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文章基于黄土丘陵区油田开发典型流域社会经济调查,探讨了石油开发对当地农村社会经济的影响.结果表明,油田开发期间对当地农民经济收益有显著改善作用,在三年内,油区农村与油田有关人均年收入达3689元,是传统收入的1.6倍.油田正常生产后油区农村仍以传统收入为主.油田开发后油区非农业人口和工副业收入均增加较快.油区农民消费结构明显改善,油区5个村恩格尔系数均值由开发前的0.67下降到0.54,农村消费已从数量扩张型的满足温饱阶段向注重生存质量的小康阶段发展.在采油区,油田伴生天然气解决了周围农民燃料短缺问题,每年可节约煤炭643吨,节省薪柴505吨,每户年均节约燃料支出约800余元,提高了农民的生活质量,对所在区域生态环境的保护起到了一定的作用. 相似文献
石油是不可再生的重要能源资源,在经济和社会发展中具有不可替代的重要作用。随着我国经济的快速发展和世界油价的不断攀升,石油供需矛盾日益突出,石油安全面临着严峻挑战。在陆地油气资源日渐枯竭的背景下,开发海洋油气资源已成为人类的必然选择。在我国四大海区中南海不仅海域面积辽阔,而且油气资源蕴藏丰富,开发潜力巨大,开发南海资源,对保障我国能源安全和维护国家海洋权利具有重要的战略意义。加快南海开发步伐,不仅需要国家从战略层面制定中长期规划、加大开发力度,而且要提高自主创新能力,在深海勘探、生产和运输等关键技术领域实现突破;还要妥善处理好与周边国家的关系,在致力于最终解决南海争议的同时,探讨共同开发的有效机制。 相似文献
Sajal Ghosh 《Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies》2014,7(1):122-139
The study investigates the dynamic impact of linear and non-linear specifications of oil price shocks on macroeconomic fundamentals for an oil-importing emerging economy – India – during the period March 1991 to January 2009. The paper deploys extended vector autoregressive (VAR) model of possibly integrated processes proposed by Toda and Yamamoto, which has its advantage of application irrespective of the variables being stationary or cointegrated. The study further estimates two-state Markov regime-switch VAR model to examine regime shift behaviour of the underlying variables and its relationship. The study finds that inflation and foreign exchange reserve are greatly impacted by oil price shocks. The study also confirms that the movement in oil price is exogenous with respect to the movement of India’s macroeconomic variables and the impact of oil price shocks are asymmetric in nature with negative price shocks having more pronounced effect than positive shocks. 相似文献
ABSTRACT A panel smooth transition regression model was adopted to analyse the non-linear impact of oil prices on oil demand. Data for 42 countries was obtained from the International Energy Agency for the time period spanning from January 1990 to June 2017. The results indicate that a threshold value does exist. Furthermore, when the oil price was lower than this threshold value, a positive relationship between oil price and oil demand was observed. When the price of oil was higher than the threshold value, however, a negative relationship between price and demand was found. 相似文献
中国农产品进出口与农业产业安全预警分析 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
农业产业安全是指农业的生存与发展不受到外来势力根本威胁的状态.本文采用农业产业安全评价指标体系与预警界限对农业产业安全进行预警分析,在预测中国农产品进出口额及粮食供需状况的基础上,对本世纪初中国农业产业安全度的情况进行了估算. 相似文献
ZHOU Yi-hong 《中国经济评论(英文版)》2008,7(1):27-31
In this article, the author will analyze the phenomena of soaring oil price today, how it happened, and find the reasons for the creation of OPEC, how it conducted its affairs in the market, and the economic factors that influenced Dr. Yamani in managing the organization effectively for a fairly long period of time to attain by the goals set out by him. I will apply the economic theories of market models, substitutability of products, the concept of price leadership etc. to explain the situation in the oil market and OPEC's function, which also illustrates current market behavior in the business world. 相似文献
专利产品平行进口问题的法律实质在于物权和专利权谁优先保护的问题。从竞争法角度来探索权利用尽原则和地域性原则的理论冲突将为我国专利产品平行进口的相关立法提供有益的思路。 相似文献
This study examines the impact of the abatement of the export duty on the Malaysian palm oil industry performance. The simulation results show that the impact of reductions in the export duty rates and the impact of increases in the threshold prices on the Malaysian palm oil industry have the same impact but with different magnitudes. Even the simulated results indicate that the policy of further reductions in the Malaysian export duty will promote its positive effects on the local palm oil industry; however, the impact is shown to not be significant. The further reduction of the export tax is very constrained and believed to no longer be the most effective policy in enhancing the competitiveness of local palm oil industry in the future. Hence, policymakers have to be aware of the possibility that the reduction of the export tax may no longer be an effective sustainable approach in facilitating the development of Malaysian palm oil industry. 相似文献
Gabriella Phiri Peter Mumba Agnes Mangwera 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2006,30(6):527-532
A survey was conducted in Lilongwe city urban markets in Malawi, to assess the quality of cooking oil used for frying potato chips. Purposive sampling was performed to come up with respondents who were using vegetable oils. A stratified random sampling was used to select the 32 informal food processors who were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Oil samples were collected from the most commonly used brand of oil. Fifteen respondents were selected and these were divided into three categories of five: those who were not reusing the oil, those who were reusing the oil and those who were preparing potato chips and chicken in the same oil, for chemical analysis. The preliminary results showed that while the majority (59.4%) of the informal food processors discarded the oil after 1 day, 3.1% discarded it after 4 days and another 12.5% after 3 days. A larger proportion of the respondents (40.6%) used the leftover oils at home, 37.5% kept it in oil bottles, 3.1% kept it in plastic papers for reuse the following day. Also, most respondents (57%) indicated dark colour as the sign of oil deterioration, 29% discarded the oil after noticing foam formation while 8.2% and 6.1% said they discarded the oil after noticing a bad smell and food absorbing the oils respectively. A physical observation of the various oils showed that for most of the respondents (34%), the oils were dark brown in colour, in 22%, the oils were slightly dark brown and 16%, the oils were brown. Foam formation was noticed in 13% of the respondents. It was also noted that 91% of the respondents had not been trained or briefed of food quality and safety issues. A chemical analysis of the oils showed high values of free fatty acids (range, 0.84–1.4112 compared with 0.42 in the fresh oil) and peroxide values (range 14.7–16.6 compared with 9.0 in the fresh oil). It may be concluded that the oils being used by the informal food processors in Malawi are of poor quality and so the foods cooked in them may be a health hazard to the consumers and the processors themselves. Although this work in ongoing, it may be recommended at the outset that the health department of the city assemblies should inspect these oils for the good health of the consumers. 相似文献