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There are principally two ways for quantifying the land value of parcels in land consolidation schemes. The first approach involves assigning an agronomic value based on soil quality and land productivity represented by a score while the second method determines the market value signified in monetary terms. In Cyprus, the market value is employed, which is defined through an empirical process based on visual inspection of all parcels and hence it constitutes a type of mass land appraisal. This process presents weaknesses regarding time, costs, transparency, accuracy, reliability, consistency and fairness. In addition, the lack of adequate sales transactions in rural areas further complicates the whole process. Consequently, these deficiencies have adverse effects in the preparation of land consolidation plans and cause arguments between landowners and the authorities carrying out each scheme. Although experts are aware of this issue, there is a lack of research investigating land valuation factors and the quality of this traditional process. Therefore, this paper discusses, explores and assesses the land valuation undertaken by the Land Valuation Committee (LVC) in a case study area in Cyprus and proposes a new framework for carrying out this process. The assessment of the current process is undertaken by employing advanced spatial analysis techniques, including multiple regression analysis (MRA) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) within a GIS. Results show that eight out of fourteen land valuation factors related to parcel location characteristics, legal factors, physical attributes and economic conditions are the most significant. In addition, although the basic regression fits are quite good, some of the assumptions required for testing the hypothesis are not met, indicating unreliability and inconsistency in the relationships modelled. Furthermore, the presence of spatial autocorrelation reveals important regional variation in these factors suggesting significant inconsistencies in the valuation policy applied by the LVC. The latter two findings confirm experts’ concerns and suggest the need for a new land valuation framework that is designed to overcome the problems of the current process. The application of this framework and the investigation of various critical relevant issues is the core of ongoing further research.  相似文献   
研究目的:对2013年国内外土地整治研究进展进行梳理,展望了2014年国内研究趋势,为土地科学进一步研究提供借鉴。研究方法:归纳分析法,文献资料综述法。研究结果:2013年土地整治研究主要集中在基础理论、政策法规、工程技术、农村土地综合整治以及新兴议题等方面,研究成果丰富。研究结论:土地整治是土地科学的重点研究领域之一,矿区和农村土地整治研究地位日益凸显,同时,增强土地整治基础理论研究、提高土地整治技术标准化水平、完善土地整治监督管理机制将成为2014年土地整治研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   
研究目的:从促进城乡土地要素优化配置、农村公共服务水平提升和农民增收三个方面,构建农村土地综合整治促进城乡统筹发展的绩效评价指标体系,对农村土地综合整治的绩效进行评价,以期更好地发挥土地整治促进城乡统筹发展的功能。研究方法:熵权灰靶模型。研究结果:(1)各项目区综合绩效存在一定差异,综合靶心度在0.446—0.758之间,从大到小可排序为:M3M1M6M5M7M4M2。(2)各单项绩效的靶心度分别在0.150—0.246、0.172—0.346和0.108—0.194之间。研究结论:城乡统筹发展背景下,要求农村土地整治促进城乡土地要素、公共服务、居民收入三方面的统筹;土地集约利用水平是影响土地综合整治促进城乡土地要素空间优化配置绩效的主要因素,农村居民点基础设施现状是影响土地综合整治促进农村公共服务水平提升绩效的主要因素,土地综合整治促进农民增收的绩效区域间差别不明显;城乡土地要素流动需通过土地整治进一步完善。  相似文献   
中国土地整治文献分析与研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究目的:分析30年来土地整治的文献特点,提出土地整治的研究热点和主要进展,为中国土地整治的理论构建和深入研究提供科学依据。研究方法:文献资料法、归纳分析法和比较分析法。研究结果:30年来,中国土地整治文章数量总体上呈现先上升后下降的趋势;土地整治的研究尺度多为行政区尺度,对自然区域尺度和多尺度的研究较为少见;土地整治新增耕地的数量与质量研究、土地整治对生态环境的影响、土地整治与新农村建设和土地整治的效益评价是当前的研究热点。研究结论:中国土地整治研究取得了显著进展,但仍存在诸多不足,以下几方面的研究仍需加强:(1)重视土地整治本质内涵及核心理论与目标的研究;(2)提高土地整治数量与质量研究的同时注重对生态潜力以及粮食产能和粮食安全的研究;(3)深化土地整治对生态环境影响的研究;(4)探索土地整治效益评价的新方法;(5)注重土地整治研究中的尺度界定和多尺度耦合研究。  相似文献   
研究目的:梳理和总结近40年来中国国土综合整治的文献研究,分析各个时期国土综合整治的阶段演进与发展变化,总结新时期国土综合整治的核心内涵。研究方法:文献资料法,对比分析法。研究结果:国土综合整治相关研究自20世纪80年代起历经起始、发展、演变和延拓4个阶段,在内涵理念上经历了重规划、重协调、重工程与重统筹4个过程,已然成为以服务国家顶层战略为导向,统筹推进现代化建设、生态文明建设、乡村振兴和城乡融合的综合平台和重要抓手。研究结论:新时期国土综合整治内涵是以提高国土利用效率和效益、保障国土资源永续利用、改善生态景观环境为主要目的,以全区域、全要素和全周期为特征,利用整理、开发、修复、治理和保护等一系列手段,通过"山水林田湖草路村城"综合整治提升人类生活和生产条件、保育生态空间,最终促进人与自然可持续统筹发展的活动。  相似文献   
为应对资源承载趋紧、生态环境约束大和粮食安全等问题,以及生态文明建设、城乡一体化战略发展需求,全域整治成为土地整治内涵功能变化新的特征,也是指导土地整治实践的重要思想和亟待深化探索的重要举措。文章从全域土地整治概念出发,运用文献整理及归纳推理的研究方法,分析了全域土地整治突出全地域空间和综合部署的重要性,详细阐述了"反规划"理念对全域土地整治的指导借鉴作用和关注重点,提出了"反规划"理念下全域整治的目标、途径和方法流程。研究指出,全域土地整治应采用逆向规划方法,通过对全域土地系统与景观生态过程的整体诊断,优先建设生态基础设施,然后确定土地整治的工程建设目标和内容,维护土地生态系统的完整性。该文所阐释的通过反规划途径来营造健康土地环境目的的全域土地整治思路,可为深化土地整治探索,推动我国土地整治向景观生态型土地整治转变提供理论参考。  相似文献   
