构,支持企业发展绿色物流;应用绿色物流技术与设备,培养专业人才;提倡公众参与,构建社会监督体系等.  相似文献   
吴顺香  程德兴 《时代经贸》2007,5(7Z):72-73,75
本文介绍了内部控制体系的内容,从领导、环境、业务流程、制度建设、信息系统建设、内部控制的过程、员工素质、内部控制工作成果八个角度对内部控制体系的建设谈了自己的体会。  相似文献   
企业和谐是企业文化的重要组成部分,对企业的发展具有非常重要的意义。根据企业所涉及的利益关系,企业和谐可以划分为管理层面的和谐、营销层面的和谐、外部环境层面的和谐三个层次。  相似文献   
中国自然保护地历经60余年的发展,形成了多部门主导、保护类型多样的自然保护地体系。面对机构改革和以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建立的契机,传统规划的经验积累为新规划体系的构建提供了借鉴的可能。通过回溯机构改革前各类自然保护地规划,对比分析其规划结构体系,并从人地关系视角切入,分析各类规划针对保护对象、保护利用强度,以及社会发展调控上的差异,总结各类自然保护地规划的既有经验,为新时期规划体系的重构提供支撑。  相似文献   
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