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在可视化管理的基础上,对项目群风险管理进行可视化设计,建立三维项目群风险管理模型;使项目风险管理复杂过程清晰化,为项目群风险管理提供新的理论视角,提高项目群管理绩效。  相似文献   
构建了同时考虑财务因素和非财务因素的企业公允价值评估模型。首先,利用层次分析法计算财务因素和非财务因素对企业价值的影响系数;然后,在传统自由现金流量模型的基础上,使用此调整系数,构建企业公允价值评估模型;最后还选取汽车制造上市企业进行实证研究,证明了该模型的适用性。  相似文献   
基于Miller-Orr模型的省级政府现金管理实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代国库制度的两项重要功能是,确保对预算执行过程的有效监控和对政府现金资源的妥善管理,而高效的现金管理系统对监控预算执行起着重要的支持性作用.在政府现金管理已逐渐为政府和理论界所关注的背景下,本文从政府现金管理的基本理论、本质及意义入手,以实际调研数据为基础,通过将西部某省2003-2005年的实际数据运用到修正的Miller-Orr模型中,较准确的测算出了2006年该省国库现金月余额的控制范围,为建立省级政府现金管理模式提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   
以长江三角洲地区无锡市东亭镇、安镇镇和羊尖镇为例,通过应用德尔菲法和主成分分析法选择农地利用变化影响因素的基础上,构建了区域农业土地利用变化的驱动模型,并据此着重分析了区域农地数量变化与区域经济发展、城市化水平、农业集约化、城市(上海市)辐射力以及耕地保护政策变化之间的相互关系。研究结果表明,区域农业土地利用变化是上述因素综合作用的结果,并且在不同的乡镇,农地数量变化的驱动因素是有所差异的,而且区域社会经济发展的不同时期,各驱动因素的重要程度也是动态变化的。最后,作者就经济快速发展地区农业土地可持续利用管理提出若干政策建议,合理保护农地尤其是耕地资源;重视耕地质量占补平衡;依据农业产业发展态势,积极调整农地利用结构;推进非农产业升级,合理控制非农用地规模;进一步完善土地利用的经济约束机制和土地利用决策体系;加强区域合作,避免产业结构的趋同导致的土地利用结构的趋同;促进产业科技进步,提高土地利用占用效率。  相似文献   
We report on an experiment comparing compulsory and voluntary voting institutions in a voting game with common preferences. Rational choice theory predicts sharp differences in voter behavior between these two institutions. If voting is compulsory, then voters may find it rational to vote insincerely, i.e., against their private information. If voting is voluntary so that abstention is allowed, then sincere voting in accordance with a voter's private information is always rational while participation may become strategic. We find strong support for these theoretical predictions in our experimental data. Moreover, voters adapt their decisions to the voting institution in place in such a way as to make the group decision accuracy differences between the two voting institutions negligible. The latter finding may serve to rationalize the co-existence of compulsory and voluntary voting institutions in nature.  相似文献   
We propose an empirical commodity market model with heterogeneous speculators. While the power of trend-extrapolating chartists is constant over time, the symmetric impact of stabilizing fundamentalists adjusts endogenously according to market circumstances: Using monthly data for various commodities such as cotton, sugar or zinc, our STAR–GARCH model indicates that their influence positively depends on the distance between the commodity price and its long-run equilibrium value. Fundamentalists seem to become more and more convinced that mean reversion will set in as the mispricing enlarges. Commodity price cycles may thus emerge due to the nonlinear interplay between different trader types. The paper represents the authors’ personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Deutsche Bundesbank.  相似文献   
We consider a model of optimal law enforcement where sanctions can be reduced for self-reporting individuals. We distinguish between a first self-reporting stage before the case is investigated and a second one where the criminal is detected, but not yet convicted. Since we assume that violators have private information in both stages, fine reductions for self-reporting individuals lead ceteris paribus to a higher violation frequency. Nevertheless, we show that fine reductions should be granted in both stages. We characterize the connection between the two fine reductions in the optimal policy and relate our results to self-reporting schemes observed in reality.  相似文献   
《Economic Systems》2015,39(4):553-576
This work develops an early warning framework for assessing systemic risks and predicting systemic events over a short horizon of six quarters and a long horizon of 12 quarters on a panel of 14 countries, both advanced and developing. First, we build a financial stress index to identify the starting dates of systemic financial crises for each country in the panel. Second, early warning indicators for the assessment and prediction of systemic risk are selected in a two-step approach; we find relevant prediction horizons for each indicator by a univariate logit model followed by the application of Bayesian model averaging to identify the most useful indicators. Finally, we observe the performance of the constructed EWS over both horizons on the Czech data and find that the model over the long horizon outperforms the EWS over the short horizon. For both horizons, out-of-sample probability estimates do not deviate substantially from their in-sample estimates, indicating a good out-of-sample performance for the Czech Republic.  相似文献   
In the higher educational setting, students provide a relevant contribution to the quality of educational services. In such a context, the measurement of the perceived quality and related satisfaction for the university experience are of primary interest to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of the learning processes. In this contribution, we aim at assessing the overall quality of the graduates’ university experience in terms of internal and external efficacy by applying the ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) methodology, based on structural equation models and primarily developed in the context of customer satisfaction. For this aim, we propose a modified ECSI model tailored for the higher educational setting, explicitly taking into account the differences among groups of degree program. The study is carried out on data collected by the AlmaLaurea surveys at the University of Florence (Italy) in the period 2014–2017 and concerns a sample of more than 2,000 graduates. We find out eight latent variables that contribute to define the overall quality of university experience. These variables are differently affected by the type of degree program, with the highest levels of external efficacy observed for degree programs belonging to the educational, health, and engineering groups. It also turns out that interventions on the internal efficacy (i.e., quality of hardware and quality of humanware) have a direct positive effect on the university (i.e., loyalty) and an indirect positive effect on the society (i.e., external efficacy).  相似文献   
程晓  朱艳芳 《物流科技》2011,34(11):1-4
航天型号研制是国防建设的重点任务之一,是多学科、多专业综合的系统工程,整个过程可谓风险重重,因此对其风险控制就显得至关重要,作者在以往对型号研制风险管理过程和控制措施的研究成果的基础上,进一步深入研究了航天型号研制风险控制的具体措施,并对其在实践中的应用提供了相应建议。  相似文献   
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