乡村复兴视角下大都市郊野区域土地整治探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统表象性的"田、水、路、林、村"整理和乡村建设已经无法满足以"乡村复兴"为目标的乡村发展需求,通过分析乡村复兴的内涵及其对土地整治的要求,提出以景观生态整体提升为目标的创新型土地整治模式。以地处上海市郊野地区的崇明县三星镇作为研究对象,充分发挥三星镇作为近郊乡村的区位优势,通过创新型土地整治从生产、生态和生活3方面对其进行完善和提升,深入挖掘乡村价值内涵。研究结论表明:创新型土地整治模式应超越传统标准,土地整治在完善乡村基础设施的基础上,切实做到生态网络的修复以及自然环境、人文环境和景观风貌特色的整体提升,达到乡村空间格局的肌理延续、景观风貌的保护与提升、乡土文化的传承与发扬以及乡村产业的多元发展,从而重现乡村原有辉煌。  相似文献   
Finland is the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Finland's northern location presents special challenges for the profitability of agriculture. At the same time Finland has a fragmented property structure which means that each farmer cultivates a number of separate fields that are scattered into small parcels located around the village. The situation came into being because of land reforms whose purpose was to handle socio-political issues and not to improve the feasibility of farms. It is obvious that this inefficient property structure increases the cultivation costs but what is often forgotten is that it also increases the harmful emissions to the climate.The purpose of this article is to present the property structure of arable land and its development in Finland until 2020. The main objective is to estimate the monetary value for those climate impacts that the development causes. The study was set up to analyze land management tools and their capabilities to handle the future challenges. First, the study estimates how much petrol consumption increases because of the increased need for agricultural traffic due to the forecasted development of property structure. Secondly, the study estimates a monetary value for the increased emissions to the climate due to the changes in petrol consumption. To estimate the monetary value of the climate effect a substitute cost method is used.It was estimated that by year 2020 the agricultural working hours will increase by almost three million hours per year from its current level because of the expected changes in property structure. By using the information about petrol consumption and emission rate of petrol, it was calculated that the total increase in CO2-emissions will be more than 200 000 tkgCO2 per year. By using the information about the level of increase in CO2-emission and their shadow prices, it was calculated that the changes in property structure will cost 37 million euros until year 2020 and 544 million euros until year 2050. The sensitivity analysis showed that the results are strongly dependable on shadow prices of CO2-emissions, property structure's development scenarios and the expected fuel efficiency of agricultural machinery. On the other hand it also showed that the impact will be remarkable especially in the long run if the changes in property structure cannot be prevented.The study showed that there is a massive potential for land management activities. But since the current land management tools that are utilized in Finland are not efficient to handle the future problems the toolbox should be renewed. As the renewing work requires both legislative and organizational changes the progress will take time. This means that the harmful impacts that the development of property structure causes will be realized in the upcoming decades. The study concludes that the increase in CO2-emissions doesn’t concern only Finland but also other EU countries and that is why the matter should be investigated in other countries as well.  相似文献   
[目的]为探明农村居民点整治后农民入住新社区的满意程度,完善农村新型社区建设,以肥城市湖屯镇的3个农村居民点整治村为研究区,进行农民入住新社区满意度评价,以期为改进农村居民点整治工作提供参考,推进农村居民点整治工作顺利开展。[方法]综合运用问卷调查法、G1法和模糊物元分析法,构建包括12个生活指标、10个生产指标的评价指标体系,对农民入住新社区的总体满意度、不同社区的农民满意度进行综合评价与比较。[结果]农民入住农村新社区的总体满意度达到"满意",其中,陶阳社区、涧北社区为"满意",张店社区为"较满意"。农民对生活环境和基本设施方面最满意,不同社区满意度的限制因素不同,有耕作距离、居住消费等。[结论]农村居民点整治改善了农民生活环境、提高了生活质量,给农民带来实惠。但应因地制宜,合理选址,在整治同时注重配套产业发展,不断完善新社区的基础设施。  相似文献   
我国表土剥离技术启蒙与发展研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]综述表土剥离技术在我国的启蒙及发展历程,明晰表土剥离技术内涵的发展与演变,探讨表土剥离技术未来可能的研究方向,以期丰富表土剥离技术视野,促进表土剥离技术应用的发展与完善。[方法]文章采用了文献法、归纳法及比较法。从表土剥离技术、利用方向及时空配置3个方向,表土剥离内涵、技术体系、成本收益、土地整治、土壤改良、区域调配6个方面进行表土剥离相关问题的综述与探讨。[结果](1)表土剥离的内涵在发生着深刻转变;(2)表土剥离应用的技术规范不断完善;(3)针对表土剥离成本收益的探讨较片面;(4)在土壤改良中缺乏耕层厚度与作物产量的定量分析;(5)表土剥离区域调配理论还需完善。[结论]以后可能的研究重点:(1)省级区域间宏观上的剥离表土调配利用研究;(2)表土剥离适宜运输距离研究;(3)耕层增厚与耕地产能关系研究;(4)土壤改良项目成果后评价研究;(5)表土剥离项目成本收益及生态社会价值研究。  相似文献   
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