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Contracts are an essential institution in capitalist economies. Contract law provides a long and interesting constitutional history. At the same time, mortgage foreclosure moratoria is shown to be an occasional and repeated phenomenon. This paper explores the legal and economic aspects of this issue via a survey of the schools of thought on contracts. The paper also speculates about the nature of mortgage contracts and the economics of moratoria statutes.  相似文献   
胡威 《浙江金融》2012,(1):62-66,72
资产证券化是20世纪最重大的金融创新成果之一,过去几十年间它获得了广泛应用和巨大成功,在次贷危机中却遭受重大挫折并给世界经济造成严重的负面冲击。本文通过理清资产证券化从资产的真实销售到经过各种技术处理变成能够在资本市场上具有投资特征的证券的过程,分析资产证券化给交易各方带来的收益和影响,将其促进效率的一面和增加风险的一面进行比较,寻求一种能够改进其现有运行机制效率的帕累托改进。  相似文献   
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics -  相似文献   
中国资产证券化的突破口选择--不良资产证券化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王永 《经济与管理》2005,19(1):66-68,86
资产证券化作为国际金融领域的创新工具介绍到中国已有十多年的时间,理论上的争论很多,实践上却只是零星 的、个案的,且以跨国资产及实体资产证券化为多。在《巴塞尔新资本协议》要求商业银行最低资本金配置对其资产风险程度 反映更加敏感的背景下,也许不良资产证券化能为中国将来大规模开展资产证券化走出一条新路。  相似文献   
We analyze a model of mortgage markets, housing tenure choice, heterogeneous agents, and default with closed form solutions. We uncover new insights which may inspire empirical work, and we ground already established insights in a series of tractable expressions. Then we study optimal loan‐to‐value (LTV) regulation and show that the choice of an LTV cap should balance the opposing forces of access to homeownership and the negative externalities associated with default. Homeownership affordability concerns induce procyclical elements into optimal regulation which attenuate the countercyclical regulation justified by the negative default externalities.  相似文献   
施若 《企业经济》2012,(2):151-154
知识产权正不断成为资本市场上一项重要的资源。知识产权证券化作为一种新型的金融创新工具,对优化资源配置、提高金融市场效率、解决创新型中小企业融资难问题以及拓展投资渠道都起到重要的作用。为了对知识产权证券化进行合理定价,本文力求从新的视角引入跳扩散模型,将鞅论、随机微分方程理论应用到知识产权证券化的定价问题中,综合考虑违约风险与市场风险对知识产权证券化价格的影响,建立知识产权证券化定价模型,并用Monte Carlo方法对模型进行数值模拟。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to fill a gap in the real estate finance literature by linking the well-known history of the Anglo–American mortgage recorded by legal scholars with the recent literature on security design and incomplete contracting in order to explain and evaluate several unique features of the mortgage. In particular, we investigate how a conditional transfer of ownership to a lender and the institution called the equity of redemption affect mortgage renegotiation and therefore the value of mortgaged real estate. Given the governance of the common law mortgage, we show that a mortgagor may not be able to renegotiate his mortgage debt in order delay repayment when faced with a re-investment opportunity during the life of the mortgage. The failure to optimally renegotiate the mortgage does not necessarily result in foreclosure but may result in underinvestment. Therefore, an additional period of time between default and foreclosure, known as a period of equitable redemption, may allow the mortgagor to accrue sufficient cash flow to not only avoid foreclosure but to mitigate underinvestment in non-default states. Since this extra period of time may not be achievable ex post due to a hold-up problem, its inclusion ex ante may be welfare improving.  相似文献   
A framework for comparing real estate valuation systems (including automated valuation models (AVMs) and current appraisal methods) is proposed. The density estimation and profit simulation (DEPS) method measures quality of a valuation system by simulating benefits to the mortgage lender who uses this method in mortgage underwriting to limit mortgage portfolio losses due to default. Related simple measures relevant to the selection of a valuation system are also discussed: skewness of the distribution of errors, correlation of valuation errors with current selling price errors, correlation of errors of the valuation system with errors of valuation systems used by competing mortgage lenders, and other measures.  相似文献   
在次贷危机的沉重压力下,美国金融监管体制改革已是大势所趋,美国金融监管体系一向具有“危机导向”的历史特征,总是因应各类金融市场动荡或危机而作出相应的调整。《现代化金融监管架构蓝皮书》正是次贷危机驱动的产物。蓝图在梳理现行金融监管体系的基础上,提出了目标监管原则,并且给出短期、中期和长期的金融监管改革框架,统一监管目标、监管框架和监管标准,以提高金融监管的有效性。但该蓝皮书仅仅论述了如何改进监管体系的结构框架,仍未触及监管法规层面,还无法成为一个完整的体系,仅表明了监管改革的方向,其具体的实施效果还有待于在实践中检验和完善。  相似文献   
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