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随着改革开放的不断发展,我国教育价值多元化的趋势越来越明显,尤其是当教育价值走向多元后,建立在价值确定基础上的高等教育评价活动难以走出理论的困境。基于此,本文以河南省高等教育评价范式为研究对象,运用价值协商理论进行深入分析,并给出相关的建议对策。  相似文献   
The paper analyzes the role of agency driven takeover activity. The analysis shows that takeovers can play an important role in reducing agency costs even though the gains from the corporate restructuring that follows the takeovers are zero, which counters existing models of agency driven takeover activity. The model can therefore form the basis for deriving empirical predictions which discriminate between the agency paradigm and the corporate restructuring paradigm of takeover activity. Negative post-merger performance (Agrawal et al., 1992), which is inconsistent with corporate restructuring is consistent with this model, and that takeover targets' investment levels are below or at the average (Servaes 1994), which is inconsistent with the free cash flow theory is also consistent with this model.  相似文献   
In empirical research on direct investments, Dunning's eclectic paradigm is widely accepted. While this paradigm serves as a theoretical basis for selecting possible explanatory variables, econometric specification usually is ad hoc. This paper shows the implications of the eclectic paradigm for the econometric estimation of investment determinants using firm-level data. The assumptions on the eclectic paradigm lead to a multiplicative model, which calls for a particular estimation strategy. In this way, the empirical analysis is coherently linked to the theoretical base. Furthermore, it becomes possible to systematically test the assumptions of the eclectic paradigm.  相似文献   
Statistical offices are responsible for publishing accurate statistical information about many different aspects of society. This task is complicated considerably by the fact that data collected by statistical offices generally contain errors. These errors have to be corrected before reliable statistical information can be published. This correction process is referred to as statistical data editing. Traditionally, data editing was mainly an interactive activity with the aim to correct all data in every detail. For that reason the data editing process was both expensive and time-consuming. To improve the efficiency of the editing process it can be partly automated. One often divides the statistical data editing process into the error localisation step and the imputation step. In this article we restrict ourselves to discussing the former step, and provide an assessment, based on personal experience, of several selected algorithms for automatically solving the error localisation problem for numerical (continuous) data. Our article can be seen as an extension of the overview article by Liepins, Garfinkel & Kunnathur (1982). All algorithms we discuss are based on the (generalised) Fellegi–Holt paradigm that says that the data of a record should be made to satisfy all edits by changing the fewest possible (weighted) number of fields. The error localisation problem may have several optimal solutions for a record. In contrast to what is common in the literature, most of the algorithms we describe aim to find all optimal solutions rather than just one. As numerical data mostly occur in business surveys, the described algorithms are mainly suitable for business surveys and less so for social surveys. For four algorithms we compare the computing times on six realistic data sets as well as their complexity.  相似文献   
作为一门新兴学科,产业生态学与传统环境保护理论的关系还比较混淆,尤其是二者的逻辑关系。本文从自然与人的关系入手,在多个方面和角度分析了产业生态学与传统环保理论的区别。产业生态学阐明的价值流的闭路循环性纠正了传统的价值单向流动观点,为向消费者提供产品转向服务给出了理论支持;它在环境评估和管理上的全过程、全功能和全方位观点突破了传统静止、单因素和局部的观点;它未来的、多尺度的时空观超越了传统过去的、小尺度的时空观;它认识到环境问题的文化和经济根源,抓住了环境问题产生的本质。因此,本文认为产业生态学不是传统环境保护的一个选项,而是对传统环境保护和产业发展关系的全新改造,是环境科学与产业发展领域新的“范式”。  相似文献   
秉承“哲学为基础、科学理论为依据、技术为手 段”的评价等级体系,在自然内在价值与外在价值共存的生态 价值认知范式下,以生态学理论为依据构建以内、外绩效为主 体的城市生态空间绩效评价体系和内、外绩效协调度模型,以 及绩效发展强度模型,并在GIS技术支撑下实现量化结果的空 间化表达。实例证明可得到城市生态空间绩效与协调性的数量 结构特征与时空变化特点,可识别高效的生态空间格局、定位 低效空间,能从数量分布与空间分布方面更全面地了解城市生 态空间的质量,协助判断城市发展的趋势。以期为城市评价工 作提供新的视角,为城市生态空间质量的监督、监测提供一种 可更新、可视化的时空量化方法。  相似文献   
本文是将转轨置于经济史背景中的一种尝试性研究.其基本观点是:从经济史的规律来看,转轨国家与近代落后国家的一个共同特征是在发展过程中缺失了某个重要阶段.这种缺失正是落后与变革的根源.为了进行求证,本文将转轨国家界定为[非历史-人为形态]的制度形态,试图将其还原到经济史的时空背景中,与发达国家[历史-自然形态]的制度形态演进过程进行比较研究,从中发掘转轨可以贡献于经济学的一般意义.  相似文献   
由于马克思主义经济学和现代西方经济学研究范式极为不同,导致了中国在很长时期内基于这两种视域对资本问题研究的巨大反差。基于两种视域对资本问题的融通性研究,目的不在于将马克思主义经济学"新古典化",也不在于将现代西方经济学"马克思主义化",而在于从中国特色社会主义的资本问题的实践出发,如何运用现有理论更好地揭示中国特色社会主义特殊背景下资本问题的规律性及发展趋势。当今中国,如果学术界将两种视域下对资本问题的研究完全隔裂,是不能反映中国资本实践问题的真实情况。在两种研究范式不发生质的变革的情形下,对研究的具体方法和思路进行创新融通,将是非常有意义的事情。  相似文献   
营销理论发展历程中的转变及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着环境的变迁和理论研究的深入,营销理论在百年的发展历程中主要在三个方面发生了较大的转变。正是这些转变赋予了营销学更大的发展和延伸的空间,从而使得理论日益丰富,并且对营销实践具有更强的指导意义。  相似文献   
旅游作为一种视觉体验活动,探究旅游者的注视兴趣、视觉轨迹及其影响对发现旅游者视线特点、改进视觉对象的呈现方式具有重要意义。受限于传统自我报告研究方法所存在的主观偏差,如何更加客观科学地揭示旅游者视觉规律成为旅游学界亟待解决的研究课题。近年来,眼动追踪技术不断成熟,使得通过眼动探究内心成为可能,并逐渐引起旅游学者的重视。基于此,本文首先介绍了眼动原理和眼动追踪技术的发展脉络,然后总结和分析了心理学与管理学等领域的眼动研究进展,并对旅游领域的眼动研究现状进行了系统的文献述评,最后探讨了未来的研究展望。研究发现,近年来国内外旅游学界对眼动研究的关注开始升温,成果数量呈现上升趋势。目前该领域的研究热点主要集中在旅游营销、旅游地图与旅游地空间感知以及旅游资源评价等方面。本文基于对旅游眼动研究框架的梳理,建议未来可以从挖掘眼动心理机制、关注视觉材料加工模式、探索眼动指标、提升眼动研究外部效度以及规范眼动研究流程等方面作进一步探索。  相似文献   
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