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This paper deals with the controversial measure of indirect land use changes of the European biodiesel policy. Two studies sponsored by the European Commission find significant, but contrasted, land use impacts for the different vegetable oils used for biodiesel production. The first study uses an aggregate computable general equilibrium model capturing direct, indirect and induced effects. The second more recent study uses a biotechnical partial equilibrium model providing a detailed representation of the indirect effects occurring through the livestock sectors. We develop an original economic emulator to understand the diverging key results of these studies and test their sensitivity. We find that the direct and indirect effects on vegetable oil and land markets explain most of the differences. We also find that indirect effects on the feed markets and the induced effects have less influence on the biodiesel results. We finally argue that the development of emulators as done here can help to understand complex policy assessments.  相似文献   
The production of habutae, a simple silk fabric, expanded rapidly between 1890 and 1918 in Japan's Fukui Prefecture, with large exports to Europe and the United States. The production of habutae, initially woven by hand, was labour intensive, but it gradually became capital-intensive after the introduction of power looms. Production and export of this fabric declined precipitously from 1918. In this paper, we attribute the rise and then fall of Japan's production and export of habutae to its changing comparative advantage, which is associated with shifts from labour-using to capital-using production technology initiated in the United States.  相似文献   
近些年,如何控制并减少碳排放量已成为中国环境经济政策的重要研讨主题。从2003年提出的福建发展战略新定位——构建海峡西岸经济区以来,福建省在经济发展迅速的同时也带来了能源消费量的不断攀升,由此产生了许多环境问题。为长远发展考虑,要解决高投资、高耗能、高污染排放的粗放型经济发展问题,福建省必须坚持走可持续发展道路。就福建省1997-2017年的碳排放量和金融对碳减排的驱动影响进行实证分析,并对如何减少碳排放提出建议。  相似文献   
刘彦  郑晓敏  田富俊 《科技和产业》2020,20(11):107-112
在实施创新驱动发展战略过程中,R&D是关键要素。基于闽三角2009-2018年的面板数据,利用灰色关联法分析其第一、二、三产业结构优化与R&D强度的相关性。研究发现,闽三角区域产业结构优化与R&D强度相互依存,其中第二产业与R&D强度之间的关联度最大,第一产业与R&D强度之间的关联度最小。基于此,需要根据产业结构来进行R&D强度的增减,以促进第一、二、三产业协同发展与产业结构优化升级。  相似文献   
旅游业双碳目标的达成已成为实现旅游业高质量发展的关键指标之一。本文以全国生态文明示范区江西省为研究对象,在测算旅游业碳排放与碳汇的基础上,利用STIRPAT模型和GM灰色预测模型,结合不同情景对旅游业碳达峰与碳中和展开预测。结果表明:(1)2000—2019年江西省旅游业碳排放、碳汇均呈现出增长态势,碳排放由前期平缓增长转为后期快速增长,碳汇则为持续平缓增长,20年间两者的年均变化率分别为21.09%和9.11%。(2)旅游业碳排放强度将对江西省旅游业碳达峰的实现产生重要影响,在基准情景、中等情景和低碳情景中,江西省实现旅游业碳达峰的时间差异较大,分别约为2035年、2030年和2025年。(3)预测江西省未来旅游业碳汇将呈现稳定增长趋势,在采取低碳情景的相关政策下,江西省旅游业能够在2060年之前实现碳中和。建议江西省旅游业从确保旅游碳减排和推进旅游生态化两方面采取措施,以顺利实现双碳目标。  相似文献   
北京冬奥会是中国提出双碳目标后的首个大型国际体育赛事,绿色办奥是北京冬奥会的举办理念之一。本文采用文献资料法和案例分析法,以北京冬奥会中碳减排技术与碳中和措施为研究导向,挖掘北京冬奥会绿色低碳技术的应用情况与经验,以及对低碳旅游发展的启示。研究表明:(1)北京冬奥会以双碳目标、可持续性理念与两山理论为指引,将碳减排技术与碳中和措施贯彻到赛前、赛时、赛后利用的全过程,为绿色低碳技术的转化与应用提供参考,并取得良好的社会效益、生态效益与经济效益。(2)北京冬奥会绿色低碳技术的应用对低碳旅游的可持续发展具有借鉴意义,本文从科学选址旅游项目、制定低碳旅游标准、高效利用现有设施、构建低碳能源体系、建立低碳交通体系、打造低碳产品体系、构建碳中和机制、鼓励游客绿色消费八个维度探讨低碳旅游发展的现实路径。  相似文献   
科学界定旅游业碳排放统计边界既是低碳旅游研究的难点,也是制定旅游业碳减排政策与措施的关键。已有研究在统计指标选取上多以借鉴和优化为主,计算结果难以相互佐证。文章基于经济学和法学相关领域溯源,逐一评价了现行统计指标,研究发现:(1)影响旅游业碳排放统计边界的主要因素是研究视角不同、统计口径混用,导致研究结果之间横向不可比,纵向不可加;(2)狭义和广义统计边界的主要区别是后者在污染者付费的基础上兼顾受益者负担原则;(3)基于属地责任原则,外部交通不属于旅游目的地碳源,而应计入广义的统计边界。研究指出:旅游业碳减排措施应明晰责任边界和外部性,兼顾经济收益和环境代价;在边界相对统一的前提下,不同研究对象的碳强度不同,旅游业是否为绿色产业应视具体情况而定。  相似文献   
This study investigates the factors that influence the extent to which foreign research and development affiliates source knowledge from their parent firms, by developing theoretical hypotheses that predict patterns of foreign affiliates' knowledge sourcing according to their technological capabilities at multiple levels (firm, industry, and country). We use cross‐border mergers and acquisitions and patent citation data from Fortune Global 500 firms to test our theoretical arguments. The findings suggest that a parent firm's foreign affiliate ownership, industry‐level R&D intensity, and home–host country differences in technological capabilities increase foreign affiliates' knowledge sourcing from their parent firms.  相似文献   
以广东的碳交易市场和电力市场为主要研究对象,考虑到电力市场是产生碳排的因素市场之一,而碳排价格也会对电力成本产生影响,因此利用多种动态模型得出碳交易市场与电力市场两者之间确实有交错影响关系。最后还从发展角度对改善碳排、实现技术改革、发展地方经济提出了建议。  相似文献   
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a flexible carbon market mechanism managed by the United Nations. The program grants tradable carbon emissions credits (Certified Emission Reductions) for carbon‐reducing projects in developing countries. A project can only be admitted to the program if it is not financially profitable, and thus would not take place without the emission credits granted through the CDM. In this paper, we examine how monitoring reduces incentives of companies to bias the reported expected financial viability of potential CDM projects to gain admission to the program. We find that reported rates of return, which are a key factor for admission to the program, tend to be downwardly biased and are negatively associated with the expected benefits stemming from forecasted greenhouse gas reductions. However, monitoring from various sources mitigates some of the distorted incentives and related reporting bias. Furthermore, the monitoring effect becomes much stronger after 2008, when the CDM Executive Board implemented a series of measures to strengthen the additionality testing that provides guidance for program applications.  相似文献   
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